Yadllie Plate 야들리애플래이트 (CTMA Centre)

Restaurant: Yadllie Plate 야들리애플래이트 (CTMA Centre)
Offer: Dine and earn miles at this Cathay partner restaurant !
Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Members can earn HKD4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants and presenting a membership QR code.
  • Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn HKD4 = 1 mile when dining at our partner restaurants, plus HKD4 = 1 dining rewards when you pay with your card for a total of HKD4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 7 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
3-min walk from Exit A2, Yau Ma Tei MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
It is famous for its fried chicken, which is imported from Korea directly. And the sauce is made from the Jeju vegetables and twenty types of natural ingredients. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:30 - 22:00
Mon - Thu
12:30 - 22:00
Fri - Sat
12:30 - 23:00
12:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday
12:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:30 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay Apple Pay WeChat Pay OpenRice Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
S.W.A.G - 「韓雞」空運到港
Soy Sauce - Yadllie 手工炸雞的精髓在於採用韓國濟州島栽培的各種新鮮蔬菜和 20 多種天然材料混合而成的秘製醬料。
我們將韓國新鮮雞肉放入秘製醬料以Yadllie 獨有的專利腌製技術,發酵 72 小時以上。
秘製醬料加上我們在韓國傳統浸泡腌製法上加以改良的獨有技術,就是Yadllie 炸雞的獨特味道和鮮嫩口感的秘訣。

Without Dress - 由於粉漿會吸收大量油份,為打造健康炸雞。每份Yadllie 炸雞均是用人手在腌製好的雞肉上,一件一件撲上薄薄一層的秘製乾粉。我們有信心Yadllie 炸雞的美味是在於雞肉上,這不是一般以調味粉混和而成的粉漿炸雞可以比擬。

A Pressure Fryer - 所有Yadllie 炸雞,均使用壓力油炸鍋,以雙重高壓油炸技術處理。首次油炸過程是使用封閉式壓力油炸方法將雞件油炸至七成熟,鎖住用汁。第二次則以開放式油炸鍋再炸至全熟,用以排走多餘油份,以及令Yadllie炸雞更加外脆內嫩。過程中,壓力、時間及濕度都要拿捏得十分準確。

Great Taste - 用 Yadllie 獨有的專利配方和技術加上韓國空運到港的「韓雞」所炸成的Yadllie炸雞。再配搭上全韓國進口,我們精心調製各式的Yadllie調味醬料。不單食材安全,風味獨特,口感鮮嫩,而且令人一試難忘!


Yadllie Chicken 至2008年創立至今,無論是炸雞,還是其他出品,在韓國乃至世界各地都受廣大顧客的支持和愛戴。 為了報答親愛的顧客,從創立初期至今,我們從不吝嗇投入大量資源於食品安全和菜式研發上。
全因為我們對高品質食品的要求。公司除了獲頒發ISO9001(品質管理系統認證),ISO14001(環境管理系統認證)和HACCP(食品安全管理認證)之外。在出品上,我們研究人員成功地研發了特製腌漬浸水法,壓力油炸法和炸油實時酸值測定法等特有技術的專利 。

Yadllie 於2016年來到香港發展,我們每份有骨炸雞,都是原隻從韓國進口,在韓國土生土長的「走地雞」。希望親愛的香港顧客可以感受到我們的誠意,繼續支持和愛戴Yadllie。

About Reward Scheme
Restaurant: Yadllie Plate 야들리애플래이트 (CTMA Centre)
Offer: Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Members can earn HKD4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants and presenting a membership QR code.
  • Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn HKD4 = 1 mile when dining at our partner restaurants, plus HKD4 = 1 dining rewards when you pay with your card for a total of HKD4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 7 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
Review (1905)
Level4 2024-05-08
無時間返娘家,係香港都可以「望梅止渴」,食到原汁原味嘅韓國美食,主打手工炸雞嘅Yadllie Plate有幾家分店,就算平日晚市都人坐無虛,回味韓國滋味,點可以唔推薦一下! 黃金蒜香無骨雞 $128Yadllie Plate嘅手工炸雞,採用韓國空運到港的走地雞醃製,無骨雞啖啖肉,蒜香惹味,皮脆肉嫩,入口充滿肉汁,最讚係外皮沒有厚重漿粉, 即是油炸也沒有膩滯口感。鮮蝦沙律 $118習慣健康飲食,要平衡番食炸雞嘅邪惡心理,沙律是頭盆必然之選,粒粒大蝦配合酸甜醬汁,清新開胃!白切五花腩$288五花腩係韓國聚餐當然首選,肥瘦相間的肉質,晶瑩剔透,在鍋上熱蒸的五花腩,目的是要去除油膩,保持口感軟滑,聞到肉香四溢的五花腩,以生菜醬料包裹入口,別有一番滋味。八爪魚煎餅 $128 韓食太多香口美食,個人很喜歡這道八爪魚煎餅,薄薄煎餅與八爪魚份量比例恰到好處,金黃色的煎餅,外圍香脆,中間酥軟,大愛! 水冷麵 $88水冷麵的湯頭是這道菜式的重點,一般以蒜末、生薑、糖、檸檬汁等烹調,令到湯頭酸酸甜甜,湯頭雪凍和打冰,鋪上冷面,冰震上碗,混合芥末來吃,更添一番韓國風味!香蕉沙冰 $68蜜瓜沙冰 $68韓國人鍾愛凍飲,就算冬天也喝冰水,點了水果沙冰,為整頓豐富晚餐加上一點甜。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
初頭諗住呢個份量唔夠食,或者唔會太飽,點知最後三個人都食唔晒😂😂嚟呢度最初係俾佢嘅冰沙吸引🤭🫶🏻見到相同埋佢哋嘅價錢性價比非常高😍上到嚟,原來其他韓國嘢食都好吸引❤️佢哋嘅八爪魚煎餅🐙大家異口同聲都話好好食🇰🇷八爪魚煎餅~$128(我哋掛住傾偈煎餅,嚟到凍咗都未食,出奇地凍咗大家要食個口都話好好食😎,仲係脆👍🏻食到粒粒八爪魚)🇰🇷驚喜二重奏~$258(上枱時真係幾驚喜👍🏻細細塊鐵板好過癮😆不過小心真係好熱,第二個驚喜就係仲有四件炸雞,同埋一啲少少蔬菜沙律)🇰🇷蜜味乳酪粉炸雞~$188(呢個韓國炸雞,唔似出邊沾滿炸粉,感覺唔會好熱氣,同埋最特別嘅係有雞汁流出來👍🏻👍🏻好少地方可以整到咁樣👍🏻👍🏻)🇰🇷烤牛肉水冷麵~$128(麵質彈牙,最正係佢嘅烤牛肉烤得好香,不過如果多幾快就好啦🤣)🇰🇷蜜瓜雪冰~$88(睇到最期待嘅雪冰,佢哋嘅冰沙唔會太甜👍🏻賣相簡直一流,要瘋狂打卡,上面嗰支係韓國蜜瓜雪條😆)🇰🇷菠蘿米酒~$58🇰🇷巨峰乳酪梳打~$48(我比較鍾意菠蘿米酒🍍,甜甜地好清新嘅感覺,巨峰乳酪提子夏天解渴一流👍🏻) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-01-16
太想食韓國菜🇰🇷,就約朋友去食,兩個女仔又想食炸雞但又怕肥,最後叫左驚喜二重奏。驚喜二重奏:沙律、牛扒、炸雞 - 三種主菜帶來的不同口感和層次,沙律清新爽口帶酸甜;牛扒香嫩多汁;炸雞酥脆口感,再加熱石板,想食有幾熟就有機熟,不同口感相互交錯,層次分明,味道豐富。炸雞🍗雞嫩滑,仲要係成半隻炸雞的份量,絕對要叫🤪滷水五花腩 - 豬腩肉口感肥膩,但透過滷制後,肉質變得更加飽滿,口味也更加豐富,帶有淡淡甜味。醬料的選用也是關鍵,五香味和豆瓣醬的組合讓味道更加圓潤。食既時候加生菜🥬辣將五花腩的肥膩減卻,仲令我食哂成碟烤牛肉水冷麵 - 烤過的牛肉帶有微微焦香,搭配清爽冷麵,帶出獨特風味。調料醬油、辣醬和芝麻醬相互呼應,最特別有洋蔥絲、蘿蔔絲、青蘋果絲,層次豐富,讓人回味無窮。再加上湯底涼浸浸。香芋沙冰 - 香芋的香氣和甜味與冰沙完美結合,冰涼的口感中帶有柔滑的口感,伴隨著濃濃的香芋味道,加入果汁增加了口感豐富度。江西淡啤 - 酒香濃郁,口感柔滑微帶苦味,酒體醇厚回甘。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
一入餐廳不得不讚賞職員熱誠有禮嘅服務態度,係香港好難得會搵到咁有heart 嘅職員,係每一位都咁有禮貌真係可以留住顧客會食得開心好多。無水叫職員換水時知我哋人多比兩壺水我哋,非常細心,到離開時佢哋嘅笑容同埋會提醒客人記得拎遮好窩心☺️我一定會再幫襯。另外因為我哋聚會,想同職員講音樂細聲少少,佢即刻幫我哋調細咗,好多謝你哋🙏而食物方面食咗蜜汁乳酸炸雞好好味,好香口,甜度啱啱好亦夠脆。蝦沙律調味適中,唔會太多酸汁浸哂啲菜亦混合得好均勻唔會一啲無汁一啲好酸。紫菜飯都好好味😋,唔會麻油搶哂成個飯味。座位上都夠寬敞,唔會好迫,枱與枱之間都好夠距離,唔會聽到隔離枱傾計。另外一個我都幾意外係toilet 衛生管理得好好,有時上樓餐廳toilet 好多都係衛生一般,但睇得出呢度有用心打理,廁所格數都好充足。希望餐廳可以繼續keep住水準👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-05-08
The fried chicken’s meat quality is definitely one of the best I’ve had where the meat was juicy and not oily at all, while the skin was crispy despite chatting with my friends for a bit before eating. I suggest getting the half and half option if you want to try a lot of flavors but you have limited stomach space. We got 4 flavours in total: original, spicy, honey yoghurt, korean soy sauce. Honestly the best one is the spicy chicken- it had the most balanced taste of that iconic korean sweet sauce by having the right amount of spicy kick. The original flavour gives the best crunch and crispiness but I found it quite average in terms of taste. But then again, I must say that the meat wuality at this restaurant is no joke (check out their website they’re quite proud of their meat origins and quality). Then the honey yoghurt has a nice sweetness that doesn’t overpowers the saltiness of a fried chicken but I found the white powder (probably yoghurt powder) on it quite unnecessary- it added a ting of whey protein powder taste for no reason (but rest assured its not that noticeable once you bite into the entire thing. Lastly, the korean soy sauce chicken was the least memorable to me, to be fair you should give this flavour a chance because I don’t remember the taste of this at all sorry guys 😂Though, the sauce of the two tteokbokki dishes we had were a little too sweet for me. The dish would could be better by adding more cabbage/ vegetables to balance out the heavy sauce. Another improvement they could make is replacing the rice crispies with something crunchier because you don’t get to experience the crunch of it at all as it quickly drowns into the abyss of sauce… The best part of the dish was definitely the bulgogi beef! I suggest only getting the beef tteokbokki over the gentlemen one.The roaring boar (pork and rice) dish was really filling and flavourful. If you love a spicy meal go for this (but order a milkshake along with it; this combo is heavenly). The pork itself was lean and not too fatty (how I like it personally). But one thing they can improve is- give us the whole boiled egg! Why did we only get half a boiled egg as a side dish? I know it looks nice being cut in half but it doesn’t hurt to give us the other half as well 😂 For milkshakes we got 3: banana, taro, the white one (I think its vanilla). The banana milkshake my friend really enjoyed but be aware that the smell of this banana shake was very strong and artificial. The image was misleading because it showed a cup half the size of what we got (not complaining though because we loved the extra volume of milkshake that we got). To me, the taro and vanilla shake had the same initial taste. I’d say the texture was quite refreshing, where it wasn’t too heavy because it felt more like a slushy than the common feeling of drinking heavy cream when you get a dense milkshake. Sweetness of taro and vanilla was perfect and the drink was perfect for cooling down after eating spicy dishes. Just to let you know, we all finished our shakes before we finished our meals as well! However, shaved ice dessert was quite lazy in the context of how its made and served as well! The waitress dropped our dessert’s ball of melon and didn’t have the courtesy to give us another piece or even acknowledge her mistake. Onto the actual dessert, they sinply bought a melon icecream popsicle and stuck it into shaved ice and called it a day. They could have put more effort into it honestly. The best part of the ice cream was the fruit: it was insanely fresh for a restaurant that doesn’t specialise in dessert imo. However, the service overall was alright, especially when we first entered the restaurant we were greeted warmly and they even helped me stow my umbrella away. The place was clean, spacious and aesthetically pleasing. Really loved the interior but sitting by the window could be a little hot especially when you’re eating spicy food.To conclude, I would definitely come here again but only with at least 4+ people as the food is quite dense, heavy and filling!Service: 7/10Atmosphere: 9/10Quality of meat: 9/10Taste: 8/10Hygiene: 7/10Price: 6/10 (honestly for fried chicken the price shouldn’t be this high but for the others I’d say its kind of reasonable given the quality of the meat)Side note: Sauces can be heavy, need to have moderate spice tolerance, definitely eat with a group of people to try out different foods (I wouldn’t eat any dishes on my own) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)