Yixin Restaurant mainly provides cantonese cuisine in traditional cooking method.It is well-known as Celebrities'Dining Place. Yixin Restaurant opened its first branch at Lockhart Road in Wan Chai in 1963.After closed down in 2002,in 2004 it opened a 800 square feet shops in Happy Valley.The old staff came back to help the new shop.The signature dishes like Traditional Clyster Dumplings,Deep-fried Chicken with Lemon Sauce are keeping its own ingredients,cooking method and taste.Thus customers can taste the traditional Chinese cuisine and the milk of human kindness. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
11:00 - 15:30
18:00 - 23:00
10:00 - 15:30
18:00 - 23:30
Public Holiday
10:00 - 15:30
18:00 - 23:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Deep-fried Fresh milk Traditional Clyster Dumplings Deep-fried Chicken with Lemon Sauce Rice Duck in Home Style Pi-pa Duck Superior Shark's Fin with Crab Roe soup
Review (33)
Level4 2010-06-06
We chose Yixin for our Saturday lunch as there is parking outside and because my friend's friend is extremely fond of duck. Our friends were from Singapore and US and one of them does not eat pork. We managed to order enough dishes without any pork. One dim sum I wanted to try was traditional shark fin's soup dumpling but we can wait till next time since it has pork inside. The famous pi pa duck. It wasn't as nice as I remembered it to be when Yixin was in Causeway Bay. The whole duck used to be flattened and the inside marinated very nicely. Now it is just like a roast duck and a little too fatty too Fried milk is a dish of fried egg white, milk, crab meat and mushrooms. I didn't use to like it as it tasted too much of milk but this time I did as they added a lot of crab meat which diluted the taste of milk. Fried beef with yau teo. This is an old fashion Cantonese dish and as I am a yau teo fan, I try to pick out more yau teo pieces and as they slice the dough and deep fry it, it's very crispy and it soaks up the beef sauce making it tasty Fried broccoli was my daughter's choice and I asked them to put less oil. I only had one piece as my daughter took too many pieces. Fried ho fan with beef in black bean sauce. I ordered this as I saw the next table had a dish which looked good. It turned out to be just average. Fried lotus root with lily bulb and sugar snaps. Again my daughter's choice as she loves vegetarian dishes. I saw our US friend didn't like the lily bulb pieces and I agree it has a taste and texture that takes getting used to. Prawns baked in vermicelli in clay dish was not as nice as I had hoped and as this dish came late, we didn't finish it. Plain rice and congee at Yixin is a good quality, much nicer than most other restaurants, so we ordered some to go with the dishes. Their congee has bean sheets melted inside and so it's smooth and smells distinct. The meal was a gathering of old and new friends, our new friend liked the duck and most of the dishes. We didn't finish some of the dishes and had to pack them to take home. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2010-04-19
星期日一家大細嚟飲茶. 之前喺灣仔分店一班朋友食晚飯. 超好食. 諗住飲茶都應該ok la. 記得試咗蝦餃 (皮厚), XO煎腸粉(多油但唔香口), 菠蘿叉燒包(叮熱, 最憎), 蘿白糕(削到不得了, 勁細碟, 最差). 環境加埋地段嚟講可以話抵, 但真係唔好食. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2009-06-01
之前家人都係前身利舞台益新飯店的捧場客!! 今次一試水準依舊!!昨晚跟家人一起到了這用膳﹐其實都唔算好隔涉同遠﹐不過可能平常好小會去到這裡所以給人這樣的印象﹐我地一家都係因為去完灣仔分店才知道這裡。一家八人三車浩浩蕩蕩arrived﹐值得一讚這裡拍車容易兼免費﹐不過車位唔太多大概15-20個﹐好似拍出面都唔抄因當晚見都有幾架車停拍。今晚舅父請﹐食家常小菜:例湯 ( 雞骨草煲豬錚)大良炒鮮奶椒鹽雞翼薑蔥侷魚雲沙嗲粉絲牛肉煲蒜蓉炒菜心西檸煎軟雞干燒伊麵先來例湯﹐冇乜味精﹐真材實料﹐夠火侯+家常﹐真係非常好!! 跟住炒鮮奶﹐名物其中一樣!! 果然不負眾望﹐香奶味﹐亦見甚多人比美鳳城的... 我地反而比較歡喜益新的口感跟味道!!!薑蔥侷魚雲跟沙嗲粉絲牛肉煲 都係水準之作!!! 反而要一題既是這椒鹽雞翼給我們的驚起... 有雞味﹐皮不是非一般的脆﹐完全無雖上粉真係好難形容﹐還有那玫瑰路香﹐完全無雖點另上的淮鹽﹐一定要試!!!其招牌的西檸雞實是名不虛傳﹐新鮮的雞肉嫩﹐炸至金黃的皮香脆﹐淋上濃郁的西檸芡汁﹐鮮檸汁被牛油味中和﹐一點也不會酸!!! 真係各方面都配合得好好單尾干燒伊麵對我這減肥中的人來說今天以經是過了quota﹐無食總括昨晚的家庭 get together 絕對可以encore!!! 下次還有很多要食﹐煙焗倉魚﹑焗魚腸還有琵琶鴨!!! 埋單舅父無透露... 止說" 千(鯪)蚊" 即是$125/head.... 真係一點也不貴!!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2009-05-14
上幾個月照蔡瀾先生介紹去左灣仔益新...非常滿意﹐ 今晚決定放工同老婆去渣甸山址探究.. 見其他網友都讚它園林樹影.. 今日一見﹐真係別有一番風味... 渣甸山即係渣甸山... 好記得上次叫了琵琶鴨... 食得唔夠兩件﹐今次兩人叫半隻!!! 真係食到大快人心!!! 後來見openrice既網友都比不錯的評語!!! 希望它們不會坐地起價... 現賣$260 比起鏞記 $400 多的燒鵝一點都不貴!!!!招牌琵琶鴨選了鴨肉肥厚的米鴨來燒,秘製醃料醬汁燒的鴨肉鮮嫩入味﹐皮脆令口感有多一種層次!! 流出啖啖玫瑰露香!! 真係越食越精彩!!!鳳梨咕嚕蝦球老婆點名要食﹐這道雖不是甚麼名物﹐但仍造得相當出色!! 甜酸汁不過甜不過酸﹐蝦肉跟炸粉融為一體!! 外脆內爽的蝦﹐好吃!!!其他還叫了一碟菜心﹐白飯上次飲茶點心師傅盡顯功架!!! 今次整體都顯出老子號招牌應有的水準!! 埋單398 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2009-04-01
今晚二人突登由cwb 搭的士走到這間位置都幾僻的中菜館, 一嘗好多食家都讚好的西檸雞。環境其實幾寬敞, 客人不算多, 我們兩入被安排坐一張夠坐六人的檯, 舒適地嘆了半壺香片才來點菜。可惜只得兩人, 未能試盡想試的東西, 最後只能精選了以下三味:西檸雞這味菜係著遍茶記夜晚套餐經常出現的菜色之一, 有時一個人食飯去茶記叫, 貪其煎炸香口野通常都不會差得去那裡... 普遍出來的結果都係檸檬味奇重, 蓋過任何僅存的雞味。但這次就真正嘗到好味的西檸雞的味道... 檸檬味恰到好處, 醒胃得來又沒有過重, 雞亦無用上大量的粉來煎, 皮薄得來脆, 肉質仍然嫩滑... 絕對係必試的菜色。大良炒鮮奶已經好耐未食過這味菜了... 奶炒得像蛋白一樣滑, 而最緊要係奶味同蟹味的比重剛剛好, 加一點醋, 入口的質感軟棉棉, 鮮奶的微香跟蟹肉的鮮味起了奇妙的化學作用...葡汁焗雞粒飯事前已有朋友說這一味相當出色, 結果亦沒有令我們失望, 葡汁非常香, 加上本身這裡高質素的雞肉, 一吃就是兩三碗。 份量亦相當多, 可足夠 3 人用... 最後我們當然吃不下, 要打包回去。好開心又找到一間好質素的中菜館.. 已約好一班朋友下次拉隊光臨, 試埋其他食家推介的菜色。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)