3-min walk from Exit B1, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
63835303 (WhatsApp)
Good For
Business Dining
Group Dining
Additional Information
Provide various dishes, part of the dishes need to be reservated.
Opening Hours
11:30 - 16:30
18:00 - 23:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 16:30
18:00 - 23:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
VIP Room Details
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Deep-fried Fresh Milk Smoked Pomfret cooked with Traditional method Steamed Pork Dumplings in Soup Chicken with Lemon Sauce Roasted PiPa Duck
Review (144)
Level4 2024-10-16
事緣之前在點心專門店吃了不好食的點心,對於美味點心的渴求即時大漲,決定再到益新飲茶。熱辣辣的蝦餃和燒賣非常滋味,無需巧立名目,傳統正宗的就是最好!鳳爪沒有雪味,十分軟嫩。春風得意腸的腸粉滑溜極致,蝦春卷還食到顆顆蝦肉!煎釀尖椒的魚肉豐腴,可惜尖椒稍微煎得未夠透,略為失準。椒鹽廣島蠔就出色得多,隻隻肥大飽滿,蠔味甚為突出,蘸少許椒鹽或豉油,一級棒!肉絲炒麵份量超足,脆麵底恰到好處,不會炸過了頭。肉絲和韮王是海量的,肉多過麵,要找麵吃!和著的汁是麵和肉的橋樑,濃杰適中,完全無得輸!不能不提的是店員的服務又快又好,值得一讚! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-09-01
老公放假,想食琵琶鴨,一定去灣仔新益,舊舖是在銅鑼灣,當年拍拖已幫襯,仍然記得當年是一班老伙記。下午一時多到達,因即興沒有訂位,幸好還有一張枱, 開了普洱茶,一如以往那麼順滑。 兩個人點菜不能吃下太多,叫了半隻琵琶鴨皮脆肉嫩,梅菜包味道可口,包是不會黏口的,斑片粥真的超好食,很多斑片,粥底綿滑很香米味,三寶腸粉可吃齊叉燒蝦及牛肉三款,個最後來個甜品芝麻卷及馬豆糕。工作人員態度很好,很細心,是一頓愉快的午餐 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-08-23
To welcome my bro back to HK, my friend's parents and my family went to this yummy Chinese resto recommended by them. .Her parents suggested the following dishes:-Jelly Fish Mixed with Sesame Oil The jelly fish was chewy and carried an intense sesame oil aroma. -Fried Fresh Milk and Egg White with Crab MeatThe silky and fresh crab meat paired well with the fresh milk and egg white, creating a savoury combination that included mushrooms. -Stewed Sliced Garoupa with Bean Curd Sheet and Bitter Melon The garoupa had a slightly sweet taste, which contrasted interestingly with the bitterness of the bitter melon. -Poached Sliced Yak Beef with Ginger and Onion with Chinese Lettuce The beef was tender and served with generous amount. It elevated the flavour of the Chinese lettuce. -Sweet and Sour Pork A colourful dish with green, yellow, red peppers and pineapple. Its orange appearance added to its attractiveness. -Roasted Duck in Country-Style With fungus and preserved vegetables at the bottom, the roasted duck was substantial and extremely succulent, which provided enjoyment with each bite. -Split Pea Coconut Pudding Fragrant pudding with slightly hard split peas. -Red Bean Paste Cake The dessert was served piping hot, and its red paste filling had the right level of sweetness. .The staff was attentive and polite. The seatings were comfortable, and we had a great time chatting there. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-08-10
近來經常過海,灣仔更是往日工作之地,因此若情況許可也會在附近找過往有好感的食肆用膳。以往經常滿座的情況似乎有所改變 ,以現時的市況大概也是如此。蝦餃皮厚薄適中兼帶靭性,可惜調味過於重手掩蓋了蝦的鮮味。鮮魷如同蝦餃,「師傅」下得有點重手,令味道千篇一律。灌湯餃的皮與記憶中的稍為不同,傳統的黃皮變了白麪皮,少了韌性但比較柔軟。從相片可知,餃內沒有灌入滿滿湯汁,反而跟印像中的傳統灌湯餃十分相似。雪山叉燒包上枱時大概是新鮮出爐,因此十分鬆軟,叉燒餡鹹甜適中,只是略嫌有點小貴。三寶腸是牛肉、叉燒及鮮蝦。一碟腸粉有三種不同配料十分划算,而且三種食材都嚐出各自的本味,腸粉也拉得柔軟是本次午茶的最佳點心。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-08-05
今天特別想請2位日本朋友吃經典廣東菜, 所以去灣仔益新美食館,不止名不虛傳, 而且物有所值。 首先, 素雞和窩荀絲拼海蜇, 本來沒太太想法。 喜出望外, -試已非常驚喜和清新。 很驚喜有「百花釀蟹鉗」, 比飲喜酒時五星酒店的還美味。 另外咸魚蒸肉餅, 送飯首選。 鹽焗雞肉嫩又美味,在市面上很難見到。 最驚喜陳皮蓮子紅豆, 陳皮味簡值是一絕!食材和用料基本上都是很好,怪不得出品那麼優秀。 服務也非常到位, 感恩!雖然裝修已有一段日子, 但也不影響體驗。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)