Opening Hours
07:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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This was my second time having Yoshinoya hotpot, and I’m starting to like it more and more because its definitely so affordable and when you might be craving hotpot, it’s easily doable without having to force others to eat it with you!!The beef hotpot was $73 and I had to add $4 for an onsen egg and $1 to switch to udon. The only downside was that the beef was WAY TOO FATTY. Almost half of the beef itself was full of fat -_- unsure why but when I had it in the Sha Tin branch, the quality of the beef was better and it also came with a free raw egg, not onsen egg.I was also shocked when I saw that they had a built in stove just for the hotpot! It’s clear to see that this is a huge part of their business, so they are willing to install these stoves in their tables. Would recommend if you have a craving, but surely for the price, don’t expect the quality to be amazing!
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由細食到大 . 來自日本嘅吉野家最近見推出▫️全新早餐 同 下午茶系列餐牌$20起超抵食 揀咗呢款之前未試過👇🏻✨鹽燒牛肉丼採用了M8-M9優質和牛每片肉質軟腍 . 味道質數超出預期面層更配上紫菜 . 椰菜絲 同 七味粉+$5 可再追加✨暖笠笠溫泉玉子+鮮嫩時蔬✨椰菜煎雞丼食咗咁多年煎雞丼依然保持水準真正皮脆肉嫩 個汁同珍珠米飯 係完美嘅配搭除咗招牌嘅▫️和風牛肉丼▫️野菜煎雞丼更推出輕食之選▫️和風牛肉、嫩滑炒蛋配迷你飯/米粉」▫️腸仔配嫩滑炒蛋米粉✨和風牛肉米粉配上嫩滑炒蛋.牛肉軟腍入味同爽口嘅米粉好夾追加小食只係$4 起.同時帶來不同味覺享受必點升級特飲✨抹茶紅豆冰✨奶茶紅豆冰紅豆軟腍.甜度適中性價比依然好高.抵食之選唔怪得附近咁多選擇 吉野家依然咁受歡迎
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星期日中午一點到來,入座率只有三成 ,大部分嘅人都係外賣居多,我哋嗌咗新出嘅 極上海鮮蕃茄相撲鍋$79,日式濃湯配 雞肉同埋穀飼胸腹牛肉 +出前一丁要加兩蚊+溏心蛋要13蚊一隻 +無糖百事要加兩蚊。只可以講😅品質與價錢成正比😉唔好抱有期望就必定唔會失望😚 ,日式濃湯,完全冇濃度可言,清湯咁款。啲牛肉同埋雞肉, 火鍋豉油都冇配備一吓, 唯有問職員攞個額外牛肉汁啦~ 好過白曬曬冇味。 個火鍋餐嘅牛肉同其他牛肉飯餐上啲牛肉一樣品質😆肥到痴咗線🤪 但係以咁嘅價錢不可強求🤫。下次都係叫返牛肉飯穩陣D,火鍋不了。整體上店舖衛生中上 ,可能人流少,所以清潔姐姐workloads 自然少。相比同一個商場嘅譚x米線,人哋大排長龍,吉野家就淨返大把座位。
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