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Review (15)
Level4 2025-02-22
I decided to try this shop as my free lounge entries were used up. Their braised pork rice was quite large in amount compared to their usual amount at their restaurants, which explain why it is more expensive. The amount of sauce they added was just right for the braised pork without soaking the rice. The temperature was still piping hot and the serving time wa quick. Compared to other airport restaurants, I think the value of this meal is definitely good. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I'm a airport staff, 9月6日早上9:30 左右專程去28 gate 買 staff 套餐,79元,個女人完全黑面,沒有笑容,沒有說話,差到極點,到我比完錢,都沒有多謝,個餐出左都唔講,好彩個客人話我知餐已出,如果唔係我白等,我都趕時間返工,點解機場做 staff 可以完全黑面,沒有 service, 沒有下次 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
原來香港機場禁區內開設了阿元來了!和朋友飛沙巴✈️之前,先來點台灣美食吧,反正我們不是飛台灣嘛~~阿元來了的觀塘店裝潢具有老台灣的格調,想不到機場店的店舖小小,擺設也不隨便。購買小食或蛋餅,加$20就有一碗小魯肉飯。點了一份肉鬆起司蛋餅 ($60),起司及肉鬆餡料豐富,每一口都吃到帶芝士香的肉鬆。蛋餅皮厚薄適中適,富蛋香,醬油膏的味道不會鹹,加上辣醬,更為惹味。小魯肉飯,飯量不少,魯肉份量足夠。魯肉肥瘦相間,夠入味又有肉汁,拌飯吃一流!當食過難吃的魯肉飯後,就會知阿元來了的魯肉飯能保持質素也是不易的~~台灣直送關東煮🍢選了台灣黑輪、白蘿蔔、雞肉丸及豬肉貢丸,白蘿蔔夠吸湯但不夠甜,黑輪普普通通,反而雞肉丸及豬肉貢丸又香又富湯汁,只是口感不是好彈牙那種!雖不是飛台灣,但美食也能稍稍彌補未能飛台灣的心! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-11-01
早幾日去旅行,係機場等飛既期間口渴想買杯台式飲品飲下,見到機場禁區入面竟然開左阿元來了反正有少少肚餓順便食埋飯先上機唔洗旨望唔知有咩食既飛機餐😅餐廳位置就係28號閘口前面,經過入境署之後行一陣就到,唔算太遠餐廳後面有場量座位,可以望著落地大玻璃一邊欣賞停機坪既美景,一邊用餐叫左一份阿元魯肉飯便當有魯肉,滷蛋,滷豆腐同埋蔬菜份量非常夠唔大食可以餵飽兩個人魯肉大大粒,入味 ,肥瘦相間拌飯食非常好味花枝蝦排就係炸墨魚餅包裹住蝦肉炸得好香脆,墨魚肉彈牙咬開就見到中間滿滿既蝦肉好食鳳梨青茶唔會太甜,但果味好濃平衡青茶本身既少少甘澀味好解渴以後大家搭飛機之前可以多一個選擇醫肚 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
阿元來了 @yuanishere📍赤鱲角暢達路1號香港國際機場機場客運大樓 (禁區)近28號閘口.臨飛前都可以喺機場食阿元來了,上機前去一去28號閘口食吓台式美式、珍珠奶茶當去咗轉台灣先😍 附近仲有24號閘口可前往Sky Bridge,可以欣賞機場航班升降美景🩵.🍚 阿元魯肉飯便當🍗 塩酥雞便當: 塩酥雞夠鬆脆,香脆惹味;魯肉手切為粒有口感,肥而不膩,勁多滷肉汁伴飯一流,用上珍珠米,煙煙韌韌,而配菜就有滷蛋、滷豆腐、炒豆、粟米,好豐富~🍵 茉莉綠茶: 帶淡淡茉莉花香,茶感清新~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)