Restaurant: YUGU NOODLE

To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.

For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign

7-min walk from Exit C1, Tuen Mun MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (15)
Opening Hours
10:30 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
10:30 - 23:00
*last order 22:30 (dine in); 22:15 (takeaway)
Payment Methods
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (71)
兩點幾入到去 有吉枱樓面唔比人坐 係要人搭枱 好唔老脾咁話四人枱 然後到我食完都無人坐過果張枱 為咩呢? 叫豬腸 啲豬腸唔係一舊舊 係一絲絲… 越做越差 呢間野無下次 咁鍾意留吉枱?無客咪成場吉枱囉 慢慢留飽佢 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
事不過三,唔寫衰你其實已經好俾面你。今日我真係要話俾所有人知你哋舖頭係點樣做嘢:呢間雲桂香我堂食都已經好多次起碼有40次。由2020年食到2024年,差唔多斷斷續續幫襯咗四年,基本上初頭嚟食冇乜問題,人好正常,食物好正常。唔敢講好好食,但入得我口。近呢兩年唔知係咪廚房轉左人,10次幫襯有7次都嚟錯,錯嘅內容包括:比錯餸,比漏餸,叫咗走配菜佢冇走到,比錯嘢飲,最離譜一次發生喺上個月(2024年9月),嗌米線佢俾咗米粉我,你覺得做廚房係咪MDGLFG?我幫襯咗咁多次,唔敢講係一個VIP,真係粗略統計10次幫襯有7次都賴嘢,我都知樓面同收銀受咗我好多氣,因為我次次都係同樓面同收銀開刀,我永遠唔知廚房係乜嘢人。有一次廚師走出嚟,哈哈笑話睇唔到張單,完全唔知自己做錯。你比咁嘅服務質素我,你轉頭return碗嘢入返廚房,整走啲配菜,加返個餸,換返個麵底,做多咗功夫,有咩謂呢?好坦白講,收銀嗰個都認得我,都知道我入親嚟都賴嘢。你啲指令都做唔到上傳下達。好多時坦白講公道講樓面嗰個係入啱單佢冇做錯,只不過係廚房人員對客人點選的菜式有著獨具慧眼的理解。最後一句,事不過三,冰封三尺非一日之寒。我已經容忍咗好多次,叫你return碗嘢好多次,俾咗好多次機會你哋,都仲係咁。隔咗兩個月我今日先夠膽走嚟再次堂食。你都係出錯嘢,你唔好怪我喺度公審你。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-05-12
這家餐廳的服務可以說是令人極度失望,工作人員的態度冷漠,仿佛對客人的需求視而不見。點菜時,反應緩慢,而且在處理我們的問題時顯得不耐煩,讓人感到不受尊重。更糟糕的是,食物的品質遠遠低於期待,等左半個鐘,米線是硬的。口感和味道都讓人難以下口。整體來說,這不僅是一家服務差的餐廳,食物的品質也讓人極度不滿意。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日夜晚入左來屯門, 見到自己也肚子餓, 去左依度吃, 佢沒有尖沙咀分店的魚湯同魚米線, 叫左通菜螺旋藻豬軟骨紅薯粉, 要左小小辣, 等左一陣送來, 份量好足😆 比好多通菜, 螺旋藻今次食就有少少腥味😅 豬軟骨也炆得好淋又入味😋 d湯有味但不算好辣亦唔係太飲到酸味, d湯真係幾滾😜 要吹下先食到d薯粉, 薯粉份量也幾多, 味道不錯, 唔會好淋👍😸 入面碗粉有好多韭菜芽菜亦有d芫茜蔥和一些酸菜, 食落幾舒服😛😜 味道不過不錯, 亦不算太貴🤭 依間唔收八達通, 大家要留意😅 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-11
呢間雲貴香米線專門店,係新墟仁政街,即廚房佬餐廳隔離,大福珠寶對面,距離新墟街市同市中心都好近,由屯門站行幾分鐘就到。雖然呢間米線開咗好多年,但內籠裝修算乾淨企理。附近人流好旺,不過我住屯門咁耐都無食過。今次經過就入去試吓。我叫咗一個腩肉小鍋米線(中辣),加埋一杯凍檸茶,埋單嘅價錢係46元。價錢合理。米線口感還可以,冇太軟太硬嘅感覺,個人認為湯底夠辣,但略微有少少鹹,份量好足夠,配料都算多,味道不錯。至於飲品,就係一杯普通嘅凍檸茶,冇什麼特別嘅地方。值得讚係幫我落單個姐姐好有禮貌,服務態度好好。呢間米線店係一個值得試下嘅地方,特別係如果你係屯門嘅居民。食物質素唔錯,服務態度亦好好,價錢亦合理。有機會嘅話會再幫襯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)