Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (8)
The Loop 大廈排隊等電梯時令我有點不耐煩,大大話話等了10分鐘,心想餐廳留檯5分鐘,可能會趕不到,而且還是下著雨;但當我到達餐廳又怒氣全消,因餐廳還有不少吉檯,我想這裡其實是不需訂位的。那裡環境很舒適,裝潢簡約,檯與檯之間感覺寬敞,很適合Business Lunch,而且不太多人。首先來了一大籃熱騰騰的餐包,然後來個corn soup+salad。咖啡杯Corn soup不俗,但不及Freshness Burger那個creamy。主菜方面,我和朋友分別選了Potato gratin及Ribeye steak,我們決定share來吃。Potato gratin實在太好吃了!!!我是薯仔及芝士的超級fans,那層金黃色的焗芝士,一看已令我食指大動。芝士香口煙韌, 薯仔鬆軟,gratin內裡很creamy,還有一點點的truffle味,給味蕾多重享受。其實,又薯仔又芝士又忌廉,想一想也很飽,還好與朋友分甘同味,沒有那麼膩。另外的ribeye steak也不失禮,沒有韌也沒有太老,味道還好,作為lunch set 的牛扒算不錯了。最後Lunch set包括了餐茶或甜品,我們選擇了甜品。當日甜品是White chocolate mousse with Mango sauce,略嫌Mango sauce太酸,white chocolate mousse太甜。
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29-5-2010幾星期前朋友 C 帶了我及朋友 P 上來 lunch, 試了個 potato au gratin (呢度的好似叫咩 "truffle potato gratin"?) 覺得幾好食, 是日收工捉了薯仔癡朋友上嚟食 lunch.如常一人一 set lunch, 有 soup & salad, main 及飲品 or 甜品:-Soup 係 cream of spinach? 用咖啡杯 serve , 面頭有層薄氣泡, 飲落又幾滑口, 都有點「咖啡」feel, 哈哈 味道就一般, 唔算 creamy, spinach 味亦唔算香, 不過就帶幾勁的黑胡椒味及刺喉, 唔算好喜歡.Green salad 以 red leaf lettuce 為主, 新鮮度算 ok, 不過 vinaigrette 落得太重手了, 聞落 / 食落都極酸嗆, 唯有放棄.Table bread 唔知係乜, 不過一個聞落好香蜜糖味, 另一個有就有粒粒 bacon, 而兩者都熱辣辣的, 焗得外脆身內軟熟, 塗點 Anchor 牌牛油, 幾討好的.主食揀了 grilled rib-eye ($128)... 要求 medium-rare, waitress 卻問返我轉頭「係咪 3 成熟」, 跟住嚟了個賣相尚算 medium-rare, 但極多 black pepper sauce (?) 的「薄牛扒」 食落肉質有點韌, 肉味就被超級勁爆鹹的醬汁完全蓋過, 真係 價錢所限, 牛扒貨色唔好係意料中事, 用醬汁「遮遮掩掩」其實亦無可厚非, 但使唔使鹹成咁呀? 幾難吃的 旁邊的 veggies 有西蘭花, 紅蘿蔔, (連皮)薯仔及豆角, 燒得乾身微燶, 食落幾香口, 不過豆角連邊位 d 絲都無 mit 走, 會唔會懶咗 d 呢? 朋友就食我上次 order 的 truffle potato gratin (好似 $78), 呢個好食得多: 面頭鋪了芝士焗, 做得金黃微燶, 食落香口煙韌, 芝味香濃, 正 下面就係刨到勁幼細的薯絲 (而非「薯片」), 軟糯得來不失咬口, 薯味香 cream 味亦香, 食落飽膩卻愈食愈想繼續食, 同上次一樣咁好食 店員話 dessert of the day 係咩「呍呢嗱士多啤梨蛋糕」, 大家都興趣不大, 就要了熱咖啡作結: 咖啡夠香夠濃, 唔酸, 不過都幾苦, 還是落糖落奶 (serve 時溫熱的 ) 易入口得多.上次 weekday lunch hour 嚟, 訂了檯都無坐滿, 星期六 1:xx pm walk-in 就直程一檯客都無 , 2 人坐喺窗邊位慢食慢傾又不斷影相, 都唔怕騷擾到人, 感覺不錯的. 連加一每人約 $115, 唔算好貴, 都可以一試, 不過其實只試 potato gratin 就夠了. P.S. 味道 potato gratin 4 分, rib eye 1 分, 整體印象就 3 分...
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Went there with a couple of friends. First, we had the bread and again the butter was cold. Not professional at all.Next we had the following dishes:1) Soup - alright, so-so2) I ordered the Hainan Chicken Rice - the portion was so small and so were the other main course dishes. Totally not worth the price. The rice was not tasty at all and the chicken was just ok. Definitely not worth $145! 3) the dessert was the only thing worth trying there, but I would definitely not go back just because of the dessert.This place is overpriced and the portions of the dishes are far too small. $145 for a Hainan chicken set is such a bit of a ripoff. The service was not that good either as we had to wait for the waiters/waitresses to even "appear" from time to time. Not professional at all, which I would've expected from this restaurant.
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Zenses is a great location for a quiet romantic dinner to escape the husle of busy Central. The food was nicely presented and delicious. The lobster bisque was very tasty with pieces of lobster. The scallops were succulent and just right. The signature black cod was cooked to perfection. Staff were very attentive and efficient. Overall I had a great dining experience.
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Zenses唔算係第一次去,係舊舖時,都去過好幾次,而今次係第一次去威靈頓街The Loop新舖食晚飯,佢地分開左兩層,酒吧o係9樓,而餐廳o係11樓, 我幾鍾意咁樣,始終酒吧會嘈吵d,唔多唔少都影響到想靜靜食飯嘅人成間餐廳個裝修都好grand,最欣賞係,同舊時一樣,每張枱都隔好開,夠晒privacy,啱晒傾生意 or談心.個menu多左新嘅菜式,經個manager介紹下order左:U.S. Scallop panna cotta~~d帶子好大隻,好新鮮,煮得啱啱好,唔unFrench Mulard Duck~~一大隻鴨全脾, d肉煮得好腍,一d都唔鞋,伴碟都好認真,尢其d薯條,軟腍腍,好好味,唔知點整,但唔似係炸,當然唔少得佢地個招牌菜~~Baked Sea Bass & Lobster Bisque,水準,味道同以前一樣,魚肉好嫩滑,個湯入口好滑,個味夠濃 , 仲食到一粒粒龍蝦肉,仲有值得一贊係~~佢地嘅麵包,係親手焗, 好軟熟,對我呢個包痴黎講,絕對係超滿意,超滿足.食完個main course 之後已經好飽,好飽,但又點可以放過佢地d甜品呢最後order左Crepes Suzette 一齊share,個甜品唔太甜,充滿橙香所有嘅waiter都係以前舊舖嘅人, 加埋d燈光,音樂,殷勤嘅招呼感覺好親切,好舒服.上至介紹食物,下至添水都好周到,記得我個杯係要暖水,我朋友果杯要熱水,仲有個manager好細心,知我有d感冒,唔可以飲酒,就叫我不如order杯西柚汁,補充番d維他命C 走之前, 落去9樓,八下個酒吧,其實,之前有期<飲食男女>介紹過,已經略知個裝修好特別,好幻彩,仲好揼本,張bar枱同左廿幾萬粒swarovski做裝飾,親身去到,發覺真係好閃,可惜當日有d唔舒服,加上同行個朋友唔飲酒,但個bar manager好好人,帶我地周圍睇,仲送埋我地落樓,一定搵機會湊埋d酒腳去幫襯下.
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