Exit G, Central MTR Station/ Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station; GUCCI側電梯直上 continue reading
It is a two-storey restaurant with a bar upstairs and the dining area downstairs. It has a high floor and is designed with high-end elegant style. It is a nice place for dating and celebrating important days. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 00:00
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 00:00
11:00 - 14:45
19:00 - 00:00
11:00 - 14:45
19:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Parking Details
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (199)
Level1 2025-02-04
食物幾好但服務水準極差。我order嗮嘢同drinks, 都差不多食完,我太太話個袋太重,剛睇戲有樽水要我幫佢拎,剛擺咗上檯面,個侍應9秒9沖過黎話呢度唔可以自己帶水,言語極度無理。 d嘢就算好食都冇下次了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-12-21
Went for a nice bday meal Atmosphere was nice as usual although music was a bit loud. Except for main dish and dessert platter, small dishes and alcohol were unlimited. Even small in each portion, many of them do get you full! The dishes were all above average, but with the price, it’d be a better deal if you can drink! Recommended dishes are tuna tartare with miso and lotus chips (flavorful tarts with onion and cucumber comes with deep fried crispy lotus chips- they matched well), seared beef tatami with truffle ponzu (nicely cooked beef), seared salmon with lemon and shisho and soy (nice with small pop rices). Tempura was quite good too, tempura sauce was good. For drinks, martini was nice, it has rose flavor yet not strong and creamy. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
位於Landmark嘅日本餐廳傳統好grand嘅場地同裝飾<火炙薄切和牛>肥肥嘅和牛 薄切後一啖食啱啱好 軟熟又香 仲有小小嘅黑松露調味<火炙三文魚配紫蘇葉醬><岩蝦天婦羅>細細隻嘅岩蝦 但係外要炸漿厚左少少 唔夠香脆 如果係appetizer就heavy左少少<壽司及刺身盛合>正常發揮 唔知係未我要求過份🙈 但我會expect waitress介紹下邊隻係邊種刺身<麥麵豉醬燒雞>有驚喜嘅一道菜 雞肉好軟好糯 <三文魚伴芝麻>三文魚好香 中間仲係好有魚油 但唔膩<麻香辣汁燒牛柳>整體黎講 個人比較欣賞佢嘅燒物 環境好好 但服務 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-27
多謝朋友帶我去見識帶我試下中環嘅Zuma平時基本上係唔飲酒唔係朋友帶都唔會黎長知識了第一次見識同試咁多唔同嘅酒🍸🥃🍹🍶佢哋叫得太多轉都影唔曬雖然大多數我樣樣只試一啖😗果然對我呢啲唔點飲酒嘅人黎講都係grapefruit最啱我飲完酒就落樓食正餐了🍽️好彩仲落到樓梯第一次食魚子醬幾有趣嘅體驗但唔算好特別呢度嘅蝦天婦羅好正🍤蝦好新鮮熱得黎唔辣口最啱我呢啲一見到美食上枱就忍唔住馬上放入口嘅人🤣銀鱈魚🐟之前同屋企人試過紅磡炉端燒嘅銀鱈魚就一直念念不忘嚟到見到有二話不說就點了好嫩滑好飽滿好食如果唔係怕太飽食唔到其他嘢真係會encore和牛🥩都係encore必選好彩我哋幾個人分唔係應該都好快食濟串燒點咗雞牛兩款相對於前面嘅菜式就比較失色了雖然seasoning好好但牛嘅肉質比較嚡唔肯定係咪整耐咗唔推薦❌雞就好少少但整體而言我會慳返呢幾舊水😂最suprise係呢度嘅水果甜品拼盤水果嘅品種多得好誇張紅毛丹 蜜瓜 哈蜜瓜 西瓜 士多啤梨 藍莓 富貴柿 奇異果 紅桑子 黑莓 菠蘿 桃駁李 車厘子應該仲漏咗幾款真係太多太多好特別最最最鍾意心太軟好好食忍唔住食完再encore食咗2個🙂🙂🙂好邪惡但真係忍唔到口我就食得飽飽飽到第二朝嘅早餐都skip埋朋友們就飲得飽飽表示肚子很漲但好肚餓😂😂😂但無論飽嘅方式有何不同相同嘅係荷包大出血🩸 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-14
整體而言Zuma 保持到水準。l2023年聖誕公司annual dinner 在Zuma,每個人都好欣賞氣氛,環境,食物。今年6月又有公司dinner在zuma,大家review都係讚同欣賞。Zuma 晚餐有兩個價錢set menu :一個大約港幣千一,另一個港幣千五。兩個menu 都好食,$千五有龍蝦天婦羅,海鮮菜式多d。 龍蝦天婦羅好正,seabass 魚好滑入口溶左咁,帶子同wagyu beef 都出色。Crab salad is lovely。讚刺身算ok但壽司就有d失望,細舊同埋魚麻麻。晚上氣氛環境keep得好,service is good, staff were polite and friendly. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)