Exit B, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
This stylish decorated hot pot restaurant is in a red theme. The restaurant specializes in Sichuan spicy hot pot, almost of the offering ingredients are homemade, and their hot pot is a spicy and fragrant. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
17:30 - 01:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
72小時燉制牛魔王火鍋 和牛牛油麻辣火鍋 Shake shake 伊比利炸酥肉
Review (238)
第一次來的時候是午餐同同事過來吃打邊爐當時平均每人埋單都只是$150以午餐同銅鑼灣的地點來說也是物超所值的。這間餐廳的設計比較古色古香,而且也是很有四川重慶的風味湯底的選擇也比較多價錢的話晚餐也是算是偏貴的,但食物質素各方面也很有保證😍😍😍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
一踏入呢間火鍋店,見到全紅黑裝修設計,感覺時尚新潮。同時,Rock&Roll手勢logo同damn It’s hot!口號又顯十足玩味。座位和厢房之間,用木製透風屏風相隔,感覺又有少少典雅中國風。餐廳主打充滿川渝口味麻辣火鍋,自家製出品食材質素不俗!✔️鴛鴦鍋$198(清油養生麻辣鍋$168/東北酸菜白肉鍋+$38 )而家食麻辣鍋會點鴛鴦鍋,一辣一唔辣,平衡返。呢度鴛鴦鍋收費係計算兩個口味較貴口味價錢,另外收費$38。麻辣鍋有好多原隻紅辣椒,又麻又香,入面仲有好多鴨血、蜂巢豆腐。令我愛不釋手嘅係另外嘅酸菜白肉鍋,果種清清甜甜又酸尾尾嘅味道,令人上癮,最少飲咗四、五碗湯,白肉和酸菜份量亦唔少!✔️美國牛肩胛肉$228大塊而薄身嘅牛肉淥熟之後口感軟腍,充滿牛味,同時吸收咗湯汁嘅美味!✔️蔬菜拼盤$98有椰菜、生菜、金菇、靈芝菇、南瓜、冬菇,每款份量少少,啱晒我呢種想食多幾款蔬菜嘅人!✔️自家製三色餃$88餃子係火鍋店自家製,質素唔錯,每款餃子都塞滿餡料脹卜卜!三款口味分別係麻辣和牛餃、黑松露蝦蛋餃、韭菜餃。前2款比較特別,剪碎嘅和牛仍然好有口感,黑松露蝦蛋口味好香、又彈牙!✔️紫菜響鈴$68好大條,入面仲有紫菜,口感再豐富啲!✔️順德魚腐$68有甘香魚味,爽口彈牙!✔️芥末魚籽丸$58有八粒, OK抵食,淥完咬開流出熱辣辣芥末味嘅醬汁同爽脆魚籽!✔️寬粉$38因為湯底太好味,要感受佢嘅精華,叫多個寬粉吸晒湯汁味道,又有口感,好滋味!✔️烏梅汁$28/杯呢杯烏梅汁好飲過出面嗰啲好多,出面成日飲到嗰啲質感較稀,呢杯厚身好多,又夠味,差啲想叫多杯!10% service charge continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-05-08
二訪呢間型格川式火鍋店,上次食完一直念念不忘🤭 無論環境或食物質素都非常滿意,座位設計似包廂,私隱度高,感覺放鬆🥰🌟鴛鴦鍋$168+38清油麻辣鍋(小辣)$168酸菜白肉鍋$38店員建議叫小辣🌶️ 如果覺得唔夠辣,可以再幫手加辣,好貼心❤️ 麻辣鍋己有少許鴨血同豆腐,辣得嚟又香又麻,正😎 酸菜白肉鍋必試👍酸菜好爽脆開胃,細問之下原來係呢度嘅廚師自家製,產量少,保持新鮮,難怪同出面唔同,建議唔好錯過😎🌟伊比利霜降肉$128賣相吸引,砌成花嘅樣好有心機🥰 食落零羶味,肉質爽甜,唔錯👍🌟川味辣牛拼盤$188三款調味各有特色,牛肉夠新鮮,肉質鮮嫩,淥耐咗都唔怕嚡,保持嫩滑🤤🌟三色餃$88綠色韭菜餃,麻辣和牛餃, 黑松露蝦蛋餃,三款都好好味,餡料實淨新鮮,食得出係自家製,心思之作🥰🌟三寶丸$88墨魚松露丸,牛丸,梅菜豬肉丸,食落爽口彈牙,有創意又有內涵,超推介👍🌟鴨血$48🌟紫菜響鈴$68麻辣鍋嘅鴨血唔夠喉,又點多一份,口感嫩滑唔鬆散,紫菜響鈴超新鮮,小心夾起,因為好似薯片咁脆身,索曬汁好邪惡😎 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-04-26
The tasting menu set on Openrice was pretty nice deal , with 2 appetizers, 3 type of meat dish (we had Japanese A4 waygu, Iberia pork slice and beef slices); other 3 selections of hot pot items (we picked salty egg yolk pork pie, pepper beef paste and fried bean curb roll (with seaweed inside). Also comes with a basket of veggies and mushroom, duck blood pudding, tofu, noodles and a drink. All the hot pot ingredients are pretty high quality, especially the waygu and beef slice. For soup base we had Sichuan mala waygu butter soup and also chicken soup, both are nice but not too special- although it’s cute to put the butter with restaurant logo printed on it into the mala pot. Dessert 冰粉 was so nice and refreshing after all the spiciness too. Overall the tasting menu is quite ok deal $288pp. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
位於#銅鑼灣 #永光中心 #紅堂麻辣火鍋店中式裝飾為主題,並帶有現代風格。紅黑色調以及昏暗燈光營造了一個舒適和親密的氛圍。餐廳還提供私人包廂😍🔥🥘首先,我們選擇了鴛鴦鍋作為湯底,結合了養生麻辣鍋🌶️和東北酸菜白肉鍋🥬,兩種湯底相互融合,美味無窮!😋🥩 火鍋的主角之一是西班牙🇪🇸伊比利豬梅肉,美味可口,讓人欲罷不能!😍🍣 另外,還有一款特別的蝦佬Sushi,造型精緻,呈現出蝦的形狀。鮮蝦壽司搭配墨魚滑米飯,一咬驚喜連連,滿滿的鮮味與芝士味爆發!🦐🧀🥩🥚 牛五花肉串配鵪鶉蛋更是別出心裁,牛胸腹肉豐滿柔軟,搭配鵪鶉蛋,口感惹味!🤤🥗 還有冰菜、紫准山、烏冬等蔬菜搭配,營養均衡,讓人回味無窮!🥦🍜🌶️🍶 七色乾碟,讓沾醬更具特色!四川風格的香辛辣味讓口感更加豐富,一絕!包括了花椒粉、黄豆粉、辣椒粉、花生粉、黑芝麻、白芝麻、海苔粉等各式調料。👌🍬 最後,甜品拔絲糍粑小爆花,視覺味覺雙重享受!脆脆的糖絲包裹著柔軟糯糍粑,糖絲上還灑上了爆炸糖,三重口感,三重滋味,絕對值得一試!🍭🍡📸 紅堂火鍋店,美味與視覺的盛宴,絕對值得打卡!📍🤳 讓我們期待下一次美食之旅!🥰📣📣📣📣📣 特別優優注意📣📣📣📣📣「由即日起至5月31日,於電話預約訂座惠顧即享鍋底免費,四人以上享免費鍋底2個。另外於Instagram打卡或出Story即送飲品1杯或紅堂冰粉1客。」 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)