6-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Named after the machete like tool for harvesting agave, COA is a new exciting Oaxaca-inspired cocktail bar created and helmed by beverage industry veteran Jay Khan. COA focuses on great hospitality, set in a cozy and friendly environment welcoming all walks of life, and provides a diverse beverage offers, featuring artisanal cocktails with a section dedicated on Agave spirits that provides you a glimpse (or deep dive) into these rich, diverse but often misunderstood products. continue reading
Opening Hours
18:00 - 00:00
Tue - Sat
18:00 - 01:00
18:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (27)
Level4 2024-09-15
呢間之前挑戰過幾次都失敗, 就算早去排隊都除時未必第一批入到, 可能因為天氣既關係, 17:30去到等左半個鐘成功排到第一批入去, 呢度既環境昏暗好有Feel, Cocktail既配搭好特別, 看似唔關事既野擺埋一齊又幾好飲😎Bitter Melon Collins🍊 ($128)💫白苦瓜/ 龍舌蘭酒/ 椰子/ 綠咖哩/ 血橙/ 接骨木花呢杯相對地易入口, 口味偏清爽帶少少既甜, 係成個Special Cocktail list 入面算偏少酒精既一杯😉Smacked Cucumber🥒 ($128)💫青瓜/ 中式沙律醬/ 青檸/ 薑蜜/ 辣椒/ 龍舌蘭酒呢杯聞落既味道會似手拍青瓜既味道, 再加入左麻油, 醋呢啲調味, 味道帶微微既鹹, 真係有種食緊手拍青瓜既感覺, 加入埋其他配料同酒精好特別好好飲🤤Pepper Smash 🫑($128)💫墨西哥辣椒/ 龍舌蘭酒/ 君度/ 紫蘇/羅勒/ 辣椒/ 菠羅/ 龍舌蘭花蜜三杯入面呢杯酒精最濃, 青椒既味道好突出好清新, 再夾雜微微紫蘇既香, 係一杯就咁睇Menu會覺得九唔搭八, 但係飲完會幾鐘意既一杯😎呢度既Cocktail真係滿滿既驚喜, 飲完你會印象深刻, 想再去試既一間, 而且呢度啲Staff都好Nice好醒目, 唔怪之得排咁耐隊都要飲🤩 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-11-26
Have told us like 10 times that we need to go outside to eat our ice cream not bought in the bar. Stupid waiter and waitress. Despite that we spent 4 drinks there. Will not go again ever again. -The first item on menu is the worst, mimicking a frozen coke that tastes cheap. Going down the hill. -Pepper smash in green is decent.-Cucumber drink tastes a bit weird with salad sauce.Overall price was around 576 HKD for two people. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-10-02
COA 以墨西哥龍舌蘭為主題,自開幕以來一直成為城中熱話。嚴選來自世界各地的香料與食材,店內每杯雞尾酒都帶著無限的創意與驚喜,讓人感受到墨西哥的熱情與活力。喜歡挑戰新口味的人特別推薦 La Chinesca,這款雞尾酒巧妙融合了廣東和墨西哥的風味,墨西哥辣椒和薑的辛辣感,與香甜的蜜糖形成對比,再以麻油作為點綴,令整杯酒層次感更加豐富,清新爽口又不失刺激,充分展現了 COA 的獨特調酒哲學。COA is always buzzing with excitement, thanks to their creative cocktails made with tequilas and exotic ingredients from around the world. If you’re up for a flavor adventure, try the La Chinesca! This unique cocktail blends Cantonese and Mexican flavors in a perfect harmony. The spicy kick from jalapeño and ginger is balanced by honey, and topped off with a fragrant sesame oil finish. It‘s the perfect drink to tantalize your taste buds and transport you straight to Mexico. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
星期六終於有機會同朋友到亞洲第一嘅Bar🤤5點9左右到,好多人排隊!6點可以開始逐枱入去~可以去圖睇吓⬇️坐咗梳化位,幾舒服🛋️🤍裝修有格調,可以同朋友好chill咁傾偈~🫶🏻嘢食同嘢飲餐牌⬇️佢嘅嘢飲餐牌係由最低酒精濃度到最高酒精濃度(上至下)P.S. 碟薯片都幾好食~🤣👆🏻朋友嗌嘅依杯有淡淡嘅青瓜味🥒易入口,推介👏🏻☝🏻可以沿着杯邊緣飲 加埋啲海鹽😋(我係試到啲梅味(?)🤣 唔係太飲酒嘅朋友可以點依杯😬)我哋嘅晚餐~下午茶已經食咗啲嘢。兩個女仔食覺得好滿足😁呢度嘅waiters好talk得☺️入座後會作簡單介紹,上嘢飲時亦會介紹Overall 係個好好嘅體驗👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-08-16
COA太出名了排隊是一定的好彩我朋友早去排隊先唔使等位入座後亦都冇限時用餐/飲酒時間我哋幾個朋友每人叫咗幾杯嘢飲有交換試下的每杯cocktails 都好有特色有好飲亦有難飲的好飲嘅會冇乜酒味難飲嘅真係入唔到口當晚因為太肚餓未食晚飯喺COA的小食當中叫了最大份最飽肚的《Cold Cut》呢個真係我食過最好食嘅Cold Cut!有芝士、煙肉、餅乾、火腿、提子及核桃等夠我地4人share(5分飽)大部份都係我平時唔會食嘅食材但夾埋真係意外地好食啲肉超級腍配一啲甜嘅生果同甜既醬再配一啲酸嘅蔬菜味道超級驚喜值得推薦大家一試 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)