9-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Additional Information
Dress Code: Flip flops, sandals, and slippers are not permitted. Gentlemen are refrained from wearing any shoes that expose the feet, and sleeveless shirts.
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
18:15 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (29)
今次去咗間大家攞手推嘅餐廳,食完嗰啲精彩滋味,仲要同大家分享下!佢哋嘅魚子醬無花果撻,正到爆燈💡,啖啖都係炫目果香夾擊啲鹹香魚子,正!金盞花雪葩有個酸酸哋開胃感,外加嘅crumble仲加咗層鬆脆嘅口感。本土西瓜搭上煙燻三文魚子真係新鮮出奇,西瓜解渴得嚟又提味,三文魚子恰到好處嘅鹹香,叁巴醬隻勁辣味又夠晒刺激。每道菜都有個種令人驚喜嘅設計,例如舞菇配肉骨茶,啲鵝肝仲軟滑過任何枕頭,入口即化,食個過嗰個瞬間真係幸福死啦😍!最出彩嘅一道就係cultivate海南雞飯,啲雞肉腍滑得嚟味道夠晒醇厚,啲日本珍珠米又夠晒香,叉燒就鹹甜恰到好處,夾埋個湯真係暖笠笠。落半額嘅紅蝦椰菜花飯同盲曹配松露,都係一試難忘。甜品方面,藍莓主題嘅panna cotta幼滑,仲有藍莓粒藏喺入面,加上藍莓雪葩呢啲滋味清新嘅小驚喜,真係將整個晚餐體驗推到高潮。放工後嘅精彩晚餐,又有咩可以咁心滿意足呢?🌟🍴 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-12-17
A later review Still remembered that the menu was extremely refreshing using seasonal and unique ingredients and surprised that you got a “full course” dessert at the end. Overall, super full and satisfying. The wine pairing was great. Remark: this was in 2021 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Cultivate, located on the competitive Elgin St in Soho, is the business of chef Leonard Cheung, who graduated from CIA, one of the top three culinary schools in the world, and has experience at Otto E Mezzo.  It is said that 1/3 of the menu changes once every 3 weeks, so it seems like a lot of creativity is required.  The chef's hospitality is very welcoming and I think there were more than 10 dishes on the tasting menu, but each one has a very complex taste to the point where there is no point in picking a favorite, making it a good restaurant for people who want to try new flavours. I think the chef uses sweet+salty combination that korean people would also like, also refreshing acidity very well. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-11-03
Finally decided to try Cultivate after months of walking by and I was impressed with the quality of the food. With a seasonal menu that changes regularly, the ingredients were fresh and executed to perfection. My personal favourite was Leonard’s take on the Hainan chicken rice, which combined tender pieces of three yellow chicken together with a chicken roulade. It was accompanied with a rich chicken broth that was very aromatic. Excellent service and Leonard and his chef de cuisine make a special effort to speak with each party of guests, providing a personal touch to the experience. While the full tasting menu is 8 courses, their minimal use of dairy products keeps the menu light and you are not left falling into a food coma. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-10-21
滿意的用餐體驗🥰充滿誠意同驚喜!非常豐富!一共有十多道菜👏🏻慶祝之選✨有埋wine pairing🥂更添氣氛和享受!服務態度好🥰菜式精緻✨有好多特別的食用花、葉點綴✨三款精緻開胃菜:-魚子醬無花果撻好正!!-金盞花雪葩、檸檬汁,crumble 比較特別!打開胃口~-採用本土新界西瓜、煙燻三文魚子,叁巴醬味道幾衝擊,西瓜好清新!-長豇豆、金盞花、鹽漬檸檬、梭子魚-法國甜瓜、挪威龍蝦凍湯,賣相好靚😍-美國加州風牛肉他他配法國蕃茄 有創意👍🏻味道甜甜地幾好食!招牌菜式之一✨-舞菇配肉骨茶 、枸杞鵝肝入口即溶,有驚喜的一道菜👍🏻-西班牙紅蝦配椰菜花飯,蝦頭汁好香濃!(+$380)紅蝦正呀!-澳洲盲曹、即刨松露✨「cultivate海南雞飯」新界三黃雞、日本珍珠米、雞湯好有心機👍🏻肉質嫩滑!甜品心心眼😍好豐富!野餐風-藍莓主題🫐斑斕 panna Cotta配好立克、粟米foam ,入邊有藍莓粒👍🏻好食!!藍莓雪葩、斑斕汁、爆炸糖藍莓鬆餅Bites Of Autumn🍁Yardlong BeanCharentais MelonMarmande TomatoMaitakeGambero Rosso +$380BrassicaHainan Chicken RiceBanana & Caviar +$228Blueberry Corn PicnicFarewell TreatsWeekday Six Course Menu $988Full Tasting Menu 🥂🍷$1488 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)