Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
11:30 - 23:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
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Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (14)
Level4 2014-07-26
堅持周一的lunch放下頹飯,要出外吃好一點;這次選了wishlist上的Fleur de Sel環境地點Fleur de Sel在中環soho附近的嘉咸街上,由soho的"墨西哥美食"橫過小巷即可看到斜街上的小店店的環境不俗,走簡約風格,空間感足,感覺蠻不錯!座位也夠闊落,坐得舒適!難得是午市客人很少,感覺十分悠閒!食物品評Executive Set Lunch ($108 + 10%)平日限定的Set,此Set包含一款咸味的Galette及一款甜品Crepe,並附有餐湯/沙律及餐飲,真的相當超值!!Mixed Salad跟餐的沙律中,這個可算是我吃過最有誠意的一份!沙律份量適中,用上不少種類的蔬菜,都很新鮮!除了蔬菜還加上了咸香的火腿及芝士,令這份沙律的吸引度直線提升!真是相當有誠意!!Expresso (單點價$28)Single Shot 的Expresso,份量少得可憐;咖啡的香味不俗,酸勁頗強,唯一不滿意是上桌過早,竟然是一開始就上桌,緊接沙律而來,兩者同吃實在很不搭!Complete (單點價$79)相當大份的Galette,用料雖然簡單,就是芝士火腿加個蛋,一目瞭然,但配搭起來卻已足夠美味!這家的Galette餅皮做得相當可口,焦脆得來完全不苦,口味上絕對比LA Creperie來得好!更別提在氣氛上比它優勝百倍!(在LA Creperie吃平日午餐感覺跟打仗沒分別!)這片Galette真是相當美味又飽肚!滋味喔!Crepe with Homemade Caramel Sauce (單點價$4x)甜品Crepe也是大大一塊!用上簡單的焦糖漿已經相當可口!Crepe皮相當軟韌,很有嚼勁;Homemade Caramel Sauce味道十分好,濃甜美味,吃完真是相當滿足!總括來說,中環這間Fleur de Sel真是很好的法式Galette Lunch之選,除了地點不太就腳外,其他如環境、服務、食品、價格都相當好,我是真的頗意外午市時段竟然只有兩桌客人到訪,實在不解…Anyway,對我卻不是壞事,讓我慢活了一個寫意悠閒的午餐~部份餐牌價錢: continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-12-14
It was 10pm.E and I had just finished dinner at Red Restaurant IFC. I suggested we go elsewhere for dessert and E, as usual, proposed getting Chinese sweet soup. We strolled to Soho hoping to eat at that place along the pedestrian escalator (HFL) serving famous vegetable rice and sweet soups but, to our dismay, it had been unknowingly replaced by another resto. Hence we wandered further up and arrived at Graham St. Between Sift and Fleur de sel, we picked the latter.Service:Good service - the waitress was very helpful and friendly.Food: Speculoos crepe with vanilla ice cream (sprinkled with crushed speculoos) ~$80To be honest $80 is really expensive for a crepe considering how it's really just eggs, flour, sugar, and whatever condiment they pile on it. Sigh. As with many other things. Okay it's really eggy biscuits taking a flatter, bigger form, with toppings. Meh. Eggy biscuits cost $20 max per batch. By way of background, the idea of a speculoos crepe appealed to me at all only because G introduced me to the wonderful and amazing realm of speculoos (by buying me a jar of cookie butter from Trader Joe's). Thanks, G. The crepe was around two 10 cents coins thick and quite even. Tasted sufficiently sweet standing alone. No crisp edges because it wasn't thin enough, but it's alright because the topping was tasty. A thick, guilt-inducing spread of speculoos on half of the crepe; quite sweet but slightly savoury at the same time; kinda like peanut butter but sweeter, and spiced with, among others, cinnamon and nutmeg. The lone scoop of vanilla ice cream was not too sweet or thick which helped to cut the sweetness. Only vanilla would've worked, out of the conventional ice cream flavours. Chocolate would've been too rich. The speculoos sprinkles added an extra grainy texture to the otherwise doughy dessert. Not that it was necessary - didn't care much for texture because it was too yummy. Late night desserts...once in a blue moon. Glad I shared it with you, E.  ConclusionWon't mind returning to try some other crepes, maybe the savoury ones. But I feel indifferent towards the creperies in town - the more well-known ones being La Creperie and Fleur de Sel. La Creperie has a wider selection of food I think, and a longer establishment. I was equally happy with my experiences at both restaurants. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-06-11
到過法國便會愛上它的食物。她們的食材,總有著, 地靈而物潔 的感覺。餐廳為「法國五月」推了三款薄餅,緊張趕及品嚐。亦要試盡它們!一灌在法國用餐的作風,沒有溫水供應,唯有叫了一杯dry cider$38(好味過sweet呀), 和百爵茶一杯$30。薄餅順序送來。布地根紅酒汁薄餅Oeuf Meurette。布地根是頂級葡萄酒產地,這裡用上整支紅酒加菜熬成汁,再加菇、煙肉。紅酒味濃得叫人瘋狂!酒味濃縮得令人陶醉!自家logo麵包粒脆面內有o趙口,有趣有趣!蝸牛薄餅Bourguignone, 因為外國人調汁醬太巧究了,不知道除了白酒、芝士外,說不出是什麼味源。但這個汁是好好好好味,濃濃的。蝸牛爽身,沒罐頭腥味,好肥美!Epoisse薄餅, 不喜歡那片風乾肉腸,卻極喜歡那薯仔粒+Epoisse cheese。法國的薯仔特別好食!粉得來不會蓉o係口,咬下極有薯味。Epoisse有人會覺”kun”,但屬於輕微。它是洗浸芝士,更是白酒洗浸。那朕, 獨特”酒kun”,我倒欣賞啊! 配上酸酸蛋黃汁沙律菜,refresh一下口腔呢!送的甜crepes,法藉老闆推介自家焦糖,但在銅鑼灣鋪已吃過,今選朱古力,反正同樣是自家製。朱古力醬,好吃!如再多d可以食真d,因為甜餅比咸餅厚身,需要更多的漿汁伴食。幸好咸餅是薄薄的麥餅,兩個人吃三片,總算清得晒。再加甜一塊(雖沒topping)真大滿足。老闆問我們那款最好,我們異口同聲snails! 哈哈!其實三款都拍岸叫絕!一次吃齊三款,腦裡閃過...「法國佳釀‧人間美食」。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2013-06-11
星期六的中環,相對於過去五天,特別顯得寧靜,尤其在這行人電梯與SOHO中間的地帶。慢慢行上嘉咸街這間食店 (也因為穿了四吋厚底鞋只能慢行),享受一下法式風情。相對於銅鑼灣的一號舖,這二號舖面積較小,但裝修簡潔鮮明。趟開門,數張高椅和高枱就隨意地放在吧枱前,而用餐的另一邊,則以白色配以橙色,小小地方卻分野鮮明,足以看出法國人對品味的觸覺。年輕的法籍店長懶懶的坐在後方,望著我們三個細聲講、大聲笑,應該在後方翻白眼吧!黑板上仍有Le French May的優惠,只要點三個指定的galette(咸味薄餅),就會送一個甜味crepe 。剛好三人同來,就每款來一個。Ouef meurette,材料中最搶眼的就是一顆埋在中間的poached egg,輕輕把它切開,蛋液緩緩地流到其他材料中,把炒香的洋蔥、雜菌、煙肉加添蛋香和濕度。紅酒汁放在薄餅上也是第一次見到,除把顏色變得香艷外,也為味道添上一點點酒香。La bourguignonne,重口味的一個。忌廉汁內藏著磨菇、法國蝸牛和煙肉,中間一把嫩綠菠菜卻把味道中和。薄餅索滿忌廉汁,吃下去滿口香濃,菠菜的功用,應是減低那濃郁奶油香所帶來的罪惡感。L’Epoisse,當中有炒香的薯仔,l’epoisse cheese 和數片rosette de lyon (法式風乾香腸之類)。這個薄餅的形狀較四整,凸顯香脆的餅皮,材料質感清爽,味道因著芝士的關係,仍帶鹹香。伴著沙律菜,減低濃烈的口感。最後附送的甜品,選了朱古力口味。簡單的在crepe上淋上朱古力醬,切開九份均分,每片都沾上不少份量,加上餅皮柔軟非常,吃下不會有乾啃的感覺。一份三人分享,輕輕地滿足了我們的甜牙齒。法籍店長和我們說聲 have a nice day,開心地完結這餐。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I loved the Fleur de Sel in CWB. Unfortunately I live quite far from CWB and getting there is a hassle. So imagine my joy when they opened one in SoHo! I have to say this one seems to be a bit better than the original, not sure why. It is also quite a bit emptier, again, not sure why. Delicious, reasonably priced, authentic French crepes in SoHo, it really should be quite full on a Saturday night. Either way, every time I've been here, I've had great friendly service, waiters who aren't too busy or uptight to have a small chat and make recommendations or answer questions, and thoroughly enjoyed the whole dining experience, though admittedly the windows could be a bit more soundproof. The last time I was there we tried a Truffle crepe and a French May special, the Bourguignonne, snails and lardons. Both were delicious (though I think leaving out the optional camembert from the Truffe would be a good idea as it is heavy and tasty enough as it is, and will save you $20 in the process). The Bourguignonne did not skimp on the escargots, and was very well cooked. The dessert crepes were amazing as always, the special French May choice was one with pannacotta and red fruits (I forget the name), unusually tied up into a bundle with some type of string candy. The fresh, tangy-ness of the fruit went perfectly with the sweet whipped cream and chocolate crepe. I hope to see this one staying on the menu after the French May is over. And of course you must have some cidre with the crepes, it really enhances the flavour and counteracts the richness. For a 2 person meal with 4 crepes and 2 cups of cider, we spent $530, extremely reasonable. To sum up, Fleur de Sel Central makes for a great romantic dinner or even just with friends. The food is priced right and tastes great, the atmosphere is very nice, the service is friendly, and the location is convenient. *the phone will usually be answered in French in my experience, but don't let that put you off since they speak perfectly good English too. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)