4-min walk from Exit E1, Sheung Wan MTR Station
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Inside the L Place in central is Indonesian Restaurant 1968. The restaurant has recently been renovated and now has a very young and trendy look. Their menu is packed with traditional Indonesian flavors and they also have a vegetarian menu.
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Additional Information
Meatless Menu Details: vegetarian menu available daily.
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
踏進這家餐廳,眼前一片熱鬧非凡。桌上的菜色彩斑斕,勁惹人垂涎。先點了道海南雞飯,雞肉夠滑嘅口感真係撚正!🍚 飯粒飽滿又香,醬汁嘅香辣味撲鼻而來,好夠kick。喇沙軟殼蟹湯麵嘅湯底味道濃郁,不過湯就欠啲平衡,蟹肉少咗啲,麵身太腍底咗。爪哇醬燒雞件件肉質嫩滑,醬汁濃郁得黎又唔會過於油膩,喉響無比!😋🍗餐廳又提供嗰啲爽口前菜沙律,清新提味,為主餚做咗好好嘅鋪墊。啖啖肉嘅沙嗲串燒香氣四溢,碳香味同甜辣沙嗲醬嘅組合簡直絕配。至於嗰碟薯仔牛肉餅,外層香脆,一啖咬落去,牛肉嘅鮮味喺口腔裡面綻放,真係心思思唔想停手。🥔總結,呢間餐廳嘅食物都算係地道,色香味具全,雖然某啲湯面略嫌平平,但整體仍然係一個可以滿足我南洋食慾嘅好地方。下次再約埋朋友一齊嚟,趁著傾偈嘅空檔,再享受下這濃厚嘅印尼香料風味。👌
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It’s the first time I came here after they have moved. We ordered sweet iced tea, rendang beef and a sate set with 6 skewers. The iced tea was refreshing. Not too sweet. The sate set consisted of three skewers of chicken and three skewers of pork. Both were tender and juicy. They came with 5 bite-size pieces of rice cake topped with coconut. The flavours of food were generally good yet the portion size is too small for the price they are charging. There were only 3 pieces of beef in the rendang beef, which is a huge reduction in size compared to before their move.
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入黎第一感覺係覺得餐廳幾有情調 ,怖置都幾靚幾有feel。4個人可以坐超大張梳發枱,好舒適好寬敞!食物方面賣相都幾別緻,不過價錢就偏貴左啲~但係餐廳坐得舒服又唔趕人走,當係度食埋環境都抵嘅!印尼炒麵跟雞肉沙嗲 $138 👍🏻成個麵係好濃味嘅,偏咸同多油仲有微辣,不過食落都係好食嘅。中間夾雜雞肉,雞肉正正常常冇乜特別啦。個雞肉沙嗲就幾好食,雞肉跟少少脂肪同皮顯得格外嫩滑,加上香香甜甜嘅沙嗲醬,正!前菜沙律 (午市跟餐附送) 👌🏻味道上平平無奇冇乜特別,不過份量都算幾多。熱印尼烘焙香茶 (午市跟餐附送) 👎🏻飲落就有啲似加左糖嘅普洱,飲唔慣會覺得有啲奇怪。我諗凍版應該好啲,可惜我養生為由唔叫得凍飲。🤣
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was there last year & revisit there again today. have to say the quality & level of service remains top notch. always a pleasure dining there. laksa & kway teo is devine & I cannot wait to go back there again to try out other food on the menu. nice ambience & comfortable seating also.
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今晚黎到位於上環既印尼1968食印尼菜,平時都唔係咁易搵到印尼菜式食,今日專程黎上環試下。Zesty Corn Salad有粟米,果肉,蕃茄同花生等等,好足料呀,粟米同果肉都好甜,好開胃。Grilled Pork Belly with Lettuce豬腩肉燒等好香,個汁調得好好味,配上豬肉好好味。Satay Lilit魚肉好甜,完全唔腥,配上酸酸甜甜既醬汁好好味。The Original Beef Rendang Burger漢堡好大個,牛肉亦都好厚,肉味好濃,每一啖都有肉汁。Refreshing lemongrass honey tea依杯加左蜜糖既茶入口好清新,茶香味特出。Charcoal Grilled USDA Angus Beef Satay牛肉好軟滑,燒到岩岩好,唔會煮得太老,好味。Fragrant Fish of Indonesia 用香蕉葉包住既魚肉黎煮,好有特色,出面好少見到,魚肉入口仲有葉既清香,好味。Pandan Rollckae parfait甜品賣相好吸引,唔會太甜,幾特別,其他地方唔係咁容易食到。整體黎講今次既菜式都好有特色,烹調既方式都比較少見,調味又調得幾好,好岩我胃口。
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