6-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
首間立食扒房,供應5種牛肉(紐西蘭、安格斯、佐賀和牛),另有由日本和法國購入的罐裝飲品,罐裝紅酒、白酒於香港比較少見,酒的果味很重,帶點花香。 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (150)
Level3 2016-12-04
Went to this place which seems to be famous for steak on metal plate. You will be asked how many grams of beef you would like ranging from $0.7/kg for US beef to $2.1/kg Omi A4 steak. Good to be aware that it must be a minimum of 200g for each order. Since each slice is a hand-cut process, so assuming there will be a 10% error would be reasonable.I ordered around 250g of US ribeye and the waitress asked for the degree of doneness, which I requested for medium rare. Waited for around 15 minutes, the dish is finally here. The sizzling plate spreads the beef aromas and does add abit of psychological craving. The first cut, while still medium rare, the taste is already suboptimal with minimal tender and minimal juiciness.However, with the sizzling effect and lack of onion beneath the steak, it became well done in a very short period of time and taste was too lean and too dry. Topped garlic and sweet corn paired nicely with this style of steak and additional seasonings were available for personal preferences as well. But with the rough steak, it is just too hard to enjoy. Rice and salad was standard. Corn soup taste is not bad, but too thick to considered as soup and occasionally has powder like texture. Overall, the enjoyment time for the tender steak was too short to leave a good memory. With the sizzling effect of the metal plate, what is the point of asking the degree of doneness for your steak especially not that the restaurant will serve rare when customer requested medium.  Serving the same degree of doneness of steak is just not wise and why don't you just serve blue rare steak and let customer to cook for themselves? I was offered high table while normal height dining tables were available. Not the most comfortable table to enjoy steak. Seems an over-rated steak place and not looking forward to try again unless there are major changes in terms of serving method and dining environment. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2016-11-29
去完PMQ 做完偽文青之後 打算食好西去補充精力見到間野既單張 牛肉好似幾靚下 滿心歡喜咁入去叫扒哥陣講下想要幾大之後師父切返差唔多 size當然師分一定會有意冇意咁🔪多d 重磅d價錢貴唔緊要 但重點!唔!好!食 快餐既style 環境油立立 牛肉無味 唔加set唔夠飽 加左似paper Lunch 因為食到一肚氣 真係相都唔想影 睇完單仲想嘔出黎 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2016-09-23
今日行完山同女友食牛排 叫左400g西冷同200g加set 400g塊排叫左medium rare食左一舊仔已經知道唔對路塊排中間凍既 原因應該係牛排無放係室溫rest 直接係雪櫃擰出黎切就烹調 同職完示意後佢地幫我將牛排再煮過經過兩次加熱牛排已接近全熟我亦再無力叫職員處理最後埋單兩個人大概四百蚊原來加一是按原價加一 感覺有少少諗縮數 無下次 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
運動之後想食d肉,諗住近近地再食佢,肥妹Waitress 過黎介紹,因為上星期先食過,笑住同佢講吾洗都即黑面叫西冷點知出黎舊肉仲肥過肉眼,3成但因為cutting問題,太厚而中間完全係生,叫佢整熟少少,出黎就變左well done !比錢果陣比多左,老短髮Waitress 仲要話岩岩好,吾係清醒就白啦啦比多幾十蚊e間overpriced 得黎又無service 既餐廳!開飯友自己去之前諗清楚啦 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2016-08-25
跟友人聚會最苦惱一定是找餐廳,因為我們喜歡餐廳食物好吃又便宜。這個餐廳專門是吃牛的,偶爾做一下吃肉獸也不錯。我們去的時間,這個餐廳有半價優惠,不論吃西冷扒還是肉眼扒還是其他選擇都會有五折優惠。友人點了西冷扒200G,我則點了肉眼扒200G。我覺得200G就很足夠了 不用吃太多了店員把肉扒端上後,牛肉的香味很濃,配上香草調製的醬汁,酸酸甜甜很對胃口。他們的肉眼扒,肉質不錯,很有質感。配搭白飯一起進食很滿足。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)