8-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station
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Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 21:00
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 21:00
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 00:00
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 21:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 21:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
滿期待山長水遠過嚟捧場,因此店關了好一段時間。。新地方人多,地方少,味道好,但人手嚴重不足,當日只有一人,等了半小時才能點歺。想過去bar 枱點,被叫停,說會過嚟下單,但半小時𢓭幫了遲來的人先點…最後還是要回bar 枱點…問問老闆定食內容,他只說就如歺牌寫著囉,很有藝術家架子。雖然好食,但應不會再來受氣了。如此美味.. 可惜。味道不能蓋過一切,就算多好食,也不是來受氣的。小朋友也等到很肚餓,很不耐煩。
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Went there for dinner, where no minimum charge was specified, queued up for around half an hour but the shopkeeper was too busy to take care of us; Personally I don't mind waiting for good dining experience understanding the resto was one-man band. However, better/ polite attitude was expected. Too rude when compared to other vegetarian restaurants. He had a long face when we ordered two a la carte, and questioned impolitely if we are only taking these; Yet, I don't think it's appropriate to assume everyone could get a full dinner set with NO heads up reminder, it's important to have clear rules up front. After all, food was simple and normal, could be a good option for vegetarians if craving for warm noodles but maybe not on a busy weekend night.
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年結業的素味謀面終於回歸了,我也時隔三年再次吃到他們的拉麵🍜當初吃他們家拉麵的時候一名學生,如今也成為了穿梭在繁忙中環的無名白領之一,不禁感慨時間飛逝。餐廳就在cupping room裡頭,當時還是學生的我也曾經坐在cupping room的絕美窗口位置做著實習的工作,想想時間真不饒人。回歸正題,餐廳目前的空間並不算大,只有一兩張桌子,其餘都是omakase式的吧檯桌,對著廚師吃麵,蠻有感覺的。Set lunchHKD138非常大份又好吃,雖然價格是貴了一點。含一份主食、副食和是日甜品(其實只有三小塊水果)主食是拉麵,我選的是鮮茄甘筍濃湯底,含有海帶、玉米、紫菜、豆卜、芽菜(記得走五辛),營養均衡且美味。副食選的是關東煮,白蘿蔔、紅蘿蔔、花菇和類似腐竹的食物都非常入味,超愛!甜品個人覺得有點失望,就只是三小塊水果,有蜜瓜和西瓜,不過味道很甜。
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跟舊店欠一點緣份,總是休店時經過,所以從來未試過。 前天終於試了大名鼎鼎素味謀麵!在中環重開,一定要快快去試!四菇濃湯 純素拉麺 $88湯真的很濃味!但吃完喝完不囗渴!我喝了90%的湯😅只是太飽剩了少許,稠身的湯都掛在麵上,每啖都充滿濃湯😍 每碗拉麵都配有紫菜、豆卜、木耳、粟米、海藻、翡翠苗、葱花、溏心蛋半枚。 豆卜是長條形很紥實的口感,跟空心正方豆卜比較,結構好像綿密一點,豆青味也沒有那麼強烈👍🏻店在Cupping Room樓梯上去右手邊。座位數目不多,有L字形高枱及兩張2人枱。幸好我去的時候還早,不用等候。下次可以帶仔同老公一齊試其他菜式。
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