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Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 00:00
12:00 - 03:00
12:00 - 01:00
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Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay
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May Bring Your Own Wine Details
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10% Service Charge
Live Music
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (303)
Level3 2020-06-21
之前有好朋友生日,就大家約到哩間店舖去搞生日飯,一入店,就已經見到一幅好靚嘅塗鴉,而旁邊又有live band 嘅表演,係一個有好feel嘅地方而野食方面,我地叫左水牛雞翼,一般般無咩特別,而最意外嘅係佢地嘅烤冬菇加芝士和南瓜豆腐,竟然令到烤菇同芝士加豆腐好match,清清地得黎又香氣逼人另外,建議大家係happy hour 8點前叫酒飲,有指定嘅飲品會買一送一,會比較抵。 整體黎講,係一個唔錯嘅地方,服務質素算好, 野食都頗吸引,值得一試黎哩間餐廳黎飲下野,傾下偈 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-04-09
🇭🇰 One of the most top rated restaurants on Openrice. First of all the service and environment of the resto are superb; it has a rather dark atmosphere with live band performance occasionally, and they also introduced each dish when it arrives. Baked bone marrow (oxtail marmalade and sourdough )$168Very well balanced appetisers- oxtail and bone marrow matched really well with marmalade as the oiliness is toned down by the sweetness of marmalade. The sourdough crisps added some crunchiness to the overall taste. Sea Urchin & Abalone Risotto $398WOW this one is soooo bomb, the risotto used shrimp broth to cook and added abalone, sea urchin and squid crackers, the sea urchin flavour is strong and fresh and makes the risotto super creamy😍🙈 There’s a lot of things going on at once for this dishPappardelle White Bolognese $178/238 The bolonese are different to the normal tomato bolognese, it’s made out of pork, beef and chicken with cream sauce and beef brisket broth. The pappardelle is homemade and it was a good choice of pasta as it is more thick and chewy which absorb more of that sauce.Pached Korean Pear with salted caramel gelato $118 $4xx pp 8.5/10 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2020-03-25
見完客想搵個地方坐低休息下食下野同靜靜地諗下Project就上左黎呢間樓上BAR原來呢間係星級BAR黎既, 做得星級BAR, 裝修唔可以馬虎環境空間感幾大幾舒服, 裝修又唔會過於華麗, 幾唔錯叫左個Homemade既Baccala ravioil望落個樣似係意大利雲吞個一類既食物擺盤幾靚, 唔會太多花巧野食落味道都唔錯, 外皮厚薄適中, 帶點口感職員服務主動有禮, 唔會過於騷擾, 可以靜靜地享受一個人的午餐 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2020-03-24
朋友喺中環返工,都有在周邊附近出沒,佢提議話去間優質嘅西餐廳食晚飯,我當然係贊成啦。餐包配橄欖油都幾清新,如果提供埋balsamic vinegar一齊點會更加豐富口味,亦都會開胃D。前菜點咗炸魷魚share嚟食,炸得好香脆,加少少青擰汁食好清新,點個aioli醬食就會多一個層次感,雖然黑蚊蚊(墨魚汁)有D嚇人。我嘅主菜點咗蜆肉意粉,蜆嘅份量都唔少,口味較為清淡,意粉烹煮時間掌握得好,呢個檔次嘅餐廳,都唔expect會食到D過淋嘅意粉。朋友食咗炆煮羊腩,我唔食羊肉所以無試到。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2020-03-04
西餐都有分好多種嘅,今次就嚟食意大利菜,覺得餐廳氛圍幾型格,去到咁啱仲有liveband聽,令人覺得好enjoy。食物我地其實都唔係好識點菜,於是就叫職員推介店內的主打菜式。最後我地決定點一款前菜、一款湯、牛扒,再加甜品一齊share兩個都夠食。前菜:Cuttlefish 見到一碟泡沫首先要打卡,朋友介紹話分子料理呈現方式就係講sauce打成泡沫。我小心翼翼啲試食一啖,味道好fresh,好清新。湯:Spark Seafood Chowder Soup有一個好特別嘅紫菜脆片,配上鮮甜綿滑嘅湯,好enjoy。牛扒:10oz USDA Prime Rib Eye一開始睇個樣真係唔識食,不過職員都好Nice會教我地食法同順序。講牛油和牛骨髓塗在牛扒上,食落香濃,味覺會有不同層次,幾特別。Spark Tiramisu最後就係甜品。以前都係食杯裝嘅Tiramisu只覺得甜膩。呢個SparkTiramisu係最後都要比到驚喜我,甜而不膩,仲加上爆炸糖,即刻勾起細個嘅回憶。覺得每個菜式都好又心思,靚得嚟又好食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)