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Review (8)
Level4 2015-03-26
機場食店選擇雖然多,但工作大的午餐,唔可以慢慢嘆,反正要快,就去快餐店食,接機大堂樓底高,採開放式設計,枱與枱唔太迫,先搵位,好好彩有人剛走,向大堂阿姐招手執枱,好快攪掂,有張圓枱!分批去買餐,雖然人多,櫃檯店員都好爽手,先落單再攞食物,八達通比錢,落好單先記得有員工價,問店員可以後補,佢黑面咁退回差價比我!之後出齊餐自己攞埋枱!估唔到個咖哩汁好濃,牛腩牛筋好多件,牛腩入味唔嚡,牛筋好粗,入味彈牙,好唸好入味!薯仔唔唸,質感爽口!咖哩汁好香濃,微辣!白飯好大球(唔記得叫少飯)!連埋爽口嘅幾款蔬菜,健康啲!好好味!熱咖啡:夠濃唔澀!港式風味!快餐都唔代表要委屈自己! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-09-25
我係香港都係食呢個早餐jar ,本來以為臨出發前可以食下啲平時食開嘅野,但結果勁難食………個餐飽勁硬,唉… 但個通粉都叫好食 呢舊雞扒有雪味,搞到好臭,我食左1/4 已經唔想食有得揀大家揀過第二間……… continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
搭夜機返老家,因午餐食齋關係,七點已飢腸轆轆,J一到機場,小妹急不及待捉埋佢去搵食。最後,見美心無咩人排隊,就買左碗即叫即煮的雲吞麵醫肚。一碗雲吞麵$34,並不便宜,但理解位置偏僻,租金昂貴所致也。撥開d幼麵,細心一數,有6粒嬌小玲瓏的雲吞,再加上份量適中的麵條,可以接受也。一箸麵放入口,幼身銀絲全蛋麵爽口有嚼勁,不會過硬或過淋,可見烹調時間控制得宜。雲吞不大不小,盈盈一吞,惜徒有蝦肉而豬肉欠奉,幸雲吞皮薄,蝦肉餡也見鮮爽。搯一小匙湯喝下,湯底不太鹹,夠鮮甜濃香,味道不錯﹗連鎖快餐店一向粗製濫造,毫無誠意。因此,小妹未食前已不抱任何期望,誰知,味道及質素竟是意料之外,確有驚奇﹗ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-08-05
24.3.2013這天下午, 友人要飛回他原來的地方了, 所以去了機場送別他. 原來我在2011年3月到過機場工作, 吃過這兒的燒味飯哩. 當時是托人買外賣, 而今次是親身在此開餐. 和我們預計的一樣, 這裡食客很多, 我們花了十分鐘才找到空桌子. 友人吃燒味飯, 而我就吃白汁雜菌燴意粉. 這個定價$43的意粉, 不包括飲品, 這也是意料中事的. 這個意粉用膠盒盛載, 白汁的味道濃到好像忌簾湯的味似的, 且份量多, 多到吃完意粉仍剩下很多白汁. 雜菌就有冬菇, 秀珍菇和磨菇, 煮得夠淋. 而裝飾的甜紅椒, 青椒和黃椒也很爽甜, 也令到意粉增加色彩. 至於意粉呢, 煮到剛剛好, 竟然沒有發脹, 實屬難得. 雖然價錢偏貴, 但這個意粉的質素比我預期中好呢, 可以說一分錢, 一分貨.吃完這一餐之後, 不知何時才可以和朋友相聚了. 有人說離別是為了重聚, 因此人們才會珍惜相聚的每分每秒, 可是我討厭無了期的離別啊. 最後, 我沒說出'再見', 我只說Take care. 但願在不久的將來, 能夠與友人再見面吧.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-06-16
Finally, my summer holiday starts !! The first meal that I had after landed in hk was not any thing expensive or special but something simple and delicious. Guess what's that? It's char siu fan/ barbecue pork with rice. My mum always knows that I love having char siu fan as it is a HK style dish which comparing to the one that I had in the UK... totally different!! When I opened my take away, there was a strong smell of barbecue char siu which made me even more hungrier. I first mixed all the ingredients today so that the sauce could be evenly distributed throughout the rice. Browny rice looked so appealing. My first expression was "wonderful". Although it was not super hot, it was warm and the rice was awesome which gave a salty flavour  and chewy texture. I love it. The barbecue pork matched so well with the rice as it was "half fat and thin" , it was the right proportion of meat and fats which I really appreciated and enjoyed.  Simple food can brighten my life change. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)