Exit C2, Kowloon Tong MTR Station, Exit H, Kowloon Tong MTR Station continue reading
於2013年進駐香港,其正宗越式美饌深得食客擁戴。九龍塘旗艦店佔地5,800平方尺,室內設計充滿法屬殖民地色彩,散發法越情懷。餐廳主廚擁有逾40年主理越菜經驗,為食客呈獻南北中越多款經典菜式,盡享越南地道美食的真味。 continue reading
Opening Hours
*Last order: 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Accessible Environment Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (268)
Level4 2024-08-02
我超喜歡吃東南亞菜越南菜便是其中一款!安南九龍塘又一城分店坐得舒適招呼不錯菜式亦正宗,可惜收到消息餐廳要暫別又一城了!那便乘機約好友去到安南開餐留個美好的回憶。安南將於9月2日暫別又一城!由即日起推出了九周年感謝祭限定菜式及多項優惠。甫坐下先點杯招牌特飲鳳梨莫吉托$78,冰爽可口還有鳳梨的香氣,調得不過甜配越南美食剛好,而且可以優惠價$9享用第二杯(以售價較低者計算)好划算。好友想吃蒜蓉牛油雞翼$98我當然奉陪!雞翼烹得好香脆內裏肉汁豐盈,如果可以邪惡點多些牛油就更開心哈哈。另一優惠是又一城店的兩款限定菜式!以優惠價推出三色大頭蝦及安南金牛煲,我們選上三色大頭蝦$398(原價$448),以珍寶大頭蝦炮製出炭燒、越式酸子及甘露大頭蝦三吃。果然是珍寶大頭蝦隻隻有我手掌般大!啖啖肉加上蝦頭的甘香蝦膏真是不得了。首先品嚐基本的炭燒大頭蝦!肥美肉厚的印尼大蝦滿載蝦膏邪惡到不得了!吃下去啖啖肉加上炭燒香氣非常惹味。越式酸子大頭蝦則以招牌酸子醬作調味,酸甜開胃的味道吃得嘴巴會心微笑。最後的甘露大頭蝦則以特製甘露醬內調味,口味獨特酸酸甜甜的非常醒胃,吃罷三款大頭蝦也沒有膩的感覺特色醬汁絕對是功不可沒。優惠一浪接一浪我們還選了海陸滋味的第二客半價當中兩款菜式!先上檯的是安南小食拼盤$268內裏包括有香滑蒸粉卷、脆口安南春卷、彈牙越式蝦餅、咬口十足的軟殼蟹米子卷及我最喜歡的脆卜卜鮮蝦蝦片。第二客是安南酸子蟹$548以份量十足的越南大肉蟹來炮製,加上酸子醬、黑胡椒、指天椒及紫洋蔥等炒香,吃下梳梳新鮮蟹肉加上惹味酸子汁會吃到吮晒手指呢。蔬菜是每餐必須的所以也點來一客馬拉盞炒芥蘭苗$98,翠綠芥蘭苗配襯惹味的馬拉盞,吃下爽口又惹味好容易便可以清碟。大家趁著還有一個月的時光可以到九龍塘回味安南的特色越南菜,以後想吃的話就要去銅鑼灣店了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
如果你想找個地方一個人食下野放鬆下,安南係個不錯的選擇。這裡的環境非常舒適,裝潢很有格調,還能看到溜冰場的景色。對於獨自用餐的人來說,好relax,而且這裡出菜速度快,服務也很周到!特別要提的是他們的燒豬肉撈檬粉,這道菜不僅份量十足,而且味道豐富。炭燒豬肉外焦里嫩,帶有一種微微的焦香,搭配彈牙的檬粉,簡直是味蕾的享受。調味汁恰到好處,酸甜度適中,每一口都讓人回味無窮。總體來說,這次用餐體驗非常滿意。可惜安南將於9月2日暫別又一城,今次當係留個美好的回憶啦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-08-21
Ordered the Deluxe set menu for dinner $398 per person plus SC. Basically we decided on the set menu as we couldn’t be bothered to think what to eat. The set menu consisted of an appetiser, main, noodle, dessert platter and drink. As there were 3 of us we were able to select all the 3 different mains to share amongst us. The snack platter arrived first and consisted of a deep fried spring roll, a mango soft shell crab rice paper roll and a Vietnamese sausage salad. This snack platter was a great compilation of the best dishes from the restaurant with no complaints. The 3 different mains arrived after we finished the appetiser.The first main that arrived was the Baked Mekong River Prawns in cheese and mushrooms. The prawns were big and juicy and tasted great with the cheesy mushroom sauce. The second main to arrive was the Vietnamese Crispy Deep Fried Pork Chop. I found the batter very powdery which might be a sign the oil temperature during deep frying was not hot enough. Despite this, the taste of the pork chop was not affected and the coating remained crispy. The third main, and last main to arrive was the Duck à l'orange in Clay Pot. The duck meat was tender and the sauce was sweet with a orangey flavour. It was ok but my least favourite of the 3 mains.Next to arrive was the noddle course, which we chose the A Nam Signature Combo Rice Noodle Soup. The soup both was delicious and contained raw beef, beef brisket, beef tendon and beef stomach. It was very filling and probably the best dish in the set menu. Lastly the dessert platter arrived.The platter consisted from left to right, a Coffee Panna Cotta, coconut ice cream and Black Sticky Rice. The panna cotta had a very strong coffee flavour, the coconut ice cream was refreshing and not so sweet and the sticky rice was tasty but too sweet for me. Again a great selection of the best desserts available here. For the drink, we all ordered the fresh lime iced tea, which was too sweet and I needed to add water to it. Overall, this set is value for money and had a great variety to showcase the signature dishes of the restaurant. The service is good and seating is comfortable and spacious, and this makes it one of the best restaurants in Festival Walk. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-20
餐廳打造了兩種不同的裝潢格調, 我較喜歡有吊扇和百葉門的一邊, 既有情調, 亦可下望溜冰場。不過天氣炎熱, 餐廳冷氣略為不足, 如可讓吊扇稍微運作, 定必有助空氣流動, 感覺更涼快。下午茶時段可享八折優惠, 作為一個精明的消費者, 不介意遊逛商場至 15:00 才來吃個 late lunch / early dinner。精選午市套餐1) 前菜拼盤 : 蒸粉卷, 香葉肉碎蝦片, 柚子沙律2) 炭燒豬肉撈檬粉 $1283) 青檸冰茶4) all + 10%5) 下午茶時段八折優惠前菜拼盤有蒸粉卷, 香葉肉碎蝦片和柚子沙律。蒸粉卷面頭布滿黑白芝麻, 粉卷富有米香, 內有蝦米, 紙菜和肉碎, 香口美味。香葉肉碎蝦片其貌不揚, 蝦片脆口, 配上香葉肉碎, 作為小吃還是不錯的。柚子沙律有大量柚子, 菜和蘿蔔絲, 清甜爽口, 以魚露調味, 酸味味的, 增進食慾。炭燒豬肉撈檬粉份量不少, 豬肉炭燒味香濃, 檬粉爽身, 掛上魚露清新開胃, 很適合炎夏享用。伴有大量菜絲, 健康飲食均衡。青檸冰茶青檸味道明顯, 甜度適中, 感覺清爽。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-06-15
又一城安南我每隔一段時間都會去食一次。最近2次都覺得水準都向下滑可能係換左廚師或者係而家的廚師做法唔係好岩我口味今日食lunch 3個人叫了春卷,雞翼,豬肉沙律,香鴨煲,糯米飯春卷明顯地冇以前咁好食。。size仲好似細左。味道冇咁惹味。蒜蓉牛油雞亦冇乜牛油味。。感覺調味都冇乜。糯米飯我覺得都係一般 ,淡口?濕得滯?總之下次黎就唔會想再叫。鴨煲味道正常。。薯仔好入味。豬肉沙律好開胃。。可惜開胃完其他野食都係一般般。3個人最後賣單900蚊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)