Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
One of Hong Kong's most famous winter indulgence ought to be clay pot rice. What makes it special is not only because of the savory toppings over hot rice but as well as the distinctive flavor from cooking it over a charcoal stove. Nevertheless, such way of cooking the clay pot rice is time-consuming and people use alternative ways of cooking to cook clay pot rice as Hong Kong people have such a fast-paced lifestyle where waiting for a long period is not likely to be tolerable. Consequently, even though clay pot rice might not be hard to find, they lacked the distinctive flavor, hence characteristics. This restaurant claims to serve authentic clay pot rice and have been on newspapers, so we decided to give it a try. Being in a municipal services building, above the market, the restaurant would not be fancy yet it resembles much of Hong Kong style. Nonetheless, for being a Hong Kong style restaurant or food stall, it was, thankfully, a quite clean and neat place. And it is a bonus that the waiters aren't rude and impatient like many other waiters in traditional Hong Kong style restaurants and food stalls do.Other than clay pot rice, it serves many stir-fry dishes as well. Since it claims to cook the clay pot rice in a traditional way, to prevent getting bored from waiting the rice to be ready, we ordered a few dishes to eat first.We ordered a Sizzling Chicken Hotpot (啫啫雞煲) and a Sauteed Broccoli w/ Abalone Slices (鮑片扒西蘭花). Something alluring about a sizzling chicken hotpot is how its tempting aroma spreads across the room and is able to make everyone mouth-watery. This sizzling chicken hotpot indeed smells awesome. The ginger and herbs gave out great flavor yet it would not be too over and wouldn't cover the flavor of the chicken. To some people who preferred or expected a really heavy and strong flavor from the sauce, this might not be good enough but to me, I think its well-balanced flavor is pretty satisfying.The broccoli is well presented by fitting the florets into a sphere and then laying the abalone slices on top. There ain't anything special about the dish. It's okay but I, personally, would prefer the broccoli a little bit tender.Not long later, the first clay pot rice was served. It's the Minced Beef w/ Poached Egg Clay Pot Rice (窩蛋免冶牛肉煲仔飯). It's first served to the table and the waiter would pour over some soy sauce on the rice and cover it again. This probably a traditional way to cook the clay pot rice. Nevertheless, as it is a poached egg rice, the best part of it should be the runny egg yolk flowing into the rice. This one, however, as the clay pot rice is covered and further cooked for a while, there is no runny egg yolk then. Missing the runny egg yolk was kind of a bit of a disappointment and made the rice a bit dry. I was, as well as, expecting the beef to be juicy, to make the rice not too dry and making it savory with beef juice. However, I think the beef was kind of a bit tasteless and not exactly savory.While one was sort of a disappointment, the other two, fortunately, weren't. Firstly for the Spiced Mutton Clay Pot Rice (彊土羊肉煲仔飯), it was a pretty savory one. The mutton was tender and the spices really gave a boost to the flavor. The mutton has a strong and distinctive flavor yet it won't be exaggerated. The flavors were all well-balanced. The other was the Chinese Eel Clay Pot Rice (燒汁大鱔煲仔飯). It was fairly nice too. The sauce was flavorsome and savory, and the eel itself was satisfying either.No matter the topping is savory or not, the essence of clay pot rice is the crispy burnt rice at the bottom of the clay pots. For all the three pots, the rice were not a disappointment. The burnt rice makes a crispy texture, and a distinctive taste. It was quite a delight to have them despite that some were a bit too burnt to eat for health's sake. Even though these clay pots were pretty satisfying, I believe there are still some better ones throughout Hong Kong. Nevertheless, what makes this restaurant stands out is their innovation. Clay pot rice is undeniably one traditional cuisine, and typical toppings are always Chinese sausages and so. This restaurant, on the other hand, serves a huge variety of toppings, and some which I believe are solely served here. Being innovative is something quite crucial in the food industry these days in Hong Kong. What this restaurant did is to blend the traditional and the innovative ways together to create a new combination, giving your taste buds a new sensation. It is like bringing the old and the new together, and somehow they created a spark and ended up with all of these innovative ideas. It used the old ways to create a new taste, and this is an era of having the old meeting the new.
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1月5日, 124週月快樂!每年一到冬天我地就好想搵一日去食下煲仔飯暖下胃~ 不過等到今年冬天快完我地都未有機會食, 所以決定今晚食個美味煲仔飯作為我地週月慶祝大餐~ 算得上經典嘅炭爐煲仔飯喺香港真係唔多, 今次俾我地揀中嘅係渣華道街市嘅新翠華~::: 麵豉醬唐生菜 ::: $42因為知道即叫即製嘅煲仔飯需時最少都要30分鐘, 就先叫個菜嚟陪我地渡過漫長嘅等食時間~ 呢個生菜麵豉就有幾粒, 但係醬就唔係好睇得出, 仲要成個碟底都係油, 真係油菜…其實咁多油味道一定香, 不過麵豉味就欠奉~ 算啦都係俾我地攝下時間啫, 除咗碟野唔值呢個價錢都冇野好講…::: 田雞潤腸飯 ::: $55見佢一枱一枱咁出d煲仔飯, 等到口水都流晒, 幾時先到我地? 應該等咗有40分鐘, 終於輪到我地, 一上枱仲未可以即刻食, 先淋上煲仔飯豉油, 再焗多5分鐘, 等d飯充分吸收晒d豉油, 先開蓋~ 嘩一陣濃煙即時飄出嚟, 香氣撲鼻, 熱辣辣嘅飯同料, 立即食指大動! 炭爐煲嘅真係唔同d, 有一陣嘅炭燶味, 好似以前喺鄉下食飯嗰d味道. 好少可食田雞, 難得食煲仔飯梗係叫! 份量都ok, 味道唔錯, 有陣時田雞內臟洗唔清會有d腥味, 但呢個無, 唔錯~ 潤腸偏肥, 但潤味都香~ 當然唔會要求佢會俾靚潤腸, 都係為求襯番個煲仔飯~ 飯就真係冇得比, 超好味, 混入豉油嘅飯好香, 好鮮甜, 厚厚嘅飯焦脆卜卜, 真係好耐冇食過, 感覺良好~::: 荔茸肉碎飯 ::: $55呢個飯感覺比田雞潤腸飯更加好味, 可能係因為d材料大多都好碎, 可以吸收更多豉油嘅精華, 特別係嗰d肉碎, 混入咗冬菇粒又煮得入味~ 撈埋個飯食簡直一流! 兩球好似雪糕咁嘅荔茸亦都焗到好香, 質地軟綿綿又夠滑, 芋頭味亦都好夠, 同肉碎好夾~ 好好味!嚟得呢度其實只係為咗食煲仔飯, 其他菜就唔建議叫. 但係要等咁耐先有得食, 最好都係未係咁餓嘅時間嚟, 坐到餓就有得食喇~
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因為看到不少飲食達人在網路上推薦這裡的煲仔飯才慕名而來是夜點了荔茸肉碎煲仔飯、魚湯浸豆苗 和孜然羊肉粒最先上的是孜然羊肉粒羊肉不是很羶 未能十分滿足嗜羊肉的我而且油脂偏多 有好些羊肉粒一整塊都是脂肪但是孜然味道很香配上辣椒很下啤酒魚湯豆苗隨後也送到魚湯加入了爆香的蒜子和幾片杏鮑菇 尚算清甜可是我略嫌豆苗煮過火偏軟了些 欠蔬菜應有的爽脆最後那個煲仔飯 我們卻足足等了40分鐘才有得吃煲仔飯是炭燒的所以特別香 飯鍋底下也有一點點飯焦雖然我很喜歡吃芋頭但我也只覺得這個荔茸肉碎飯的味道很一般感覺荔茸、肉碎和飯的味道並沒有很融合在一起雖然知道新翠華是在熟食中心 不能要求很好的服務和衛生程度但是一個煲仔飯要40分鐘的等候時間實在很過分而且服務人員的態度還是愛理不理 叫她也不瞅不睬但整晚最讓人心驚動魄的莫過於一群米奇老鼠在攤檔玩雜耍這邊廂的米奇從櫃子後面探頭出來偷窺 那邊廂的米奇從冰箱跳到另一個櫃上面最精彩的還是米奇輪流踩鋼線從電線的一端跑到另一端 然後在電線上來來回回跑來跑去一邊吃飯的時候一邊聽到其他客人的緊張的叫聲和神情大家最擔心的是米奇表演完畢之後會不會衝出去觀眾席前領賞要是不去想那麼多 單純吃味道新翠華還算可以 畢竟炭烤煲仔飯還是有它的特色但是米奇的馬戲表演對我來說還是太刺激了看來要吃美食還是要一些膽量和勇氣
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入冬已有一段日子,說了足足個多兩個月,直至今天,才與太太兩口子安坐於"新翠華"裡大啖一頓炭爐煲仔飯....時間尚早,人不多,平常要等最少二十來分鐘才有得吃,今趟很快便端上桌了。小弟吃煲仔飯的習慣是不愛攪太多的"花臣",簡簡單單的以雙腸加上排骨,已是極佳的配合....未吃先叫了一枝冰凍的玉泉忌亷打打底。一口熱飯再伴以一口冰涼的汽水,火熱的喉嚨此時尤如喝了果子鹽一般,"嗞"的一聲,舒服晒....瓦煲熱騰騰冒着煙的上檯,是美味煲仔飯的前奏。蓋還沒有打開,一咲炭味隨而飄來,未食已知對路了。打開蓋,配料平均的舖在飯上,煞是美觀。先將雙腸及部份排骨用筷子放在小碗裡,再用羹掏一口飯放入口。飯粒分明軟熟而不過濕,實在不錯;臘腸自己略嫌偏瘦一些。始終現在在講究健康的年代要吃到像從前味濃豐腴的半肥臘腸,真箇是難若登天;膶腸相反入口甘香甜美,是好吃得多了;排骨肉爽味濃,帶着新鮮肉的鮮甜,是一流貨色。此處是渣華道街市的熟食檔,樓下便是一系列的新鮮肉檔。若肉是不鮮,怎能自圓其說 唯獨一點令小弟不爽的是,送飯來的阿姐"擅作主張"的自行為我們的飯加了大量豉油,弄得豉油味蓋過了飯味....太太專喜點些古靈精怪的配搭,加了罐頭鮑貝入煲飯裡。試了一件....嘩...是韌如柴皮之餘又鮮甜盡失....還是逃之夭夭好了....來一碟薑汁炒芥蘭來中和一下。薑味及香辣雖不是很能彰顯,但勝在芥蘭夠新鮮爽口,又再度認證了"近水樓台先得月"的道理...久未嚐過的這兒的煲仔飯,相比起舊舖,水準可是保持得很好。城中其一的炭爐煲仔飯名店,可並不是浪得虛名的....
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