6-min walk from Exit B, Fortress Hill MTR Station continue reading
It specializes in lychee firewood roast goose from Xinhui Gujing. The meat is thick and tender. The skin is crispy and full of meaty. Other Siu mei such as BBQ pork and crispy pork belly are also homemade products and the restaurant uses local ingredients to make it. It is the memorable and traditional taste. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Best of the Best Culinary Awards (2014)
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Wi-Fi Details
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (204)
開開心心老公帶我去食靚义燒,好食!😋但的服務態度差到極點,西口西面,鬧完你仲返轉頭鬧!的枱通通是訂左枱,做到好似好多人食咁,香港人做到咁唔怪得個個走上大陸食(雖然我唔去)但呢間恐怖食肆,以後不會去! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
去咗人人和平小飯店,試咗佢哋嘅和平四寶飯,總括嚟講,呢個燒味飯嘅評價係一般般。 肥腩叉:肥腩叉好多汁,肥肉好豐富,入口即溶,但冇咩特別,有啲失望。窮願佢唔好用荷蘭既肥腩肉去燒,感覺上個叉燒 只係得個肥字。燒鵝:燒鵝嘅整體黎講一般,主要係因為背骨位冇肉,食落去冇咁多燒鵝嘅香味,有啲失望。 豉油雞:豉油雞嘅味道還算可以,但係有d 太鹹。 總括嚟講,我覺得人人和平小飯店嘅和平四寶飯質素一般,特別係以燒味飯嘅價格黎講80蚊食呢個燒味飯,我覺得質素同價格唔太相符,有啲貴。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
連日大雨,胃口麻麻,雖然撞正係星期日,吾北上,只想留港消費。1條友咁啱路經北角,想起好耐無幫襯和平,又想回味佢個波瀾壯闊肥叉飯,二話不說上斜坡去到店門,12點半居然人不多(心諗果然北上對和平都有啲影響)。見有幾個卡位,二話不說,坐低就睇餐牌,鵝肶/肥叉,難以取捨,結果都決定肥叉,以表初心!點知店員話1個人吾可以坐卡位。心情頓然麻麻,我回一句:「咁多空卡位都吾比坐?」店員嘅回應係:「公司規定1個人吾可以坐卡位」。嬲嬲地,剛才嘅食欲吾知去咗邊,二話不說,走人!出去同入來嘅速度一様,只係心情吾同! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-06-09
由於朋友話呢度ok, 今晚第一次光顧,但除了义燒,黑松露抄蛋及湯熱度𣎴足,帶子無味,並規定湯一定要叫2個起,每個$58,沒有道理!還有一點不可接受,兩個餸到晒叫左白飯,催左三次先有!隔離熟客後來一叫一兩分鐘就有!其實叫系叫人裝一裝飯!今晚叫系三四成客,水準都咁差,𣎴會再來。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-05
有 bookmark 想嚟試,今日同 elegant 契媽聚會,佢話想去近屋企嘅,就約佢嚟啦,原來佢之前已經嚟過,亦話好食。一坐低,契媽已選定叫3寶套餐,難得有人作主,我二話不說就點了。套餐有肥叉,荷飯同雲吞雞湯加花膠,2個女人食必定打包啦。肥叉,又不是想像中肥,反而覺得佢嘅焦黑蜜糖可以係賣點,叉燒入口鬆化,又不太甜,仲有伴碟嘅蜜豆,此物真係冇乜幾多間食肆提供,識欣賞嘅就知佢係寶,唔怪得係皇牌。雲吞雞從來不是我杯茶,但我就好欣賞個湯同花膠仲有幾棵菜(細津白?),雖然不是我杯茶,啲雲吞好足料,又大粒,雞...大概都有半隻份量。荷飯,好耐冇食了,有成粒瑤柱乾,又有蝦乾(並非蝦米乾呀),仲有啲肉,足料㗎。之後仲送腐竹蛋糖水,我們倆清了肥叉,同湯,個飯就打包2/3,隨後享受糖水。個人覺得套餐夠3-4人份量。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)