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Review (13)
If you’re looking for a cozy spot to enjoy some good food and bring your furry friend along, Fineprint is the place to be! This branch has a large outdoor area that’s perfect for pets. Since it’s tucked away in an office area, it’s usually pretty quiet on weekends, making it a great escape from the hustle and bustle.I ordered the RICOTTA TOAST and ROAST BEEF TOASTIE.  While the ricotta toast was decent as always, I particularly enjoyed the roast beef toastie. It was cheesy with a delightful touch of Dijon mustard, and the caramelized onions paired beautifully with the tender beef. I also tried their cold drinks for the first time, opting for freshly squeezed ORANGE JUICE and PASSIONFRUIT ICED TEA. Both were refreshing and perfect for a hot summer day. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2025-02-01
太古坊weekend 係唔多店舖開門,但開得嘅都多人。其他cafe都有去過,所以入依間試下。只係叫左2杯飲品,一杯latte,一杯earl grey tea.latte 用嘅明顯唔係精品咖啡質素嘅豆,但味道唔算太難入口,加上有奶,可以掩蓋到咖啡豆嘅不足。Earl grey tea,正常鬼佬茶包,細細杯。環境方面,其實還好,光線充足又有outdoor位置。唯一唔好嘅係店員比人感覺唔好,真係店員自high的環境。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🫐 blueberry ricotta ($95)酸甜嘅藍莓 + 清新易入口嘅瑞可塔起司,再淋上蜂蜜真係完美嘅配搭🥹 the sweet & sour taste of the blueberries + light & soft ricotta cheese, with a drizzle of honey is literally the most clever delish combo🥹佢哋嘅咖啡同埋蘑菇湯都好飲,下次想試佢哋嘅熱三文治~ their coffee & mushroom soup tasted good too! would love to try out their paninis next time! —𝗐𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽 𝗋𝖾𝗏𝗂𝗌𝗂𝗍: yes💳 𝗉𝗋𝗂𝖼𝖾 $100-150 𝗉𝗉 🌟 𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗋𝖺𝗅𝗅 8/10📍Fineprint 鰂魚涌英皇道979號太古坊電訊盈科中心地下7號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-11-12
今日嚟試佢嘅sourdough toast, 我哋叫咗smoked salmon avo toast, 一客已經有兩大塊,佢啲牛油果俾得好足,salmon亦唔少,唔係薄切嗰種,每一啖都食倒,牛油果加埋salmon 嘅咸香本身已經好好食,佢再响上面加咗烘香嘅nuts,豐富咗成個口感,食落一啲都唔漏,怕漏可以自己加檸檬汁,食完兩件都仲想再食。我哋仲食左佢個ham and cheese croissant,哩個就冇乜特別,同一般連鎖店買倒嘅差唔多。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-08-12
以前成日覺得晏就淨係食toast會唔會唔夠飽,但發現呢度toast份量都多,每份有2件,而且都好足料,所以飽肚感都高!雖然價錢黎講少少貴,但偶爾Happy Friday食下都覺得幾chill幾開心Smoked Salmon Avo Toast - $115滿滿嘅三文魚同牛油果。兩者都十分新鮮,前者唔會有任何腥味,後者口感軟熟,毫無苦澀味。作為午餐黎講營養度都頗高,低脂之餘同時高纖維。Ricotta Roast - $95喜愛微甜麵包嘅可以叫呢個,藍莓多汁鮮甜,配上Ricotta同蜜糖令整個麵包更增添甜味,而且令口感更細緻柔順。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)