2-min walk from Exit J, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
This elegant and luxurious restaurant offers two afternoon tea sets, "two-person set meal" and "one-person luxury afternoon tea meal". Using 3D printing technique to make the floating tea set which makes it so grand and IG-able. It offers a variety of desserts and salty dishes. It also uses a lot of expensive ingredients such as caviar, abalone and truffles, etc. The restaurant also offers a variety of à la carte options. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
10:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
10:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Sustainable Seafood
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (164)
Dining City推廣...又去試吓!餐廳位處K11內,都幾就腳😉侍應們服務態度優良, 細心的留意客人需要,安排上菜的速度適中,唔會好意咁上晒D食物,客人可以輕鬆地用餐.Dinner set包括頭盤,湯,主菜同甜品頭盤點咗三文魚他他,新鮮牛油果鋪滿咗喺三文魚他他嘅上面,擺盤又靚.💞龍蝦湯都可以主菜係香煎斧頭豬扒. 唔太乾,有肉汁😉工匠甜品,好味,外型又吸引👍點了餐酒配餐,亦點了咖啡配甜品. 算是物有所值嘅餐廳 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-02-18
早幾天情人節購買了一個晚餐套餐,諗住簡簡單單吃一頓。最後感覺自己是在高級餐廳吃高級快餐,60分鐘已經預多咗時間。情人節套餐包了幾道菜:- 軟麵包,冇得輸- 香芒蟹肉塔- 外表精緻,味道淡淡的,有少量蟹肉- 法式龍蝦湯:湯碗小到一個點連湯匙也差點放不下,味道是香濃的- 免翁牛柳:份量也可以,奈何上枱未夠熱,味道也不錯-玫瑰慕絲蛋糕:外表好看,一個是普通玫瑰形狀,另一個是有白朱古力蓋住,用木槌仔揼開朱古力便見到玫瑰慕絲,(其實兩個內容味道是一樣)老實說,味道完全不可以接受,慕絲內外都沒有味道。總括來說,以$1088這個價錢在情人節吃一頓飯是不錯的,餐廳在高級的K11內也是賣點之一,奈何商場實在太旺丁,一邊吃飯旁人來人往的確破壞了什麼情人節浪漫氣氛 😅,但如果以打卡的角度、又或者趕時間來說還是可以接受的。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Embracing the Lunar New Year vibes 🐉 at @artisanloungehongkong. I indulged in their special Year of the Dragon afternoon tea collaboration with designer @sparkle.karen . From the meticulously crafted three-tier stands brimming with culinary delights 🤤, it was clear this set symbolized good fortunes, prosperity and togetherness - truly perfect for sharing joyous moments. Kicking off our bountiful feast were bite-sized temptations like braised abalone and chicken representing abundance, prosperity 💰 and maotai infused egg tarts ushering in fortune. But the showstopper had to be the lavish lobster volcano 🦞 - a molten lava cake filled with lobster taste, simply divine! For balanced blessings, refreshing sweet potatoes vol au vent and mandarin🍊 orange balls lifted our souls. As if that wasn’t enough, we capped off with sesame seed rolls filled with molten chocolate 🍫for an extra dose of wealth, luxury and happiness. Needless to say, fortunes were had all around as we clinked glasses of sparkling yuzu genmaicha tea. This special menu truly embraced 🧧 the spirit of lunar new year through its intentional symbolism and exquisite flavors. Kudos to the culinary minds behind making this yearly tradition so special🌟. Until 25 Feb 2024 daily, do treat your loved ones (and tastebuds) to this prosperity-filled experience at Artisan Lounge, K11 MUSEA Hong Kong. The perfect way to usher in good luck, fortune and friendships in the Year of the Dragon🧧!🍰 Artisan Lounge📍 Shop 008–08A, G/F, K11 MUSEA, Victoria Dockside, 18 Salisbury Road, TST#ArtisanLounge #HongKong #TST #K11Musea #LunarNewYear #lny #YearOfTheDragon #DragonYear #HongKongTourism #AfternoonTea #HighTea #HongKongFood #HongKongEats #Culinary #FineDining #LuxuryDining #Foodie #FoodBlog #FoodBlogger #LifestyleBlogger #EditorialBlogger #HongKongBlogger #DiscoverHongKong #LuxuryTravel #TravelBlogger #hkfoodies #hkfood continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-01-05
晚上8點,晚飯後想買甜品返屋企食,就揀咗兩件cake, $78一件,非常平凡,而且唔覺得好味,只可以話唔難食。但重點係嗰位四眼女士職員嘅態度,非常唔耐煩,張收據拎遲啲都問「張單你要唔要呀」,跟住佢去摺盒,但係兩件cake我想分開裝,所以我同佢講如果有紙袋,分開入就得 唔使盒,佢答「我哋無紙袋㗎喎」,又係好唔耐煩,其實我都係想方便啲環保啲啫,我用$156蚊買兩件味道非常平凡嘅蛋糕,再要受佢唔耐煩嘅語氣+唔耐煩嘅眼神+唔耐煩嘅咀臉,只能說非常唔值得。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-12-30
🌟 Artisan Lounge 🌟WONDER CHRISTMASAFTERNOON TEA SET🎄$888/2 🎅🏼聖誕節梗係要食返個聖誕英式下午茶啦😆,因為聖誕節嘅關係,所以佢哋會限時食90分鐘,同埋要預早book,我諗大家都知道呢度係喺K11 Muse大堂裏面嘅🌟artisan lounge ,之前成日經過都會想試吓佢哋嘅英式下午茶,賣相好似幾特別咁,佢哋將下午茶㗎吊起😂,都係三層擺放,另外仲有英式鬆餅同埋聖誕特製嘅火焰雪山😍😍💚鹹點 : 鹹點方面都相當的骰,好似呢一款💚Caviar Brioche Toast :佢係魚子醬吐司,迷你型嘅多士,外面脆,面層仲有魚子醬點綴😋😋💚Foie Gras Terrine with Figs :呢款無花果鵝肝凍,賣相特別,係我喜愛之一😍,因為鵝肝比較膩,所以配無花果中和,味道夾之餘又幾開胃🤤🤤💚Turkey Blini Sandwich :底層有迷你pancake,面層係火雞片,味道唔算好出,佢個pancake係凍嘅,所以感覺一般😌💚King Crab Rice Paper Roll :另外一款較為鍾意嘅係帝皇蟹肉米卷,米卷外層煙煙韌韌,裏面嘅餡料豐富,蟹肉一定食得出,口感方面酸酸甜甜咁,又有青瓜點綴,食落又爽口👍🏻👍🏻💚Brie de Meaux with Apricot Marmalade :呢款我覺得又唔算特別,佢既面層係杏脯肉,之後低層布里奶酪,味道唔算好出,配搭有啲奇怪🤔🩷甜點 :甜點方面,佢哋聖誕cake包括有🩷Strawberry Gift ,🩷Mango Jingle Bell 同埋🩷Christmas Chestnut Puff ,士多啤梨禮物盒,芒果鈴鐺裏面都係類似Mousse,有士多啤梨同埋芒果夾心,食落都係比較膩😩,不過味道比較香濃,另外puff泡芙栗子聖誕樹,味道幾得意,食落有栗子夾心😋🩷Micro Pecan Pie :比較鍾意嘅呢一款小胡桃批,佢裏面除咗有合桃粒之外,仲有其他nuts,好似糖不甩咁,食落甜甜地帶香脆,味道特別👏🏻🩷Artisan Bon Bon :工匠朱古力,賣相不一,兩款帶有香醇朱古力味,口感唔錯😆😆🩷Macaron :印製咗聖誕嘅馬卡龍,多數都係比較甜,唔係太大特別,但個賣相ok🩷Cranberries and Classic British Scone :下午茶一定會有嘅鬆餅,佢哋係自家烘焙小紅莓味同埋經典嘅scone,新鮮出爐熱辣辣,一定要趁熱食👍🏻再配上德文郡忌廉同埋自家製玫瑰果醬,味道唔錯,玫瑰味幾出色😋😋🩷佳節叢林 :最後有聖誕特製嘅火焰雪山,佢其實係朱古力戚風蛋糕,裏面再配上車厘子果肉,外層帶有棉花糖嘅裝飾,沾上冧酒再點火,令到棉花糖周邊有輕輕嘅蕉,賣相一流😍,而食落甜度適中,層次感昇華,都係我嘅喜愛之一👏🏻👏🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)