2-min walk from Exit J, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
*last order:21:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash Octopus
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (135)
Level4 2024-04-07
外國朋友到香港想試越南食物,附近只有這間店,見海報4月尾結業。沒人龍排隊,店員卻説入座説只能用餐75分鐘。見餐牌檬選擇不多,基本豬扒檬也沒有。點了豬肉湯檬和牛肉乾檬,豬肉湯檬湯多粉和肉份量小。反而牛肉乾檬份量幾大,而且跟碟肉餅,不過肉餅幾粉吓。質素比其他同級同價錢越南餐廳差些。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I recently had the pleasure of visiting the BEP Vietnamese Kitchen for lunch, and I must say it was a delightful experience. Here's a review based on my visit:Upon arriving at the restaurant during the lunch hour, I was pleased to find a bustling and lively atmosphere. The restaurant offered a set lunch option at an affordable price, which included drinks. This was a great value, especially considering the quality of the food.To start off the meal, my companions and I decided to order an extra starter and one fried vegetable dish for sharing. The starter was delicious and set the tone for the rest of the meal. The fried vegetable dish was a delightful addition, providing a nice balance of flavors and textures.Moving on to the main course, I opted for the Pho, and I must say it did not disappoint. The Pho was served in a large portion, which was more than satisfying. The broth was flavorful, and the noodles were cooked to perfection. The combination of fresh herbs and toppings added an extra layer of complexity to the dish, making it a truly enjoyable experience.To accompany my meal, I took advantage of the 50% off discount on beer. The crafted beer I chose had a refreshing and freshly brewed taste, which complemented the flavors of the food perfectly. My only suggestion would be to serve the beer in a chilled glass, as it would have been a nice bonus to enhance the overall experience.The staff at BEP Vietnamese Kitchen were friendly and helpful throughout my visit. They provided excellent service, ensuring that our needs were met and answering any questions we had about the menu. Their attentiveness added to the overall positive dining experience.Lastly, I would like to mention the great atmosphere at the restaurant. The large table we were seated at allowed for comfortable dining and facilitated easy conversation among my companions. The vibrant ambiance of the restaurant created a pleasant and enjoyable dining environment.In conclusion, my experience at BEP Vietnamese Kitchen was fantastic. The set lunch offered at an affordable price, the delicious food, generous portions, discounted beer, friendly staff, and great atmosphere contributed to a memorable dining experience. I would highly recommend visiting BEP Vietnamese Kitchen for a delightful Vietnamese culinary adventure. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
系BEP食晚餐 好滿足環境坐得舒服又有comfort food有湯麵暖胃 食落吾heavy推介越式蟹肉豬肉粉卷*即叫即蒸*上枱時熱辣辣 外皮有咬口 又足料 下次黎會encore河內蕃茄蟹湯檬嘅湯底夠濃算係成碗麵嘅精粹最鍾意嘅配料係鮮蝦丸 蟹肉唔算多 香茅燒牛柳配濱海牛柳好香口 味道同口感不錯 份量多啲就好啦海濱比起湯麵會油少少 食太多會膩 建議多啲人一齊share continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-01-16
一打開個menu發覺同芽莊一模一樣,不論係定價,餐牌設計以至食物種類完全相同。google完得知係芽莊班底開設既,亦都係連鎖式,只係室內裝修同氣氛更偏向越式。味道同服務態度都同芽莊相若,唔明白集團定位係咩🤔🦐椰汁魚露蝦生蝦份量多,堆堆埋埋有十幾隻,虎蝦肉身爽口但鮮甜味就欠奉,要靠醬汁提味。生蝦汁好重口味,放左大量蒜粒,薄荷葉同辣椒,非常之辣但又好惹味,幾乎每食一隻蝦就要飲水沖走辣味🙈算係一道好清新醒胃既前菜!🥢安格斯牛肉粉好一般般甚至偏中下既一碗河粉😐成碗粉又唔熱辣辣,湯頭亦無牛骨味無鮮甜味,河粉好嚡熠熠,又索唔到湯汁。生牛肉就正正常常,肉味唔太濃郁但算嫩滑,不過上檯時已經浸耐左失左去半生熟既效果!🥢燒雞撈檬平平無奇既一碗撈檬。雞柳經過醃製再炭燒,肉質嫩口,雞件亦帶出淡淡香茅香氣!檬粉同檬汁都係越式餐廳常用既牌子,配以大量醃蘿蔔絲🥕,生菜同青瓜絲🥒再倒入檬汁同炸花生粒炸蒜,幾開胃但無令人留下印象既一道菜式。📍BEP Vietnamese Kitchen 越灶尖沙咀梳士巴利道18號維港文化匯K11 Musea 4樓401號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
一踏入呢間有啲懷舊感覺嘅越南店,我即刻覺得好有feel,好似行左去越南咁。🌿手頭上個越式綠豆糕夾檸檬葉真係特別,甜甜地,檸檬香味夾帶住綠豆嘅清香,幾解膩。再嚟碟燒豬肉串,香煎得啱啱好,外皮微焦香脆,肉質入面又嫩又多汁,每啖咬落去都話得人滋味十足。🤤最正係啲仲有煙韌感嘅河粉,齋食已經好好味,再加上啲辣椒同薄荷葉,清新提味。朋友叫咗碟炸春卷,啲皮炸到金黃脆口,裏頭嘅蝦仁同肉絲都鮮美得嚟,齊齊蘸咗啲魚露醬,順滑過癮,的確令人擔心食多咗都唔會覺得愧疚。飲品方面,餐廳嘅手搖檸檬茶清甜自然,喺層層越式風味之中,仲帶點清新解渴。😌總括嚟講,今日呢次食越南嘅經驗真係正!賣相得意又唔貴,真係食到飽!下次想試吓佢哋嘅越式牛肉涼拌,聽講都好受歡迎!街坊你哋,準備好未,一於揾日黎試試下! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)