5-min walk from Exit D, Jordan MTR Station
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K Lok Spicy Chicken Hot Pot uses the local Kamei chicken for their signature chicken pot, which tastes better than frozen ones. They also launch new menus from time to time.
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 14:30
18:00 - 01:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
大熱天時打咩邊爐呀。 但有時,無法女朋友話要食。咁咪食囉。大半年前曾經食過,記得佢地食新鮮雞。好鐘意食。咁就黎多次啦。雞煲依然好食。少少辣少少麻,啱啱好。唔會似其他舖頭用濃味蓋過雪味。雞味好鮮,但我女朋友就唔識分喇。最鍾意食啲洋蔥, 很啱我口味。除咗雞,亦叫咗牛肉同骨髓,唔記得影牛肉。骨髓唔係好多地方有得食,仲要就算有得食都唔好食。呢度啲骨髓好正好乾淨。啱口味, 加支啤酒咁就perfect啦。下次大熱天時食雞煲又會諗係新鮮雞
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之前大肆張揚話有本地雞食既奇樂我真係一次都冇去過, 不過愛追潮流既女友又擅自BOOK左位, 我身為乖男友又要乖乖就範了食雞煲必備既配料, 最重要係有辣椒同炸蒜頭!!!叫左佢地既芝士雞, 原來係分開雞同芝士既,芝士用一個好慢火既爐, 而雞就一如以往已經熟左, 只係爭用個雞件黎點一點個煮融左既芝士醬至於好唔好食呢, 真係唔好怪我直言, 雞件冇乜雞味, 而且超多碎骨, 芝士又冇芝士味, 拉絲係好靚但真係好普通連咸味都冇, 雞煲又唔辣又唔盛, 其實我只係覺得我食左一D煲湯雞+一PAT無味醬, 完全唔覺得係新鮮本地農場雞, 因為完全冇雞味!
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So my friend recommended me this hotpot restaurant last year but I haven't had time to check it out until now. What's great is that they offer to keep your jackets/sweaters in an enclosed closet so you don't have to be branded with the hotpot smell everyone gets. We ordered a whole chicken hotpot base (you can choose chicken based on the breed, involving factors such as tenderness and whether it's organic...etc.) along with other items like beef cubes, fried fish skin, fish slices, vegetables, lamb and bean curd. When the hotpot came, we realised we overordered as the restaurant is definitley very generous in the amount of chicken that came in the pot . The chicken is cooked for 10 minutes in a thick sauce and is immediately ready to eat. I would recommend ordering white rice like I did to eat with the sauce. After eating the chicken (by then I was insanely full), the waiter pours broth into the pot and you start the hotpot phase. Waitstaff were friendly and attentive. The other items we ordered were pretty standard with exception to the fried fish skin (my favorite) which was crispy and well seasoned, as well as the lamb which was quite fresh. Price was not too bad at $360 a person.
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