This restaurant blends British and Indian flavours and is designed with vintage elegance to evoke the colonial era. Signature dishes include the Royal Hyderabad Biryani, with options of lamb, duck confit, or vegetables. The rice is slow-cooked with saffron, and the lamb is served on the bone for enhanced flavour.
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Opening Hours
12:00 - 23:00
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 23:00
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 23:30
12:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 23:30
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 23:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Sepoy Mess focuses on Indian British cuisine, creating a refined and comfortable dining environment. The restaurant features a transparent glass design that allows natural light to flood in, enhancing the open feel of the space. The walls are adorned with artwork themed around Indian soldiers, adding a cultural depth to the atmosphere. Additionally, the playful toy replicas of guns invite guests to take fun photos, enriching the dining experience with a touch of whimsy. The enthusiastic service from foreign staff ensures that every guest feels warmly welcomed.When it comes to food, Sepoy Mess offers dishes that are rich in flavor and complexity. The drink Ras Leela combines gin, raspberry, and lime for a refreshing treat that delights the palate. Meanwhile, the Masala Chai Punch presents a fruity concoction that is smooth and perfect for any occasion. The appetizer, Arancini Tikka Chaat, impresses with its crispy potato shell filled with creamy melted Brie cheese, complemented by rich chana masala and tangy tamarind and mint chutneys.Among the main dishes, the Grilled Salmon Tikka stands out as the salmon is marinated with a zesty blend of ginger and garlic, making it tender and flavorful, while the mint chutney adds a refreshing touch. The Nagpuri Fish Curry features Barramundi cooked in a unique coconut milk gravy with mustard seeds and garam masala, resulting in tender and aromatic fish. Paired with Garlic Coriander Naan, it perfectly absorbs the sauce, making every bite delicious.Finally, the meal concludes with the Pistachio Burnt Basque Cheesecake, which boasts a caramelized exterior and rich nutty flavor, providing a perfect ending to the dining experience. Overall, Sepoy Mess excels not only in its environment and service but also in showcasing the essence of Indian British cuisine in every dish.
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今日喺附近行完街嚟食個晚飯🌙見到呢間餐廳好有特色❤️ 軍事風嘅裝修原來係反映返英國嘅印度軍隊既歷史🗡️呢度印度菜糅合咗英國菜嘅特色同風格🌍晚上黎個聚會好有Feel🌃⭐️ Arancini Tikki Chaat 🥔脆炸嘅薯蓉芝士波波有種歐陸嘅風味🇮🇹配上鷹嘴豆嘅咖喱惹味得黎好有Fusion的感覺🫘⭐️ Grilled Salmon Tikka 🐟烤過嘅三文魚保持咗嫩滑既口感好驚喜🔥用咗各種香料同香草調味☘️ 配上乳酪同埋Mint Chutney增添了一份清新💚⭐️ Chicken Kadai 🍗比起一般嘅咖喱雞多咗一份蔬菜嘅鮮味🫑用咗洋蔥蕃茄同埋青辣椒🍅帶上一份蔬菜嘅鮮甜味道溫和更加容易入口🥹⭐️ Garlic Coriander Naan 🫓鬆軟嘅Naan配上蒜蓉同埋芫荽嘅點綴充滿香氣🧄整體又唔會太重口味🤪⭐️ Sticky Toffee Pudding 🍮係我最愛嘅英式甜品嘅經典🇬🇧Pudding 煙煙韌韌Chewy既口感好Perfect🍡配上Toffee Sauce 帶點焦糖香好邪惡🍬⭐️ Mango Punjabi Lassi 🥭食印度嘢必備嘅Mango Lassi🧡 幼滑得來又帶芒果酸酸甜甜嘅口味🤪⭐️ Masala Chai Punch 🌾呢杯Mocktail口味比較清爽🥂但係配上Chai既香氣同埋肉桂棒Infuse更多異國的感覺🔮
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第一次嚟圓方嘅金區,呢度嘅餐廳全部都好有氣氛!聽好多人講過呢間印度餐廳,又幾有氣氛喎,就去試試1️⃣San Pellegrino Sparkling Water ($68)一嚟到就叫咗支Sparkling Water醒醒胃,清甜又有汽嘅水最好飲,即刻好返去咗歐洲咁2️⃣Grilled Octopus ($188)我哋叫咗一客烤八爪魚,好少食印度菜會有呢款Cuisine,八爪魚烤過,有印式烤雞果種香味,而八爪魚本身亦有啲煙韌同鮮香,幾好食,加埋特製嘅醬汁,有啲鮮果、類似菠蘿嘅酸甜,仲有烤秋葵間場,呢個組合都幾唔錯側邊嘅檸檬同洋蔥可以用作調味3️⃣Lam Shank Rogan Josh ($238)Rogan Josh係一款印度菜嘅製法,咖喱醬係用紫丁香同克什米爾辣椒調味,唔算好辣,多種香料嘅配搭十分惹味,果然係傳統美食羊肉燉得非常軟熟,入口即溶,而羊味突出,值得一讚4️⃣Truffle Ricotta Cheese Naan ($38)呢款Naan真係非常抵食,$38有兩大塊,而Truffle亦落得超闊佬,基本上每啖都可以食到濃濃嘅Truffle香蘸埋咖喱醬就更惹味,係飽肚之選5️⃣Pistachio Burnt Basque Cheese Cake ($128)如果鍾意食開心果,呢款真係唔可以錯過!芝士巴斯克蛋糕上面有好多嘅開心果碎,非常滋味而呢款巴斯克蛋糕真係幾外脆內軟,食落有海綿般嘅質感,順滑得嚟又香口,好滿足~6️⃣Ras Leela ($98)試吓餐廳嘅特色Cocktail,呢款係Gin做基底,加上Raspberry同Lime嘅酸香,果香配返本身澀澀哋嘅Gin,令成杯嘢飲更平衡,幾好飲7️⃣ Masala Chai Punch ($88)呢款Punch都幾有趣,係用咗印式嘅拉茶做底,會有淡淡嘅香料茶香,同時又有雜果嘅甜香,都幾過癮!
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九龍站上蓋新開既印度餐廳Sepoy Mess,環境寬敞,有室內和露天座位,播放住音樂,好有氣氛。Soft-shell Crab Roll:軟殼蟹卷,入面有洋蔥、紅椒、青椒、生菜和軟殼蟹,炸到脆卜卜,好食。Lamb Vindaloo Samosa:羊肉角仔,完全沒有腥羶味,醬汁味道酸中帶有微辣,非常開胃。Tenderloin Skewers:牛肉里脊串燒,肉質超級柔嫩,油花充沛,配上整個洋蔥做調味,香氣十足。Nagpuri Fish Curry:咖喱用左椰汁煮,香而不辣,搭配緊實魚肉,完美搭配。Basmati Rice:地道印度香米,米粒外型纖長,質地較硬,第一次食,好特別。Truffle Ricotta Cheese Naan:松露芝士薄餅,將松露既獨特香味和濃郁芝士融為一體,好有層次感。Pistachio Kulfi:開心果味雪條,奶味比較重,口感偏黏糯,配上開心果既果仁,為這餐劃上完美句號。Mango Lassi:芒果味道香甜,清爽解膩。Salty Lassi:加左鹽既飲品,味道鹹鹹哋,很適合用來搭配口味濃郁既印度菜。總結,餐廳食物水準高,具有異國風情,為味蕾帶來無窮滋味,值得嚐試。
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聽過傳統印度菜、新式印度菜和法式印度菜,first try英式印度菜🇬🇧🇮🇳之前曾在旗下的Chutney用餐,中高價且環境走宮廷土豪風~(超推薦黑松露 Naan!!)旗下餐廳還有 社交平台上超 Hit 的Pasteako!!雞翼上枱嘅時候希望講咗三次:Spicy Spicy Spicy 🌶️ 但最後都覺得唔會太辣🤣走嘅時候講笑同佢哋講話雞翼唔夠辣懷疑以後佢哋會加大辣hahahahaha推薦炸雞漢堡,將印度香料blend 入去而不奇怪,Masala Sauce味道很可以!雞翼上枱時雖然 Staff 提醒起碼3次 :Spicy Spicy Spicy 🌶️ 但其實辣度還好 (反映過後可能會在未來加大辣度xddd)推薦給喜歡西餐但想淺嘗印度風味(甜品點 toffee pudding 就是很保守的選擇哈哈哈,而且雪糕有雲呢嗱籽!)有 outdoor 位置而且 pet-friendly 🐶Lunch 會比較抵食👍🏻👍🏻食完就可以去M+散步👣 yeah!■ Chicken Wings 65 $98Double-coated crispy chicken wings, spicy dried Kashmiri chili sauce, garlic and aromatic curry leaves■ Crispy Chicken Burger $188 Juicy chicken thigh marinated in aromatic Indian masala, tomato, Pred onion and topped with creamy cheddar cheese■ Lamb Shank Rogan Josh $238Fall of the bone lamb shanks in Kashmiri gravy and fennel seeds■ Truffle Ricotta Cheese Naan $38■ Sticky Toffee Pudding $138■ Freshly Seasonal Juice $78
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