The Sunset Grill is a rooftop meat and seafood lovers’ paradise centered around a modern restaurant that doubles as a temple to fire and fine meat. With an open kitchen showcasing a charcoal grill, there’s are cabinet displays with dry-aged beef and various fine meats. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 23:45
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 23:45
Public Holiday
12:00 - 23:45
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 23:45
*Last Order: 21:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Live Music
Outdoor Seating
Sustainable Seafood
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (85)
Level4 2024-04-27
作為東涌友怎也要支持區內的餐廳!這次走到Sheraton Hong Kong Tung Chung Hotel 東涌世茂喜來登酒店品嚐了一場非常豐富的午宴。這天要到的餐廳正是位於酒店19樓的Sunset Grill!擁有無敵靚海景相信黃昏來景色會更加美妙。而餐廳室內裝潢很有小酒館的輕鬆氣氛,配上開放式廚房感覺真的非常寫意。這天好幸福可以品嚐到英籍行政總廚David Parkin的全新餐單,以海岸扒房招牌的各款炭烤肉類、新鮮海鮮炮製出多款歐陸創意菜式給我品嚐。打頭陣是仙氣爆燈的Amuse Bouche、Tuna & King Scallop Crudo!是集結吞拿魚、扇貝、牛油果、醃蘿蔔、酸橙魚子醬及Bloody Mary Gel的開胃菜,鮮味滿瀉的海產配上酸辣的味道足以打開胃口,尤其那Bloody Mary Gel味道帶點香辣超可愛啊。接力有Pre-Starter Steak Tartare!用上牛柳來炮製的他他口感滑溜肉味香濃,拌上鵪鶉蛋共嚐味道跟口感也提升不少呢。Starter Crab Bon Bon擁有圓溜溜的Body好可愛!香脆的外皮炸得輕身一點也不油膩,內裏盡是鮮甜蟹肉、粟米及勁辣肥腴的‘Nduja香腸,配襯充滿亞洲風味的椰子湯這蟹餅超合我胃口。Seafood我得到Lobster & Red Prawn Ravioli!大廚以鮮味稱霸的龍蝦和紅蝦包製成餛飩,咬下薄透外皮煙韌富咬口內裏那滿滿的海水鮮甜味隨即湧出,配上香濃湯汁及清香羅勒油共嚐味道好豐富吸引。主菜是A5 Striploin Foie Gras、Roast Plum & Mushroom!A5西冷牛排弄得粉嫩牛迷必愛,而我就喜歡甘香可口又邪惡的鵝肝,那烤李子和醃製過的蘑菇有助解膩絕對是畫龍點睛的配菜。Dessert是Stone Fruit Crumble Vanilla Bean Ice Cream!冰凍雲尼拿雪糕夾上熱暖的果香金寶,拼湊冰冷靜與熱情之間的味道很吸引味蕾。大家過來東涌真的要去試試Sunset Grill的新菜式啊!除了單點外還有全新週末早午餐,官網訂座及付款可享七折優惠真的超抵食喔。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-09-16
呢間位於大嶼山嘅牛排餐廳,係一個難得一見嘅寶藏,各方面都表現出色—氛圍、裝飾,以及最重要嘅—食物。餐廳擁有一個迷人嘅機場景觀,為你嘅用餐體驗提供獨特嘅背景。堅固木製吧檯同餐桌增添了一種鄉村風情,而開放式廚房讓你一窺幕後烹飪魔法嘅一瞥。寬敞嘅佈局確保你同其他餐桌之間有足夠嘅空間,營造出舒適放鬆嘅氛圍。我選擇咗我最喜歡嘅肉眼扒,煮得剛剛好,正如我對於五分熟嘅期望。每一口都嫩滑多汁,展示出廚師嘅技巧。然而,真正嘅驚喜來自Mac & Cheese。唔單止佢哋供應,而且係我試過嘅最好版本之一。濃郁嘅芝士包裹住Mac,Mac煮得恰到好處,十分嫩滑。總括而言,呢間牛排餐廳絕對值得一試。由於其平衡嘅菜式同美味嘅菜餚,呢度係一個完美嘅地方享受難忘嘅一餐。千祈唔好錯過肉眼扒同那份令人難以置信嘅Mac & Cheese! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-09-15
地點偏離地鐵站,但有接駁巴士提供,服務專業有禮貌,食物味道適中,肉眼扒肉質香濃👍,紅白酒果汁咖啡茶任飲。吞拿魚他他、龍蝦湯都好好,租品都好出色,環境衛生潔淨,會再去試試其他食物。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
高空景色,無敵海景,望住咁靚嘅風景食飯,簡直就係心曠神怡,食物水準超棒。今日叫咗個牛扒同埋羊架,肉眼牛扒,非常之有牛肉味,而且夠肉汁,又鮮嫩,再配上佢嘅醬汁,簡直就係味道豐富,之後再食個原味加一啲鹽,又有另一個味道。羊架外邊有啲脆,裏便好軟腍腍,簡直係性價比高,今日叫咗個甜品,朱古力慕絲蛋糕加朱古力雪糕,個朱古力蛋糕唔會太甜,啱啱好,個雪糕亦都好好味,入口就溶化,亦都冇冰嘅,我覺得呢度嘅食物好有水準,而且環境一流,值得推薦。交通就冇咁方便,因為附近冇地鐵站,要坐巴士或者的士或者揸車嚟,服務就非常之好又有禮貌,而且好細心體貼。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-08-12
Great quality of steaks with decent selections of side dishes.Top-notch atmosphere, mesmerizing view and good services. Definitely worth a visit.Very impressive Hanger Tendor, ordered medium rare and the chef handled it very well. Slight burnt on both sides and tender in the middle, with the flavor and juice locked side the steak. Lamb racks are good, but I would recommend the beef. The mac’n cheese is one of the highlights for me, the process of handling the pasta and balancing that between the cheesy and creamy sauce are very well done. The drinks are fairly priced, good picks of reds and whites, and a variety of choices for cocktails.Overall a very enjoyable dining experience. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)