6-min walk from Exit B2, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
Additional Information
Fresh warm corn tortillas made in-house daily; tender, caramelised meat freshly sliced off the all-important trompo grill with your choice of salsas; an ice-cold cerveza and a sip of mezcal – this is the joy of tacos and tequila like it was always intended to be. Don’t be shy, get messy & experience the heart of Mexican cuisine: sharing an unabashed love for food and drink. Raise a glass with us & dive in.
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
17:00 - 00:00
Mon - Wed
12:00 - 15:00
17:00 - 23:00
Thu - Fri
12:00 - 15:00
17:00 - 00:00
12:00 - 00:00
12:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus AE JCB PayMe
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (18)
最近有兩家新嘗試的食店/餐廳,他們的出品令我一直心思思好想再吃,碰巧兩家食店都是運動後到訪,莫非是運動的奬勵?!今日先介紹其中一家。「el taquero」位於灣仔,主理較冷門的墨西哥菜,粉紅的外牆十分顯眼,可惜我忘記拍照。門外設有立食區,當晚氣氛熱鬧,室內外也爆滿,我們接近九時抵逹,等候十五分鐘方能入座!除了氣氛不錯,正宗的墨西哥菜式和飲品真的很捧,對「el taquero」念念不忘是有原因的!墨西哥亡靈節的擺設超吸睛。好久沒遇上調較得這樣好的 ......  讓人一試難忘的 Margritas,絕對 是必試!一共有五款 Margaritas,當中 Classic Margarita HK$88 是初嘗試的必選。Tequila、Blanco、Cointreau 及 Citrus 來得平衡恰好,一擊即中墨西哥的味蕾!而另一杯是 Rose Hip Rose HK$88,特別用上 Jalapeno 辣椒注入 Tequila,微辣酸中又帶點士多啤梨的甜香,十分 Sexy 又過癮!一提到墨西哥食物,自然便想起 Taco。先來了 Al Pastor from the Trompo HK$48  及 Fish Sayulita  HK$56 。Al Pastor from the Trompo 包含豬肉碎、紅 Salsa 醬、洋蔥、芫荽及菠蘿等,風味與美味並重!顧名思義 Fish Sayulita 是魚 Taco,採用了 Mahi Mahi ,以炸 Mahi Mahi 配搭椰菜和特別醬汁,入口既脆香又滋味。要是沒有點上 Tuna Tostdas HK$62,就不會學懂正宗墨西哥 Taco 是軟餅皮,而類似Tostdas 墨西哥小吃的脆餅皮,是美式Taco 的做法,又長知識了!黃旗吞拿魚配合墨西哥辣椒蛋黃醬、辣椒和青瓜等材料,甚有吃Ceviche的風味。隨後再試了 Tamles Chicken HK$66。Tamles 就是粟米糭的意思!通常以粟米澱粉製作粟米麵團,混合其他材料,然後以粟米殼或香蕉葉包裹。我們所選的雞肉,搭配了鹹香的黑豆、綠蕃茄醬、酸忌廉、芝士、洋蔥和芫荽等,味道挺不錯,而粟米麵團頗有飽肚感!Michelada 被解釋為 My Cold Beer,即以啤酒為基礎的混合Cocktail。ApiochelaHK$88 味道有點像 Bloody Mary,但不及 Bloody Mary 來得轟烈!最後再要來了兩款 Taco。 Bistec HK$52 及 Lengua HK$48。基本上兩款調味很接近,只是 Bistec 是採用了肉眼、而 Lengua 是牛脷,個人較喜歡牛脷的香氣和口感,建議可分開先後來點。兩款  Taco 的醬汁也蠻豐盛,吃時要小心醬汁溢出!雖然「el taquero」注明零晨十二時才關門,但廚房於晚上十時便停止運作,要注意在十時 Last Order 前點菜,點好想吃的東西,大可坐到關門才離開。臨走前,餐廳經理還請我們喝 Tequila,超滿足的一夜!渴望再到港島海旁跑步,抓緊多吃幾次 Taco、多飲幾杯 Margarita 的機會,哈哈! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
環境好有feel,氣氛十足,平日晚上都滿座,記得book位,我地無book位所以得返吧枱坐▫️ Nachos ($172)叫咗大size — 3個女仔分食都好飽,玉米片脆卜卜,配料勁多!鋪滿溶左嘅芝士、牛肉碎,番茄、紫洋蔥、牛油果醬全部都好新鮮,中和返食落無咁油膩😋▫️ Quesa Al Pastor ($56)未見過咁細嘅一人份餡餅😆 溶左嘅芝士搭配豬肉絲好惹味 但係咁細舊食完都比較濟▫️ Al Pastor Taco ($48)豬肉夠辣 肉質偏乾身 每啖都有D洋蔥碎好開胃▫️ Chick Taco ($42)雞肉腍多汁夠辣 用BBQ醬汁▫️ Bonita ($98)美洲風味雞尾酒,有驚喜!酒味幾重唔淡,唔會太甜👍🏻—𝗋𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗏𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌: yes𝗐𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽 𝗋𝖾𝗏𝗂𝗌𝗂𝗍: if in the area💳 𝗉𝗋𝗂𝖼𝖾 $150-200 𝗉𝗉 (dinner)🌟 𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗋𝖺𝗅𝗅 7.5/10📍 El Taquero 灣仔皇后大道東119-121號欣景閣地下B-F號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今次同朋友聚會選擇左觀望左好耐嘅墨西哥菜 見好多人都大推佢哋嘅粟米片 所以我哋就一探究竟!叫左佢哋嘅粟米片配牛肉 份量超級大份 好足料 滿滿嘅牛肉 牛油果醬 酸忌廉 番茄莎莎 芝士 食落好滿足 好複合嘅味 兩個人食啱啱好~另外叫左佢哋兩款taco 分別係豬肉同魚柳 特別中意佢哋嘅魚柳 係炸嘅魚肉 新鮮 外脆內軟 又唔會太油膩 仲有啲番茄洋蔥粒中和下油炸嘅熱氣同油感 食落清爽開胃 同行嘅朋友叫左一款黑豆 個人覺得口味比較奇怪 食落好似中式紅豆沙鹹版 唔係好中我口味甜品叫左churros配朱古力醬 但嫌朱古力醬太稀 點落唔掛汁 比較油膩 甜品我就唔太建議了同埋如果想傾計傾耐少少都唔建議 因為有限時 差唔多時間店員就會建議埋單 因為店比較細 所以都係唔好阻住人做生意la 所以如果人多就唔建議啦~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-11-05
I was excited to try but my verdict is:Go for a drink, happy hour, but not a full meal.Good ambiance, service is friendly and I like the venue with the open windows.I would go back just for a drink and chips and salsa but unimpressed with the food. Left thinking 🫤 Meh. I asked if they had a side salad, it’s not on menu but I was told they could do one. Great, I asked if this was a green salad, with ‘green leaves’, was told yes. But it’s basically the same side they have with the tacos: it’s shredded white cabbage, with some quinoa, chiles, and some diced tomatoes.Again I’d go back for a drink but there are a lot better options for Mexican food. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
本身預約咗嗰間餐廳book唔到咁就唯有周街搵嘢食然後喺對面馬路望到呢間餐廳嘅裝修好光猛於是俾佢吸引咗過去企喺門口有一浸誘人嘅煎蝦香氣再望吓個餐牌又幾抵食喎加上自己又係Taco控於是膽粗粗行咗入去今次點咗4樣食物同埋兩杯嘢飲但係個Taco就有少少令人失 可能會點錯咗另一款喇不過Nacho好好食吓喎明明已經好飽但兩款都忍唔住食晒同埋個粟米我可以話係真係幾好食吓而且真係好大碟 大家點菜前要留意個份量真係飽到傻 埋單成為$705 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)