The restaurant specializes in authentic Sichuan cuisine. The pickled fish and spicy dried hot pot are the most popular dishes. It uses 20 months' Yunnan sauerkraut, Sichuan sauerkraut and Guangdong salty sauerkraut to serve pickled fish, which has a wonderful smell and taste.
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Opening Hours
11:00 - 16:00
17:00 - 21:30
Mon - Thu
11:00 - 16:00
17:00 - 21:30
Fri - Sun
11:00 - 21:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
酸菜魚一向都係我嘅favorite 🥰之前啲內地品牌未攻港👻想食酸菜魚都會黎呢間😌今日就黎左黃大仙呢間😋本身12點幾黎到😨開始都嚇一嚇親😂因為唔係話好多人坐🤡誤會會唔會係個品質差左點知上菜嘅時候發現水準都係咁出色🥰酸菜魚啲都係非常足料❤️酸酸辣辣麻麻😛酸辣嘅感覺真係好正🙌我哋仲加咗生煎包同埋紅糖糍粑☺️嗰一籠嘅生煎就正常😂無話好特別😙但都多肉汁既紅糖糍粑係第一道菜就上咗😂因為我當佢係甜品🤓所以先食甜後食辣有少少怪😂但係即整所以熱辣辣😆都算好味整體嚟講都算唔錯😌臨走嗰陣時先發現接近滿座😈可能我哋太早嚟先自己嚇自己😊
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想喺香港食到正宗嘅川菜就不得不提“十二味”,由初初伶仃幾間鋪,已經拓展到好多地方都見到十二味嘅影子,隨時隨地都食到香辣惹味嘅川菜😀1. 黑豆花鮮椒魚($138)湯底椒麻鮮香,酸酸辣辣好開胃😋黑豆花豆味濃郁,口感偏實淨,豆花表面同入面都有好多小孔,所以好易入味~魚片爽滑冇腥味,重點係冇咩骨😆2. 紙包菌香小牛肉($118)新品緊係要試試佢,上枱店員先會拆開紙袋,熱辣辣仲冒著熱氣,好有鑊氣😻雖然加咗好多辣椒,但食落又唔覺得特別辣🌶️反而係各種香料嘅味比較出😜牛肉大大件入口好滿足,不過某啲部位會韌咗少少🤏🏻估唔到仲有杏鮑菇,切片嘅杏鮑菇比香料包裹住好惹味😋
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I was impressed by the Suan Cai Yu (Sour Fish Soup). The fish was tender, and the broth had just the right amount of spice—not too overpowering. The glass noodles added a chewy texture, and the dish was flavorful but a bit greasy.also tried the Pi Dan (Century Egg), which was beautifully presented. The egg was creamy, and the roasted pepper gave it a smoky kick that paired well.To finish, we had Yao Mei Bing Fen (Ice Jelly). It was a refreshing palate cleanser, though a bit too sweet for my liking. Overall, the food was excellent, and the service was great!
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