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正呀,呢間餐廳,下午3:54分小編落order一客三文魚外賣,手機顯示4:06分可取餐,咁小編就慢慢行去餐廳拎,到達餐廳時間係4:07分以為剛剛好,去到唔見我盒外賣已經職員擺一邊,一問之下就話整梗,我話自取時間已過啦wor佢話個時間唔o岩、唔o岩既時間你又 比人睇?咁咩係正確時間?係咪應該餐廳同個外賣平台處理?關顧客咩事?我已經遲左去拎都未拎到,不停話幾分鐘、我原本搭既車走埋、真係好嬲!我聯絡間外賣平台又係d 廢話話followup,我要求取消又唔得,間餐廳焗我等!最終係4:15分之至拎到!當時餐廳一個客都冇!一份外賣都冇除左條友拎我個外賣比我!其實你地呢間餐廳已經執剩灣仔一間都完全唔係冇理由 無關經濟事,係你地根本都唔係做生意既!如果有落場時間咪唔好做囉,點解要d客承受?你d時間係時間,我d時間唔係?This restaurant service is poor and low efficiency! I ordered only one salmon fillet today (6/19)at 1554 via takeaway platform and the mobile sh
其實你地呢間餐廳已經執剩灣仔一間都完全唔係冇理由 無關經濟事,係你地根本都唔係做生意既!如果有落場時間咪唔好做囉,點解要d客承受?你d時間係時間,我d時間唔係?
This restaurant service is poor and low efficiency! I ordered only one salmon fillet today (6/19)at 1554 via takeaway platform and the mobile showed the pick up time is 16:06 so I arrived at the restaurant at 16:07 and I thought it’s already waiting for my pick up given I am rush to get on the bus. When I arrived there and found no any takeaway on reception area and I approached to the staff at bar counter and he used very relaxing tone to tell me that the pick up time is not correct! I shall not base on the pick up time, so when I shall rely on? Ridiculous! He told me to wait several minutes without any apologies Then I reached the takeaway company to complain and request to cancel the order but was refused! Finally my order was done at 1615!!!!!!!!! Almost 10 minutes delay !!!!!!!!
Given there’s no customer at restaurant and I dunno why it can take so long to just finish a salmon fillet? I really dunno if the chef or sou chef are taking a rest? Nobody assists and they just walk around with the face with I dun care the shxx