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楓林從大圍遷移到銅鑼灣, 看來生意還是可以的, 至少它可以在荃灣開分店, 特別在疫情的時間. 還記得在大圍吃的時候, 每枱也要吃其經典的紅燒乳鴿, 而且大部份都是免切原隻上枱, 整隻拿起來吃相當有霸氣. 年紀漸大怕麻煩, 還是叫廚房切開四份, 吃起來優雅一點, 至少不會弄到成枱也是乳鴿殘渣. 它的紅燒乳鴿味道十年如一日, 肉香夠嫩, 油汁夠東多, 皮脆而彈, 酥香味道由骨頭滲出來, 吃的時候什麼也不用點, 當然連淮鹽也不需要.其他小菜水準則有點參差, 像是蝦籽柚皮的柚皮完全不夠入味, 內裡是散開而怪味, 淺白色的纖維, 吃起來的就像吃成口沙的感覺, 蝦籽份量也不夠多, 整道菜不合格. 黃金蝦炒飯的鹹蛋夠香, 也能平均沾在飯身, 可惜炒飯不夠乾身, 口感有點糊化, 但已經比蝦籽柚皮出色. 相比起來梅羔骨的表現已很不錯, 排骨外脆內嫩, 肉汁和梅醬結合起來夠香, 梅花香味也夠, 是繼紅燒乳鴿之後最出色的.Funglam Restaurant is famous for her roasted pigeon that is a traditional poultry in HK. It is
其他小菜水準則有點參差, 像是蝦籽柚皮的柚皮完全不夠入味, 內裡是散開而怪味, 淺白色的纖維, 吃起來的就像吃成口沙的感覺, 蝦籽份量也不夠多, 整道菜不合格. 黃金蝦炒飯的鹹蛋夠香, 也能平均沾在飯身, 可惜炒飯不夠乾身, 口感有點糊化, 但已經比蝦籽柚皮出色. 相比起來梅羔骨的表現已很不錯, 排骨外脆內嫩, 肉汁和梅醬結合起來夠香, 梅花香味也夠, 是繼紅燒乳鴿之後最出色的.
Funglam Restaurant is famous for her roasted pigeon that is a traditional poultry in HK. It is juicy, crispy for skin and meaty for meat. The juicy is nasty and no need additional seasoning. While no live pigeon is available in HK, most of them are from China and are freezing so that it is great to see the restaurant can cook without any terrible freezer taste. Other dishes are so so and you can mainly focus on the pigeon that may be disappeared soon because of the infectious control.