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The Dutch House由一個喺荷蘭長大嘅大廚主理👨🏻🍳 佢發現香港人好少接觸到傳統荷蘭菜,所以決定將最熟悉嘅味道帶俾大家🇳🇱 因為嗰邊多漁港,所以菜式都係以海鮮為主🐟 大廚之前做過品酒師,所以亦會為每道菜搭配適合嘅酒精,可以睇得出佢對美食有幾講究😚 Managed by a chef who has roots in Holland, The Dutch House presents traditional dishes, mostly seafood based due to the geographical location of Holland. 廚師法辦 $988 (+$200 wine pairing)Chef‘s Menu荷蘭香腸配洋葱蛋黄咖喱蕃茄醬Frikandel Sausage Special 用左豬同雞肉整嘅荷蘭香腸肉香特出,就算無腸衣都可以焗到外脆內軟😙 裡面夾住洋蔥、蛋黃醬同咖喱番茄醬,完美咁將Frikandel正宗嘅風味帶返黎香港👏🏼This sausage made of chicken and pork has a soft centre wit
Managed by a chef who has roots in Holland, The Dutch House presents traditional dishes, mostly seafood based due to the geographical location of Holland.
廚師法辦 $988 (+$200 wine pairing)
Chef‘s Menu
Frikandel Sausage Special
用左豬同雞肉整嘅荷蘭香腸肉香特出,就算無腸衣都可以焗到外脆內軟😙 裡面夾住洋蔥、蛋黃醬同咖喱番茄醬,完美咁將Frikandel正宗嘅風味帶返黎香港👏🏼
This sausage made of chicken and pork has a soft centre with firm outer shell after being in the oven. It came with mayo, onions and tomato curry sauce to recreate Frilandel.
Herring Fish
呢個係荷蘭地道街頭小食之一,佢地習慣攞起成條咁放入口,喺當地叫做Hollandse Nieuwe🐟 酸瓜同酸洋蔥有助去腥,魚肉爽口,每啖都食到鮮香與油香嘅交集😌
One of the most popular street foods, supposed to be held up by the tail then eat it whole. The pickles and onions on top alleviated the fishiness, texture of the fish was sharp.
Oak Smoked Eel
The flavour of smoke wafted into the eel, enhancing the freshness. The oiliness from the fish was cancelled out by the salad.
Traditional Dutch Mussels Pot
Prins&Dingemanse喺1994年研發左呢個煲仔,係荷蘭青口鍋嘅靈魂🫕 青口肥美飽滿,加埋百里香、白葡萄酒、牛油用奶油可以更加帶出海水鹹香味🌊
The pot they used is a crucial part of traditional Mussels pot. The mussels were plump, with hints of saltiness from the seawater and butter.
Sea Bass in Lemon Butter
鱸魚柳外皮煎得金黃酥脆,魚肉清爽淡雅,口感非常豐富🤗 下邊嘅菠菜同番茄仔吸收曬魚油嘅精華,配搭微酸嘅檸檬牛油變得油而不膩👍🏼
The outer skin has been fried till golden brown, providing a contrasting texture to the soft and mellow fish meat. The sourness from the lemon butter was refreshing.
Whole Roasted Dutch Farmers Chicken
呢道功夫菜非常花心思,首先要用30多種香料醃製再風乾3日先攞去焗,所以想食嘅話記住要提前預訂呀🙈 雞肉細嫩多汁,雞皮焦香脆口,層次感豐富😝 因爲烤焗嘅過程中將隻雞墊高左,所以雞油會自己流走,食落就無咁油膩😎 仲有自家製嘅蘋果醬,味道清甜解膩一流🍎
From marinating the meat with over 30 kinds of herbs to drying it for 3 days straight, this dish requires lots of hard work. After roasting it, the skin was crispy and the meat was succulent and tender. House made apple jam could be added if you think it’s too heavy.
Cherry Brandy Ice Cream
手打嘅雲呢拿雪糕同鮮忌廉味道濃厚🍨 中間夾左用層啱啱煮好嘅櫻桃白蘭地果醬,食得出冰火交融嘅感覺😜 櫻桃醬濃縮後變得更甜蜜,仲有粒粒果肉甜🍒
Homemade ice cream could never go wrong with some hot cherry brandy. The sauce was reduced so even the tiniest amount carried a punch of flavour.