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呢幾年發覺香港嘅豆漿舖真係買少見少,估唔到有日會喺樂富搵到間主打荳品嘅專門店😍 作為從事呢個行業嘅第三代,老闆開創左Soymart嘅品牌,希望將本地風味傳承落去🇭🇰 喺傳統荳製品裡加入芋圓、奶蓋、珍珠等元素,打造出各種創新嘅配搭🆕 佢哋採用非基因改造黃豆每日新鮮製作,店內亦有展示透明嘅豆乳機器俾大家睇到制作嘅流程⚙️Soymart is a local franchise in HK that specialises in products made by nonGMO soybeans. They hope to merge traditional dishes with modernised flavours, and everything is made fresh on the day. 呢到所有飲品都用透明膠樽裝住,方便攜帶之餘仲可以循環再用♻️ 雪櫃放左滿琳琅滿目嘅飲品,我就梗係要試下招牌豆乳啦🥛 佢哋大部份都預設左無糖,飲落濃稠順滑,滿嘴充斥住濃郁嘅豆香👅鮮芋泥豆乳($32)綿密中帶顆粒感,甜得黎又唔會蓋過豆香😌 仙草豆乳 ($28) 同桃膠豆乳 ($32) 每啖啜到爽滑嘅配
呢幾年發覺香港嘅豆漿舖真係買少見少,估唔到有日會喺樂富搵到間主打荳品嘅專門店😍 作為從事呢個行業嘅第三代,老闆開創左Soymart嘅品牌,希望將本地風味傳承落去🇭🇰 喺傳統荳製品裡加入芋圓、奶蓋、珍珠等元素,打造出各種創新嘅配搭🆕 佢哋採用非基因改造黃豆每日新鮮製作,店內亦有展示透明嘅豆乳機器俾大家睇到制作嘅流程⚙️
Soymart is a local franchise in HK that specialises in products made by nonGMO soybeans. They hope to merge traditional dishes with modernised flavours, and everything is made fresh on the day.
呢到所有飲品都用透明膠樽裝住,方便攜帶之餘仲可以循環再用♻️ 雪櫃放左滿琳琅滿目嘅飲品,我就梗係要試下招牌豆乳啦🥛 佢哋大部份都預設左無糖,飲落濃稠順滑,滿嘴充斥住濃郁嘅豆香👅鮮芋泥豆乳($32)綿密中帶顆粒感,甜得黎又唔會蓋過豆香😌 仙草豆乳 ($28) 同桃膠豆乳 ($32) 每啖啜到爽滑嘅配料,啱晒想養顏keep fit嘅朋友🧏🏻♀️ 十勝紅豆豆乳 ($32) 裡嘅紅豆煮到軟硬適中,配上無糖嘅豆奶令清甜味更突出🫘
All their drinks are packaged in transparent reusable bottles. I got their Soy Milk with Sweetened Red Bean, Soy Milk with Grass Jelly, Soy Milk with Peach Resin and Soy Milk with Taro. They are all preset to zero sugar, and the only sweetness comes toppings.
黑糖豆花 $22
Tofu Pudding with Brown Sugar
The tofu pudding was mellow and smooth, filled with an overwhelming soy flavour which paired perfectly with the brown sugar syrup.
多芒果楊枝甘露 $48
Pomelo and Mango Sago
楊枝甘露呈鮮豔嘅橙黃色,一打開個蓋已經飄出陣陣嘅芒果香🥭 芒果汁同椰奶嘅比例啱啱好,飲落飽滿醇厚,清爽開胃👍🏽 來自金柚嘅酸香同甜蜜嘅芒果相得益彰,配上嚼勁十足嘅西米層次感相當豐富💯
The base made of mango juice and coconut milk was aromatic, topped with mangoes, pomelos and sago, creating a nice balance between sweet and sour.