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同朋友一齊嚟咗呢間墨西哥餐廳食飯🤩,雖然去過墨西哥🇲🇽旅行但係我對墨西哥菜🇲🇽認識淺薄😅,更加唔識分邊啲係正宗墨西哥菜🇲🇽邊啲係 Tex-Mex Cuisine 邊啲係 Cali-Mex 邊啲係唔正宗😅,不過我識得分好唔好食😆見到網上咁寫《Tex-Mex: Tends to be spicier and uses a lot of cumin, chili powder, and garlic. The flavors are bold and rich. Cali-Mex: Focuses on fresh, vibrant flavors, often highlighting the natural taste of ingredients with less reliance on heavy spices.》🤩;咁呢度嘅墨西哥菜又真係好清新喎🤩老闆原來係嚟自 Santa Monica, California,一個係加州好出名嘅 resort town🤩;Catina 喺拉丁美洲或者西班牙即係 Canteen 咁解🤣$138 CEVICHE:Ceviche 一般講法係源自秘魯🇵
$138 CANTINA BURRITO:朋友問我點解叫 Burrito 唔叫 Taco, 我話因為食得整齊乾淨啲😆,我叫朋友上網睇吓 Burrito🌯 同 Taco 🌮 嘅分別😆;呢度嘅 Burrito 材料有:Pulled Pork(亦可以選擇雞肉或牛肉), guacamole,pico de Gallo,非常豐富,大大一條,好味又飽肚😋,另外,少少驚喜係 Burrito 嘅皮竟然係脆脆哋,亦都超薄,好好食🤩 $72 Large Sparkling San Pellegrino:不嬲都鍾意飲呢個意大利🇮🇹牌子嘅礦泉水,因為佢嘅氣泡細緻感覺好順滑🤩;呢個牌子而家仲越嚟越流行🤣