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- **十小麻辣花椒豚肉燒薯餅**: 這道菜絕對是味蕾的冒險,麻辣花椒的刺激與豚肉的鮮嫩完美結合,讓人一試難忘。 - **Spicy Pepper Pork Hash Browns**: This dish is a flavor adventure, combining the zing of spicy peppercorns with the tenderness of pork, making it unforgettable.- **鑄鐵鍋北非蛋**: 當鑄鐵鍋的熱度遇上北非風味的蛋料理,香氣四溢,讓人食指大動。 - **Cast Iron Shakshuka**: When the heat of the cast iron meets the North African flavors of this egg dish, the aroma is irresistible.🌿 **環境氛圍**:蟲二位於上海街618號頂樓,這裡的天台環境浪漫至極,特別適合打卡📸。無論是白天的陽光灑落,還是夜晚的星空點點,都能讓你感受到與眾不同的氛圍。天台上的綠植和精心佈置的座位,讓人彷
- **十小麻辣花椒豚肉燒薯餅**: 這道菜絕對是味蕾的冒險,麻辣花椒的刺激與豚肉的鮮嫩完美結合,讓人一試難忘。
- **Spicy Pepper Pork Hash Browns**: This dish is a flavor adventure, combining the zing of spicy peppercorns with the tenderness of pork, making it unforgettable.
- **鑄鐵鍋北非蛋**: 當鑄鐵鍋的熱度遇上北非風味的蛋料理,香氣四溢,讓人食指大動。
- **Cast Iron Shakshuka**: When the heat of the cast iron meets the North African flavors of this egg dish, the aroma is irresistible.
🌿 **環境氛圍**:
- **Ambiance**: Located on the rooftop of 618 Shanghai Street, 蟲二 offers a romantic setting perfect for Instagram-worthy moments. Whether it's the sunlight during the day or the starry sky at night, the unique atmosphere is palpable. The rooftop's greenery and thoughtfully arranged seating make it feel like an oasis in the city.