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說它是麵店, 其實它的飯比麵更為矜貴, 無他, 之前光顧午市時, 它的沁沁飯, 也就是雞油臘味飯常常售罄, 今次光臨卻還有幾碗, 除了是我的幸運外, 也反映了疫情下對小店在生意的影響. 雞油平均沾在飯身, 油亮帶香氣, 豉油甜而不死鹹, 色水均勻, 再加在舖上飯面的飯焦, 好睇又好食. 配料除了臘腸和鮮雞件外, 也附上自家製作的臘鴨, 鴨油香豐盈, 鹹度適中, 略嫌鴨肉口感較死實.小食必點的是其醉雞卷, 酒香帶甘甜而不苦, 雞皮彈殫, 雞肉口感實中帶軟, 中間凝固的雞油啫喱令其更有油香, 不用三十元有六大件, 比不少小食店抵食. 以自家熬製的羅漢果茶作結, 不是山珍海味, 但吃完相當溫暖.Double Heart for Noodles is a noodle shop but this rice is excellent and sold out very earlier. This lunchtime I were so luckily to taste it. The rice is full of chicken oil and the soy sauce is even di
小食必點的是其醉雞卷, 酒香帶甘甜而不苦, 雞皮彈殫, 雞肉口感實中帶軟, 中間凝固的雞油啫喱令其更有油香, 不用三十元有六大件, 比不少小食店抵食. 以自家熬製的羅漢果茶作結, 不是山珍海味, 但吃完相當溫暖.
Double Heart for Noodles is a noodle shop but this rice is excellent and sold out very earlier. This lunchtime I were so luckily to taste it. The rice is full of chicken oil and the soy sauce is even distributed. Fresh taste with the preserved meat is traditional HK taste. The preserved meat is home made and the salty taste is nice. The drunken chicken roll is also a must-try item. Spongy chicken skin and firm chicken meat with the sweet and aromatic wine flavor make it perfect.