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the restaurant is operated by a thai family and they serve local thai food with fair price. i ordered a spicy mince pork rice, which also comes with an egg. the mince is nicely cooked and you can smell the basil and different herbs. kindly remind its quite spicy. 由於間鋪細,晏畫泥親都大排長龍, 夜晚好d. 呢間飯館係泰國人開, 有好多泰國平民修飾。 我夜晚泥, 仲見到佢兩個小朋友xd 由於一個人泥, 就簡簡單單叫左碟香辣肉碎飯。 而佢的確做到 香同辣, 相當出色,野味。 好彩師傳放低完碟飯之後, 見到我冇叫野飲, 就突登針左一大杯水俾我。 唔係就辣到hi hi. so sad一個人泥, 見到隔離檯d串燒好正, 不過一叫就要半打起。。
so sad一個人泥, 見到隔離檯d串燒好正, 不過一叫就要半打起。。