今晚4大美女在這聚餐 點了6個菜
宮廷四喜拼盤 包括
醉雞 北京醬蹄凍 蔥油涼拌海蜇 餚肉 味道清新 份量剛好 一人一件
北京填鴨半隻 保持水準 皮脆肉嫩
東坡肉 滿滿的酒香 肥而不膩 皮軟肉滑
清炒萵筍 爽口
榨菜肉沫配叉子 餅香 皮酥 熱熱的
小籠包 是最不起眼 很普通
食物是滿意的 只是服務有改善空間 無論是知客或下單的 都木無表情 很公式化 尤其是其中一位女服務員 我要求拿2對公筷 她用很不耐煩的目光望著呢
Restaurant: | PEKING GARDEN (Star House) |
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To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.
For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign
Restaurant: | PEKING GARDEN (Star House) |
Info: |
To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html