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驚喜隱世私房菜!😋😋😋成日行過天后,都唔知道有一間咁好味嘅台灣菜。門面好似只做麵食和小菜,完全諗唔到夜晚可以搖身一變私房菜!今晚有食家朋友帶我嚟呢度食海鮮,budget 自定, 我哋定咗大約$500一位!頭盤已有驚喜,係一份精緻嘅鮑魚小食,鮑魚鮮甜,個汁仲有新鮮感,配搭咗桃做配菜,夠特別!第二味蒜蓉蚵仔,難得大大隻,非常新鮮嫩口! 酸菜魚係用咗斑片,更加有質感同入味, 桂花魚真係要行開🤣!平時係食肉獸嘅,我原本對食材冇乜興趣,不過佢哋呢個白菜(類似津白)做得非常好味,有花甲野菌做上湯,一個字,鮮!😋😋😋Surprise Hidden Gem Private Kitchen! Tonight, a foodie friend brought me here to enjoy seafood, and we set a budget of around $500 per person. The first dish was a delightful surprise, a delicate abalone appetizer. The abalone was fresh with a re
今晚有食家朋友帶我嚟呢度食海鮮,budget 自定, 我哋定咗大約$500一位!
第二味蒜蓉蚵仔,難得大大隻,非常新鮮嫩口! 酸菜魚係用咗斑片,更加有質感同入味, 桂花魚真係要行開🤣!
Surprise Hidden Gem Private Kitchen!
Tonight, a foodie friend brought me here to enjoy seafood, and we set a budget of around $500 per person.
The first dish was a delightful surprise, a delicate abalone appetizer. The abalone was fresh with a refreshing sauce. It was accompanied by peach as a unique garnish.
The second dish was garlic steamed small oysters, and they were unusually large and incredibly fresh and tender! The sour and spicy fish was made with grouper fillets, which adding extra flavor.
I usually don't pay much attention to vegetables. However, this cabbage dish was exceptionally delicious. It was cooked with clams and mushrooms broth.
The whole dinner was so satisfying and I will come again.