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本身好少去跑馬地嘅我今日就黎發掘下有咩高質抵食嘅餐廳,行過見到 zankyou izakaya 門口幾靚有有唔少餐點選擇,決定入去試下😎 平日午市有lunch set,見到在場有唔少打工仔幫襯🧑🏻💼 餐廳唔少食材都由日本直送,保留著濃濃和風味道,加上平實舒適嘅環境別具格調🇯🇵Within the streets of Happy Valley lies an Izakaya that specialises in all sorts of Japanese cuisines, with ingredients shipped straight from Japan. 蟹膏豆腐 $68Cold Bean Curd with Crab Paste冰涼嘅豆腐富黃豆香,同順滑嘅蟹膏融為一體🦀️ 雖然蟹膏味道較淡,不過上面加左大量嘅用柚子調味嘅蟹肉,鮮味無比😇The tofu was cold and silky, but I wish the crab paste was more prominent. However the large heap of crab meat was able
Within the streets of Happy Valley lies an Izakaya that specialises in all sorts of Japanese cuisines, with ingredients shipped straight from Japan.
蟹膏豆腐 $68
Cold Bean Curd with Crab Paste
冰涼嘅豆腐富黃豆香,同順滑嘅蟹膏融為一體🦀️ 雖然蟹膏味道較淡,不過上面加左大量嘅用柚子調味嘅蟹肉,鮮味無比😇
The tofu was cold and silky, but I wish the crab paste was more prominent. However the large heap of crab meat was able to bring a dash of freshness.
鹽水牛舌 $42
Salted Beef Tongue
牛舌片望落粉紅緊緻,經過鹽水醃製下牛騒味大大減低,咬落亦更軟嫩👅 點落微辣嘅芥末醬仲好食!
Through cooking in brine it turned really soft, and it went well with the Japanese mustard sauce.
海鮮刺身沙律 $108
Assorted Sashimi Salad
刺身類別有三文魚、油甘魚、吞拿魚、蟹肉、三文魚籽,份量十足🐟 爽脆嘅沙律底落左酸酸甜甜嘅日式醬,越食越開胃🥗
There were salmon, hamachi, tuna, crab meat and salmon roe, dressed in a sour and appetising sauce.
磯煮鮑魚 $138
Isoyaki Abalone
呢個係今日嘅時令海鮮之一,以昆布醬汁慢火炆煮🍲 令甘甜滲入肉質柔嫩嘅鮑魚,咬落鮮嫩彈牙🤩
Abalone was slow cooked in a Japanese broth which brought out its unique chew and freshness.
清酒廣島蠔 $68 Oyster in Sake Consomme
日本廣島蠔肉隻隻飽滿,入口滑溜🦪 雖然鮮味唔係好突出,但用清酒煮可以帶出淡淡嘅甘香🍶
Hiroshima oyster was plump and juicy but I wish it was fresher!
佢地其中夠一個主打係串燒,由師傅即叫即燒🍢 我地叫左雞皮、雞腎、超彈牙嘅厚燒牛舌 $68 同皮脆肉嫩嘅白鱔 $68🤤 樣樣都熱辣辣帶焦香,黎到一定要試🔥 We got thick cut ox tongue, chicken skin, chicken kidney and fresh eel skewers. They were made to order and grilled to perfection.