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2 x 前菜+主菜+甜品 $365麵包籃 (跟餐)Bread basket 白酒忌廉法國青口 (+$20)White White Cream French Mussels因為用白酒煮可以除腥,加上有香濃嘅忌廉,所以每舊青口肉都鮮甜肥美👍🏼 Mussels were plump and fresh, went along well with the creamy sauce. 法式香煎鵝肝意式番茄莎莎脆多士 (+$25)Pan Seared Foie Gras with Italian Tomato Salsa Toast 表面煎得焦黃濃香,裡面油脂豐膄😍 莎莎醬減低油潤嘅感覺,食曬撐舊都唔會膩😚The surface has been seared to golden brown, and the interior was melty and had a very high fat ratio. The salsa greatly decreased the heaviness from the fat. 招牌拼盤 Signature Combo巴馬火腿菠蘿:菠蘿🍍蓋過左火腿嘅鹹香味,
2 x 前菜+主菜+甜品 $365
麵包籃 (跟餐)
Bread basket
白酒忌廉法國青口 (+$20)
White White Cream French Mussels
Mussels were plump and fresh, went along well with the creamy sauce.
法式香煎鵝肝意式番茄莎莎脆多士 (+$25)
Pan Seared Foie Gras with Italian Tomato Salsa Toast
表面煎得焦黃濃香,裡面油脂豐膄😍 莎莎醬減低油潤嘅感覺,食曬撐舊都唔會膩😚
The surface has been seared to golden brown, and the interior was melty and had a very high fat ratio. The salsa greatly decreased the heaviness from the fat.
Signature Combo
巴馬火腿菠蘿:菠蘿🍍蓋過左火腿嘅鹹香味,如果用蜜瓜應該更配🙈 五味吞拿魚奇異果莎莎:外皮經過炙燒變得微脆,但係略嫌肉質比較鞋啲啲🤏🏼 忌廉芝士煙三文魚伴魚子醬:呢個配搭一定無得輸🤙🏿 日式溫泉蛋:湯汁嘅鹹味更加能帶出蛋黃香濃嘅味道🤩
Parma ham with pineapple, five spiced tuna and kiwi salsa, cream cheese salmon roll with caviar, onsen tamago
法國牛油香焗珍寶帶子拼香焗鮮龍Baked 蝦芝士+XO醬 (+$60)
Scallop with French Butter Baked Scallop with Cheese+XO Sauce
帶子雙面都被煎到金黃色😙 口感細緻彈牙,龍蝦🦞非常新鮮,肉質肥嫩,配埋XO醬可以帶出陣陣嘅海水🌊味
Scallop was perfectly seared, succulent and fresh. The lobster had a firm bite, with a slight sweetness and saltiness from the XO sauce.
慢烤澳洲鮮嫩羊架 (+50)
Grilled Australian Rack of Lamb
羊架一切落去啲肉汁就逼著出黎🤤 脂肪分佈均勻,味道唔羶又不失羊肉味🐑 塗上啲芥末醬就再增加層次感🤗 我叫左五成熟,但上檯見到應該已經大概七成熟,不過都仍然保留到鮮嫩嘅感覺👍🏼
This was a delicately charred and juicy rack, with fat perfectly marbled within. I ordered medium, but it seemed more like a medium-well. Even so, it was still very tender.
Fresh Organic Fresh Fruit Platter served with Homemade Ice Cream
The ice cream had a slight taste of vanilla, with a smooth texture.
Crème Brûlée with Homemade Ice Cream
表面被炙燒至一層晶瑩剔透嘅焦糖脆🍯 燉蛋處於半溶嘅狀態,輕柔香滑,配上雪糕一齊式就有冰火交融嘅感覺🤪 如果燉蛋嘅口感厚實少少就更好!
The crème brûlée had a custard like texture which melts in the mouth. The thin brittle caramelised top succumbed into the spoon at the lightest tap.