Restaurant: Fulum Palace

To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.

For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign

Restaurant: Fulum Palace

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

2011-11-27 64 views
老婆生日, 本來想去流浮山吃其海鮮, 不過有人要晚點才返, 恐怕去到沒有泊車位, 於是作罷.卜位時, 小姐很爽快的說只有兩塲, 六點與八點三, 於是卜了八點三的枱.八點正去到, 阿姐已經可以招呼入座.四個人點了: 燒鵝例牌, 滷水豬腳仔, 芝士焗美國龍蝦加伊麵底, 雜菜煲, 粉絲蟹煲, 叉燒王.滷水豬腳仔先到, 份量不少, 已經去了大骨, 肉質爽滑, 入味, 不錯, 8分.跟著來的是芝士焗美國龍蝦加伊麵底, 龍蝦的份量很多, 不過都切成很細粒, 有些只是空縠, 墊底的伊麵的份量頗多, 味道也不錯. 7分.叉燒王比成人的手掌畧長, 是稍焦, 半肥瘦, 果真了得, 很蜜味, 鬆化, 可惜肉味不足, 可能是醃料味太搶. 8分.燒鵝例牌是髀加上少量東拉西抖的其他部位, 皮不脆, 肉有肉味和肉汁, 整體來說也算不錯, 8分.雜菜煲是沒有期望的, 只求清淡, 爽口, 這菜是做到了, 拉雜成軍是當然的囉, 有芥蘭, 西蘭花, 菜心和粉絲. 6分.粉絲蟹煲是最後來的, 其實大家都飽到差不多了, 結果一半要打包, 內容方面有: 蟹一只, 是炸過的, 粉絲很多, 汁液不足是其缺點, 可幸味道也頗佳,
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老婆生日, 本來想去流浮山吃其海鮮, 不過有人要晚點才返, 恐怕去到沒有泊車位, 於是作罷.
卜位時, 小姐很爽快的說只有兩塲, 六點與八點三, 於是卜了八點三的枱.
八點正去到, 阿姐已經可以招呼入座.
四個人點了: 燒鵝例牌, 滷水豬腳仔, 芝士焗美國龍蝦加伊麵底, 雜菜煲, 粉絲蟹煲, 叉燒王.
滷水豬腳仔先到, 份量不少, 已經去了大骨, 肉質爽滑, 入味, 不錯, 8分.
跟著來的是芝士焗美國龍蝦加伊麵底, 龍蝦的份量很多, 不過都切成很細粒, 有些只是空縠, 墊底的伊麵的份量頗多, 味道也不錯. 7分.
叉燒王比成人的手掌畧長, 是稍焦, 半肥瘦, 果真了得, 很蜜味, 鬆化, 可惜肉味不足, 可能是醃料味太搶. 8分.
燒鵝例牌是髀加上少量東拉西抖的其他部位, 皮不脆, 肉有肉味和肉汁, 整體來說也算不錯, 8分.
雜菜煲是沒有期望的, 只求清淡, 爽口, 這菜是做到了, 拉雜成軍是當然的囉, 有芥蘭, 西蘭花, 菜心和粉絲. 6分.
粉絲蟹煲是最後來的, 其實大家都飽到差不多了, 結果一半要打包, 內容方面有: 蟹一只, 是炸過的, 粉絲很多, 汁液不足是其缺點, 可幸味道也頗佳, 7分.
叫阿姐埋單時, 收碟跟手送上免費的水果碟, 是西瓜和菠蘿, 前者不甜, 後者反為很甜.
整晚的服務都欠佳, 人手不足, 招手叫侍應時, 不應或是應了郤無料到, 由頭到尾都無人換骨碟, 太不像話了.
Other Info. : 都是廿八元闖的禍, 萬四元的洗碗工也無人做, 侍應也請不到人. 到工運領袖們揮到35元一個鐘, 世界又不知怎麼了?
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
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  • 叉燒王