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早幾日睇完電視介紹一間深水埗甜品店,先醒起我都有去過,即時搵番啲片出黎分享吓先🥰之前見過人介紹深水埗有酒店級嘅甜品,啲擺盤的確幾吸睛架,幾款甜品都想試尤其是個蘋果酥盒,但個胃只可食一件,最後都揀番我至愛嘅拿破崙😉 每層波浪形嘅薄脆,薄到好似薯片咁又薄又脆,內層夾有原味同榛子吉士,以焗香過嘅榛子同 crumble 作點綴 。加上表面灑上爆炸糖嘅雙色雪糕,入口幾有層次👍I came here for their mille-feuille. It's super flaky and crunchy given the puff pastry is just as thin as potato chips🤏 It features hazelnut and vanilla custard, 2 flavours of ice cream, topped with hazelnut and crumbles. Everything comes together to form complementary textures and create a dish with a variety of
之前見過人介紹深水埗有酒店級嘅甜品,啲擺盤的確幾吸睛架,幾款甜品都想試尤其是個蘋果酥盒,但個胃只可食一件,最後都揀番我至愛嘅拿破崙😉 每層波浪形嘅薄脆,薄到好似薯片咁又薄又脆,內層夾有原味同榛子吉士,以焗香過嘅榛子同 crumble 作點綴 。加上表面灑上爆炸糖嘅雙色雪糕,入口幾有層次👍
I came here for their mille-feuille. It's super flaky and crunchy given the puff pastry is just as thin as potato chips🤏 It features hazelnut and vanilla custard, 2 flavours of ice cream, topped with hazelnut and crumbles. Everything comes together to form complementary textures and create a dish with a variety of mouthfeel.