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8號風球剛剛落波, 同老婆搵食再趕返公司, 經過呢間Cafe, 一路都想試佢個中午, 今日終於有機會, 真係好大驚喜, 估唔到呢間餐廳都煮到咁好食嘅西餐仲要係紅蝦意大利飯, 新鮮, 有洒店水準, Egg Benedict 亦都正, , 平時都好少寫食評,值得支持一吓呢間新開嘅小店 👍The No. 8 wind balloon has just fallen. I rushed back to the company after eating with my wife. After passing through the Cafe, I wanted to try it all the way for lunch. Today, I finally had a chance. What a big surprise. I guess I can't cook all the western food in this restaurant.Zhongyao is red shrimp risotto, freshly sprinkled, Egg Benedict is also goo
仲要係紅蝦意大利飯, 新鮮, 有洒店水準, Egg Benedict 亦都正, , 平時都好少寫食評,值得支持一吓呢間新開嘅小店 👍
The No. 8 wind balloon has just fallen. I rushed back to the company after eating with my wife. After passing through the Cafe, I wanted to try it all the way for lunch. Today, I finally had a chance. What a big surprise. I guess I can't cook all the western food in this restaurant.
Zhongyao is red shrimp risotto, freshly sprinkled, Egg Benedict is also good, usually write less food reviews, it is worth supporting a new small shop 👍
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