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位於灣仔的The Pawn絕對值得棒場,它的Weekend Brunch又一次表現出如何讓西方簡單的菜餚成為一種有品味(Tasteful)又休閒(Casual) 的享受。The Pawn 前身是一間建於1880時期的當鋪,很有歷史價值的建築。老實說,我們一直也覺得這間美麗的餐廳是給旅客觀光,所以這次在這裡吃C的生日Brunch,心裡還是挺興奮的。Weekend Brunch以傳統英國食物作主打,包括Eggs Benedict和Fish & Chips。 雖然菜式都很簡單,份量也不大,價錢也偏貴,但是室內環境卻真正融合了英式風韻和殖民地的色采,而且二樓設有露台,可以一邊看著街景,一邊進食,非常寫意。食物也很有水準,特別是那個Fish & Chips。Weekend Brunch 大概$100 到 $200一位。We have never dined in this iconic building which was originally a Chinese pawnshop, so we could not contain our excitement when we had brunc
We have never dined in this iconic building which was originally a Chinese pawnshop, so we could not contain our excitement when we had brunch at The Pawn last month. The Pawn made a name for itself to plop us down in a "colonial" venue that's so obviously in quotes, we know that it must be as heartily tasteful and cultural as its antique exterior suggests. The place has long been lingering on our "to-go" list, but we often brush it off as another "touristic" restaurant. Finally, we had an excuse to go there for C's birthday brunch.