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這間餐廳請我都唔會再去。一去到想搵人講我留咗6位,就有個菲藉女人(一聲hello都無)就話"this is stoep,u looking for the right place?)個態度差到x街。之後同講完一輪英文,佢又聽唔明。 (Ek is lewe in Suid-Afrika vir 20 jaar, ek dink dat my Engels is goed genoeg)終於坐低叫嘢食,D食物一般,個BoerWors D肉粉到不得了,一D都比唔上我以前食個D。我見幾位菲藉女士會走去外藉人士枱問"is everything fine?do you need anything else?"但一個人來問我地都無,要個辣椒醬都要搵好x耐先有人影過來,好似見你到要搵人。個老板娘個樣仲黑過黑面神,看你係黑頭髮,個樣似中國人就板起個樣,可能有敢樣老板,所以D工人都係敢。大家唔好駕車去,因為係禁區,要禁區紙,小弟和朋友就送左640大元比政府。打電話去訂位時又無講,唉..........The first impression that this restaurant gave me is
一去到想搵人講我留咗6位,就有個菲藉女人(一聲hello都無)就話"this is stoep,u looking for the right place?)個態度差到x街。之後同講完一輪英文,佢又聽唔明。 (Ek is lewe in Suid-Afrika vir 20 jaar, ek dink dat my Engels is goed genoeg)終於坐低叫嘢食,D食物一般,個BoerWors D肉粉到不得了,一D都比唔上我以前食個D。我見幾位菲藉女士會走去外藉人士枱問"is everything fine?do you need anything else?"但一個人來問我地都
The first impression that this restaurant gave me is bad already,we first had to get over with a lady telling us that are we in the right place as if we are not welcomed, the food there was okay,can swallow,but unsure which was which,because they all had the same tan on them"black!" the service of them was so bad,we had to find so hard to get a person to come over and ask for a chili sauce,it was very obvious that we were getting a very different kind of service, the place feel so racist ,as if I was back to SA again,at the end we gave a 10dollar tip,it was for the free tissue that they gave,because their was fxxk all service. Please excuse my words, because I went their wanting to enjoy the night, but that is not what I end up getting and I fxxken hate the racist looks on that shxt face! As well as getting a fine for entering restricted area, which they did not tell when booking the table. I will never go there anymore what so ever!