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尋晚同C小姐飲野, 因為我考試要9點幾先開始, 所以我就suggest去lee度, 好過去諾士佛台同人迫, 又嘈. 貪依度夠清靜, 又有音樂聽, 有fashion show睇, 仲有d人唔雜, 多數係鬼佬遊客.happy hour去到9點 - buy one get one free, C小姐9:10pm先行到達, 佢地個captain好好, 仲offer我地有happy hour, 於是on the way的我, 收到C小姐電話, 即刻order定Draught 生力同long island (要diet coke).之後我地叫左炸魚薯條+凱撒沙律, 講真, 食物質素一般啦.但service搭夠, d 酒又溝得好飲 ... 唔錯 見佢咁好人, 幫佢買左幾隻糉 ... 人地要交quota , 無所謂坐到佢地打烊, 1點鐘lu .... 要返屋企total: $366
happy hour去到9點 - buy one get one free, C小姐9:10pm先行到達, 佢地個captain好好, 仲offer我地有happy hour, 於是on the way的我, 收到C小姐電話, 即刻order定Draught 生力同long island (要diet coke).
之後我地叫左炸魚薯條+凱撒沙律, 講真, 食物質素一般啦.
但service搭夠, d 酒又溝得好飲 ... 唔錯
見佢咁好人, 幫佢買左幾隻糉 ... 人地要交quota , 無所謂
坐到佢地打烊, 1點鐘lu .... 要返屋企
total: $366