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This is my first post in Openrice, my friends suggest me to share this story with you all here. Spiaggia gave me a nice impression ever since my first visit in 2009. The owner/managers and waiters were friendly and helpful and food are nice too. Yesterday, I visited Stanley again to enjoy my wkend with beer and Rugby Sevens. However, the service of this restaurant ruined the day. My frd & I entered this restaurant for a beer and watch HK7s finals before dinner (ard 6:20pm), we planned to din
Spiaggia gave me a nice impression ever since my first visit in 2009. The owner/managers and waiters were friendly and helpful and food are nice too.
Yesterday, I visited Stanley again to enjoy my wkend with beer and Rugby Sevens. However, the service of this restaurant ruined the day. My frd & I entered this restaurant for a beer and watch HK7s finals before dinner (ard 6:20pm), we planned to dine at this restaurant after the games which supposed to end at 7:30. We did told the waitress at the very beginning we’ll first have beer and then dinner afterwards.
However, once we sat down and ordered the beer, another waitress (who speaks Cantonese to us) asked us 3 times whether we could order our food yet, and even said there’s a minimum charge for that particular night. There is no problem for us as we planned to dine here, so I asked how much is the min. charge, she hesitated and left silent and fled. I felt weird, so I asked the owner/manager (an old gentleman who always mingles with customers here) whether they had a min. charge that night, he answered me “No! we don't have min. charge tonight”. Then I got back to the game and waited for the Cup Final.
After a few more mins, that waitress approached our table AGAIN, and said “if you do not plan to order your food, please return the table to us and move to the bar area, we have a lot of people queuing up outside.” I was really shocked with this kind of attitude.
1) the bar area was full, so we got assigned to the table indoor by the waitress.
2) other tables (mainly foreigners, only 2-3 tables were Chinese in which we were the only 1 table indoor) mostly were having their drinks and watching the game or chit-chatting with their friends.
3) I didn’t see any ppl waiting & there were vacant tables just next to us and also outdoor.
She silenced and fled again after I asked “You mean if we order the food NOW, so we dun have to move? Can’t we just do it after the game?” She then went directly to the owner/manager, and then he came to us and said “our tables are not just for beer, no matter how much food you will order, you still have to move to the bar area, it’s unfair to the ppl queuing outside.” His words were STUNNING. We entered there abt 30 mins ONLY, and we received SERVICES more than enough.
Once I thought this restaurant is a great place in Stanley, but now EVERYTHING changed! I wonder are Chinese/Hong Kong ppl are liars in your eyes? You think we will flee without having our dinner? The words & actions of you & your waitress made me wonder can’t we dine in without booking AND are we, Chinese, not welcomed especially the indoor area? as I didn’t see any other tables were having same kind of SERVICE. I also wonder was I haunted or your restaurant, where were the ppl queuing outside and what was going on with the vacant tables.
At last, even when we move, there was no space for us at the bar table & NO ONE assist to settle us properly in that area!
Thank you so much for YOUR SERVICES! which made me missed first half of the Cup final!
I hope in my future posts, i could share with you great restaurants with real nice food & services.
昨日天氣唔錯諗住入赤柱一邊飲野食野一邊睇七人欖球賽。難忘嘅事就係我地想喺呢間餐廳食晚飯同睇總決賽嘅時候發生! 我地大約6:20到入到去, 講明我地飲野先, 之後先食野。有個侍應帶咗我地入餐廳裡面坐, 因為嗰時BAR枱已經滿咗。
坐低咗之後我地即刻叫啤酒, 之後另一個講廣東話嘅侍應不斷問我地落得單叫晚餐未? 前後問咗3次, 好驚我地唔叫野。仲同我地講今晚有最低消費, 無問題! 我地都預咗喺到食! 我反問佢「咁今晚最低消費係幾多?」佢無答我EE UMUM拎住個MENU走咗。我覺得奇怪, 所以問個個老人家, 佢嘅答案係「No! 我地今晚無最低消費」 OK! 咁我唔理啦, 繼續睇比賽。
再過多幾分鐘, 嗰個侍應又再埋黎, 今次佢講「如果你地唔叫野食, 唔該俾返張枱我, 有好多人喺出面等緊!」非常好嘅待客態度, 我反問佢:「我呢一秒係唔係落咗order咗就唔使郁? 點解唔可以等多一陣, 睇完場比賽慢慢叫?」佢又唔應我走咗。之後佢同個老人家講咗幾句, 平時好鍾意social個老人家竟然走埋黎講「唔理你之後叫幾多野食, 你地都一定要移去bar枱, 對等緊枱D人唔公平」以下有3點需要俾大家清楚當時實況:
1) 入去嗰時BAR枱已經滿咗, 係一個侍應叫我地入去室內坐
2) 其他枱大部分人都係一邊飲野一邊睇波/吹水(主要係外國人, 得2-3枱係華人, 我地係室內唯一一枱香港人)
3) 我地附近有1張2人, 1張4人枱係吉嘅, 外面亦至少有6人連枱都係吉嘅! 我亦見唔到外面有人等枱!
完全估唔到係赤柱呢種俾人睇波嘅餐廳會有d咁嘅服務質素, 呢30分鐘我得到嘅 service真係「無與倫比」。我好懷疑係咪華人d記錄好差, 所以喺呢間餐廳d人眼中不受歡迎, 覺得我地會睇完飲一杯就走?! 因為我見唔到其他室內飲緊野嘅枱受到咁嘅對待! 我亦懷疑係我時運高點解我見到咁多吉枱同無人排隊等位!
仲要好啦我地轉去bar枱, 都無人follow up點settle我地喺呢個已經full咗嘅地方! 受到咁嘅待遇我地都無謂喺呢個唔想招呼我地嘅餐廳食晚飯! 真係非常感謝你地嘅「招待」, 令我對2012年七人欖球賽有個咁「深刻」嘅印象!
呢個係我喺OPENRICE第一個POST, 我D朋友都覺得我應該喺度分享呢個經歷, 我希望我往後嘅POST係分享值得推薦, 好飲好食嘅餐廳。