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魚作 Gyotaku 是在中環云云眾多日本餐廳中用心落力地製作價錢合理,但與眾不同的午市Set Lunch, 為中環的上班一族提供富有水準的選擇,難怪餐廳長期Lunch Hour也滿座。餐廳的名字(Gyo-taku) 原文解作日本人以前把魚的形象用墨汁拓印到紙上的技法。餐廳地方雖然不大,但是落地玻璃令人感覺舒服,不會太侷促。餐廳的Set Lunch Menu勝在款式夠多,而且菜式也有特別增添新意。它的香滑焗三文魚定食 Baked Marinated Salmon ($130)非常出色,肉質嫩滑多汁,也真正帶出魚的鮮味,加上一點點辣味,真是一道值得推介的特別菜式。它的Set Lunch包了一客沙律,麵豉湯和一客芝麻布丁,也頗滿足,所以成為了C在中環其中最愛的餐廳。午餐也只是每人大概$150 到$200。Retooling the Japanese cuisine for busy week-day lunch hour is hardly a new idea. The word "Gyo-taku" originally means a traditional method of Ja
Retooling the Japanese cuisine for busy week-day lunch hour is hardly a new idea. The word "Gyo-taku" originally means a traditional method of Japanese fish printing and while Gyotaku may not display all the sparkle and creativity of this historical innovative way of recording different kinds of fish, the restaurant counters with a surprising willingness to explore the rich variety of Japanese dishes. Ever since working in Central, Gyotaku has been C's favourite lunch spot.