The food quality in this restaurant is fair, however, the management and routine is a hot mess. We made a reservation at 8:30 however we wait for a long time and got our table at around 9( I don’t understand why they had this reservation system if customers had to wait 30 minutes for a table). Not only that, the MOST disappointing thing was that I called them two days in advance and asked to pre-order a cake with a candle. However, they forgot about it and I had to gently whisper in the servers’
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The food quality in this restaurant is fair, however, the management and routine is a hot mess. We made a reservation at 8:30 however we wait for a long time and got our table at around 9( I don’t understand why they had this reservation system if customers had to wait 30 minutes for a table).

Not only that, the MOST disappointing thing was that I called them two days in advance and asked to pre-order a cake with a candle. However, they forgot about it and I had to gently whisper in the servers’ ear to remind them I had already pre-ordered a cake.

Guess what happened next? They just serve us the regular cake😅 and I had to remind them again by asking them to please give us a candle on the cake(surprise ruined). The worst is about to come….. they brought a new cake to the wrong table…😂😅 they served the cake and sing the song to the table right next to us🙄🙄

I do understand mistakes could happen, but for a valuable birthday celebration, this is the worse that could happen. We pay the money not only for the food but also for the experience. This is indeed the worse celebration dinner I have ever had. I felt like what I paid is not worth it at all! I could go to another less expensive Italian restaurant and get a higher quality experience than this🤬

食物質素雖然唔錯, 但餐廳運作混亂。 兩星期前已經訂位8:30pm, 最後差唔多9點先入座。

仲有最失望係特登食飯兩日前打電話去提前預約同朋友慶祝生日 ,希望蛋糕加個蠟燭 當時佢哋員工仲話冇問題已經幫你寫低咗, 點知去到最後佢哋完全唔記得咗 直接推甜品車。我細細聲提醒佢 我提前訂咗蛋糕 咁都唔緊要啦 點知直接上普通蛋糕! 我再三提醒 問佢地可以俾個蠟燭我 再等多陣先有位員工走埋嚟問係唔係兩日前打電話嚟要加蠟燭嗰位 😅

驚喜都冇咗 勁掃興 最離譜係 送新蛋糕嘅時候仲要送錯蛋糕去隔離枱 諗住影低唱生日歌嗰一刻啦 點知走咗去隔離枱 真係好turn off! 收費咁貴嘅餐廳影然可以咁甩樓⋯⋯⋯⋯ 我&我朋友嗰一刻好失望

(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
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