1-min walk from Exit A4, North Point MTR Station
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Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
🔥圍爐式既鐵板燒料理,真係有個炭爐架係中環以外既高質鐵板燒,叫左兩個商務虎蝦set, 合共食左五款海鮮… ☺️☺️😍😍見到啲隔離枱的鮑魚仲郁緊,都幾新鮮!有2個㕑師、2個waiters,都係小鮮肉💝💝而且有禮貌,服務周到!⭐️一開始食左個沙律同松葉蟹蒸蛋,真係有一絲絲同一舊舊既蟹肉🦀同埋滑捋捋嘅蒸蛋⭐️跟住就到稻草烤鏗魚,係呢到既Signature dish鰹魚配黑醋醬,白色係豆乳醬,好清新呀👍⭐️北海道凡立貝,綠色的是枝豆蓉👍😁好特別! ⭐️清酒煮蜆+ 香草醬,仲加左啲木魚碎煮同埋….. 愛 (師傅話㗎)🤣🤣💛⭐️大蝦🍤好大隻 而且煎得好靚 側邊有啲海苔 同埋蝦頭多膏😄😄⭐️鵝肝超大件,真係邪惡感十足又望到舔舔脷上面加左少少檸檬柚子鹽,減咗啲油膩感🍋😌而下面係萍果煎香加焦糖係面,食落口有多重享受🍎⭐️最後既主食係以綠色蕂椒醬食豚肉+ 以白色柚子mousse 食蔬菜,另外有岩盬😃豚肉入味 煎得唔錯而且食完豚肉仲有自家制紅酒蕎頭解油膩⭐️黑松露樱花蝦炒飯+面鼓湯⭐️⭐️另外我哋再嗌多咗個北海道南瓜馬糞海膽多士🍑🧡🧡見到個賣相已經流晒口水😆脆卜卜嘅多士上面有金鉑 海膽 南瓜蓉 😌😌大滿足!🇯🇵呢到係日式食材&🇫🇷法式擺盤,所以每個碟都好靚😃醬汁自已調配,不加奶或cream,清新又健康最後食埋開心果雪糕加開心果脆脆😄😀🌰
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近排經過北角見到新開左間鐵板燒店,同朋友都不約而同決定入去試試🤪本來想坐吧枱不過當晚都好多人預訂所以坐table,揀左貴少少嘅788set,款式都多而且份量唔細,最後都好飽好滿足🥰鐵板一人前 $788師傅烹調前會比客人睇下今日既食材講到😳✨先付沙律酸酸地好開胃,仲有藍莓添🫐✨菊志の茶碗蒸茶碗蒸滑溜細膩,松露香氣剛剛好,蟹肉絲量都多🦀✨高知炙烤鰹魚稻草燒鰹魚,黑蒜油醋酸酸地好開胃🐟鰹魚肉質好腍,另外豆乳醬汁就好Creamy幾夾🤣✨幸の海洋 二品鐵板燒帆立貝煎得表皮微焦,里面嘅貝肉則半生軟軟質感😋醬汁都有帶出帆立貝嘅鮮味清酒煮蜆湯底酒味頗濃,同時滲透淡淡的蜆香味,蜆肉大大粒非常鮮甜😍蜆鮮味十足✨虎蝦濃郁嘅龍蝦汁完美包裹住虎蝦🦐虎蝦肉質彈牙,汁雖濃香但唔會掩蓋住虎蝦嘅原味👍🏻更有種食緊龍蝦嘅感覺😛✨鐵板香煎鵝肝鵝肝外層質感脆口,裏面軟腍,非常厚身✌🏻油脂感好足,焦糖蘋果,甜甜地可以解膩🥹✨和牛薄燒 & 京の野菜和牛薄燒配茄子蓉,帶有微微焦香,配上蔥蒜嘅香氣蒜,蔥,和牛油脂融合🤩入口軟嫩,肉汁豐富。🍄🟫菇超級juicy,爆哂汁,好香野菌味😌南瓜同翠肉瓜既熟度剛剛好,唔會太硬✨菊志炒飯菊志櫻花蝦炒飯松露,蔥花,蘿蔔碎,櫻花蝦,蛋碎每樣item都食得出佢既味道🤝🏻而且粒粒分明,層次豐富,鹹香適中😎✨湯品麵豉湯✨甜品芝麻雪糕,果仁碎,幾有口感
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知道我朋友喜歡食日本菜,呢間位於北角馬寶道嘅日本鐵板燒人氣甚高,聽講平日每晚都幾乎滿座,所以今日特意帶她早點來試菜。今晚我哋叫咗兩個鐵板餐,每位$788,另外我朋友重開咗一支sake,呢支酒一啲都唔貴,而且好有米香味,絕對抵飲。➰先付Apetitizer雜菜沙律夠鮮嫰爽脆,配合陳醋和芝麻醬,胃口大開。➰ 茶碗蒸呢碗茶碗蒸夠晒熱辣辣,蛋羹上面鋪滿晒一條條嘅蟹肉絲,蟹肉夠鮮甜而且口感非常滑嫩。➰ 高知炙烤鰹魚用炙烤的方式使到鰹魚增添咗獨特嘅煙薰風味,而魚肉又能保持到細膩,配合埋黑蒜油和醋煮成嘅醬汁,口感夠曬清新。➰ 香煎帶子呢碟香煎帶子有兩款醬汁,一邊係枝豆醬,另一邊係羅勒醬,而帶子煎到外面微焦脆,而內部又能保持嫩滑嘅口感。➰ 虎蝦師傅用牛油把大虎蝦煎到好香口,而蝦肉夠晒鮮甜味美,醬汁方面就用咗牛油和蝦膏煮成,更能突顯蝦嘅鮮味。➰ 鐵板香煎鵝肝師傅把鵝肝煎到外焦里嫩,口感細膩,更用用上蘋果和焦糖做配菜,令到整個口感甜甜哋,更能中和鵝肝嘅膩感。➰ 和牛薄燒師傅把薄片和牛肉卷埋蔥再煎香,令到口感層次更豐富,味道夠香濃。➰清酒煮蜆湯清酒煮制更能凸顯蜆肉嘅鮮甜味,配合埋濃郁清酒嘅酒香,真係好好味。➰ 菊志炒飯呢個炒飯好多配料,包括有櫻花蝦、蔥粒、蛋等等,飯炒到好香口兼且夠乾身。➰ 甜品最後以香滑嘅芝麻雪糕作為呢次晚餐嘅終結。
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位於北角馬寶道嘅*三分熟.菊志*鐵板燒居酒屋🏮,地點相當方便,港鐵一出步行一分鐘時間已到。店鋪裝修日風簡樸,乾淨俐落。中庭是開放式廚房鐵板燒區,地方乾淨整齊。值得一讚,每道菜式廚師都精心擺盤,賞心悅目。鐵板晚餐一人前$598🥗沙律 - 新鮮沙律菜配搭微酸沙律醋,先打開胃口,為今晚美食打開序幕。🥢茶碗蒸 - 面層鋪滿一絲絲松葉蟹肉,滑蛋非常滑溜,配以蟹肉一併入口,增加鮮度及口感。🥢北海道帆立貝 - 外層燒得蕉香,入邊保持濕潤,肉質肥厚鮮甜,配以枝豆醬汁,清清爽爽,配搭唔錯。🥢南非鮑魚 - 南非鮑魚係珍貴鮑魚品種之一,鮑味濃郁鮮甜,肉質軟嫩腍滑,口感煙韌彈牙,配海苔醬感覺清新。🥢清酒煮蜆湯 - 蜆肉脹卜卜,略帶些小海水味道,非常新鮮鮮甜,蜆湯不但有鮮度,更帶有清酒清香。🥢鐵板燒鵝肝 - 上下面層燒得蕉香,入邊仍保持粉嫩絲滑,入口即蓉,鵝肝面層灑上青檸皮,配合蕉糖蘋果入口減去油膩感。🥢和牛薄燒 - 和牛薄燒作為今晚重頭戲,非常期待 ,3成熟,更能保持原味,入口即蓉嘅快感,油花充斥整個口腔,油花、蔥花、蒜香同時爆發,令味道更上一層😋,🥢櫻花蝦黑松露炒飯 - 炒得非常乾爽,令飯底粒粒分明,入口乾乾爽爽,滿鋪櫻花蝦令整個炒飯充滿鮮香,以炒飯作結尾,充滿飽腹感😋。🍦甜品係芝麻味雪糕,冰冰涼涼,清新番整個口腔,完美結尾。
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Terrible experience for $3000+/2ppl. Firstly, after picking the more expensive dinner set for valentines day, they gave us the other menu instead, and this went unnoticed until after 4 dishes already came. Luckily we noticed and let the staff know and they finally gave us the correct dishes. Second, for such a fine dining restaurant, we had to request the staff to refill our tea two times, even though they have been refilling other customers' tea throughout the night without needing to ask. The menu explicitly says $18 for tea WITH unlimited refills. They should be refilling our tea all night without having to ask twice for the price we are paying. Thirdly, each other customers were presented with a platter of food (in raw form) that will be cooked, for taking pictures and presentation's sake. However, the chef never presented this platter to us, isn't this a standard in most teppanyaki restaurants? Fourth, when we ordered at the start, my partner requested all fish items to be replaced with an alternative option (like goose liver). The waitress has clearly acknowledged this request and told us she will tell the chef. However, when the food came we both still received the fish liver dish, even though my partner requested for goose liver. We had to tell the staff about this to change the dish, they totally forgot about our request! Fifth, because of the menu mix up, they constantly forgot about the dishes we missed out on, such as the tofu soup and toro dish. Again, we had to remind them, never in a teppanyaki restaurant did I need to inform the staff numerous times for numerous issues!Lastly, the chef barely introduced the dishes that were given to us. For such price we are paying, shouldn't we be introduced to each food item? What it is, how to eat it the best way, what sauce it is, etc. I noticed the chef was introducing it to other customers but not us, perhaps the chef thought it was our fault they got our menu order wrong! For example, we had a dish of abalone that arrived but no one explained anything to us about this dish (even the waiter did not). The overall service was terrible in this restaurant, it ruined the whole experience for us (valentines day). Frankly one of the worst and most disappointing teppanyaki experience I had. For the price I am paying ($3000+), I expected much better than this. Even my last teppanyaki experience at 本命 in Causeway Bay was much much better, and for just HALF the price of this restaurant. I will not be coming back for sure!
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